Monday, September 30, 2019

Complex play Essay

The title of the play, ‘The Crucible’ is significant as a crucible is a pot in which metals are melted down in order to purify them. Miller is suggesting that the play is concerned by a purging by fire, a form of ‘cleansing’. This is a metaphor for spiritual improvements as the result of exposure to great strain. One of the central themes of the play is the spiritual development of John Proctor. It is a powerful and complex play. All of the action takes place indoors and it is very sombre, simplistic and it emphasises the lifestyle of the puritans and it echoes the chlaustrophobic atmosphere of the play. The play focuses on ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances. In the play Miller is discussing the forces of evil. In the attempt to stamp out evil there is certainly a degree of irony. The irony in this play is that evil and tragedy actually arises from the actions of the misguided and over zealous characters such as Danforth and Parris and to a certain extent Hale, who became responsible for deaths, misery and cruelty. Miller is suggesting that humans are vulnerable to evil and he aims to show that the evil generated in Salem was through a combination of circumstances for which no one person could be held wholly responsible but yet none were guilt free. Miller has said that it was Abigail’s role in the events of the play that awakened his interest in the whole story, however, his treatment of her is controlled although is not dispassionate in any way. She is a sensual adolescent and she is very flattered by Proctors attention to her while at the same time tries to disguise it. Abigail has many motives for causing the trouble that she does, one of which is her hostility towards Elizabeth, John Proctors wife, but this is by no means her only motive. A high spirited sense of mischief and the way which she controls her friends gives her enjoyment and is influential and although the point is not stressed, the violent nature of her parents deaths have unsettled her. Abigail’s actions are also intriguing, right from act 1 she is causing a stir in Salem, when Betty awakens and cries out, Abigail tries to bully and threaten them into keeping quiet, later in this act, when Tituba and Abigail are being interrogated, she starts calling out names of devil worshippers. In act 2 we find out more about Abigail’s relationship with the Proctors, they discuss revealing that Abigail is a fraud and reveal how she was thrown out when Elizabeth found out about her affair with John. The rag doll was also another plot by Abigail to cause more trouble, she uses it to show that Elizabeth practices witchcraft. So when the rag doll is discovered with a needle in it after Abigail stabs herself, it is a bad sign. The taking away of Elizabeth and the anger of John Proctor are all adverse affects of Abigail’s troublesome actions and Proctor decides to declare his adultery in court and to denounce Abigail’s lies, the consequences of this may be hard for him. Abigail also leads the accusations of witchcraft and by this point Elizabeth knows that Abigail probably name her in revenge for being dismissed and also to get John Proctor for herself. Cheever later arrives to clarify the fact that Elizabeth has been named, by Abigail. Francis Nurse tries to explain to the court that it is being deceived by Abigail and the other girls. In act 3 as Abigail acts entering a trance and the pitch of hysteria rises, Proctor has had enough and denounces Abigail as a whore, revealing his adultery and therefore jeopardising his integrity and honour. In act 4, Abigail and Mary Warren steal i 30, a very large amount at the time and run away, in order to avoid the revealing of them being frauds. Tituba is an interesting device used by Miller, she is mysterious, perhaps theatrical, and our lack of knowledge of her creates more mystery and intrigue, we know that she is a Barbadan slave for Reverend Parris who was taken from Barbados to come with them the Parris’s. This is useful to Miller, because Tituba does not need to have an identity, she is just used for a few themes, one is the dancing that occurs in the woods, instigated by Tituba, and later her confessions to dealings with the Devil.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Malaysian Court System

This consists of the High Court of Malaya, the High Court of Sabah & Sarawak, the Court of Appeal and the Federal Court. The Federal Court is the highest court of the land. High CourtsThe High Courts have general supervisory and revisionary jurisdiction over all the Subordinate Courts and hear appeals from the Subordinate Courts in civil and criminal matters. They hear matters relating to the validity or dissolution of marriage (divorce) and matrimonial causes, bankruptcy and companies winding up matters, guardianship or custody of children, grants probates of wills and letters of administration of deceased persons, injunctions, specific performance or rescissions of contracts, legitimacy of any persons and generally actions of which the claim exceeds RM250,000-00 (except motor vehicle accidents, landlord and tenant and distress). The High Courts have powers to hear all criminal matters. Court of AppealGenerally, the Court of Appeal hears all civil appeals against decisions of the High Courts except where against judgment or orders made by consent. In cases where the claim is less than RM250,000-00 or the judgment or order relates to costs only or against decisions of a judge in chambers on an interpleader summons on undisputed facts, leave of the Court of Appeal must first be obtained. The Court of Appeal also hears criminal appeals against decisions of the High Courts. Federal CourtAll civil appeals from the Court of Appeal are heard by the Federal Court only after leave is granted by the Federal Court. The Federal Court also hears criminal appeals from the Court of Appeal only in respect of matters heard by the High Court in its original jurisdiction. THE SUBORDINATE COURTS This consists of the Sessions Courts, the Magistrates' Courts and in West Malaysia the Penghulu's Courts. Penghulu's CourtsGenerally, the Penghulu's Courts hear civil matters of which the claim does not exceed RM50-00 and where the parties are persons of Asian race and speaking and understanding the Malay language. The Penghulu's Court’s criminal jurisdiction is limited to offences of a minor nature charged against a person of Asian race of which is specially enumerated in his â€Å"kuasa† which can be punished with a fine not exceeding RM25-00. Magistrates' CourtsThe Magistrates' Courts hear all civil matters of which the claim does not exceed RM25,000-00. Generally in criminal matters, the Magistrates' Courts have power to try all offences of which the maximum term of imprisonment does not exceed 10 years or which are punishable with fine only but may pass sentences not exceeding 5 years imprisonment, fine not exceeding RM10,000-00 and/or whipping up to 12 strokes. The Magistrates' Courts also hear appeals from the Penghulu's Courts. Sessions CourtsThe Sessions Courts hear all matters of which the claim exceeds RM25,000-00 but does not exceed RM250,000-00 except in matters relating to motor vehicle accidents, landlord and tenant and distress, where the Sessions Courts have unlimited jurisdiction. The Sessions Courts have powers to hear all criminal matters except for offences punishable with death and may pass any sentences allowed by law except the sentence of death. Small Claims Civil claims not exceeding RM5,000-00 where the party pursuing the claim is an individual (i. e. not a company or agent/assignee of debts) are brought before the Magistrates' Courts pursuant to the small claims procedure where legal representations are strictly prohibited. You may fill in the Form 164 (Summons and Statement of Claim) which is available upon request at the Subordinate Courts Building by following the instructions found on the Form. You may also consult a lawyer but you cannot be represented by him at the hearing.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Business Report - Essay Example This helps us to engross in a business scenario design and recommend substitute strategies ensuring a comprehensive market appraisal. Later in the document contains the endorsements for the modifications in the structure of the organization, bearing in mind the finest probable manner of handling the business collection and human possessions. An investigation is commenced with the financial assets and broad-spectrum corporation possessions as well as product expansion founded on the gaining of innovative understanding (Augustin, 2011). Consequently, the document recommends designing the impression of strategic alteration in operational administration, and scrutinizes any global plans for the firm. Precisely, this analysis offers in depth strategic SWOT analysis of the corporation’s businesses and operations. The firm’s explanation delivers a perfect and impartial opinion of the company’s key strengths and weaknesses and the prospective opportunities and threats. T his will aid to express strategies that supplement the trade by allowing you to comprehend their followers, patrons and competitors better. Introduction Sainsbury was established in 1869 and nowadays functioning in over 1,106 hypermarkets and suitability stores. The company has around 157,000 employees in all over the World. The slogan of the company is that we (the company) place our clients at the heart of the whole thing we fix and have devoted in their stores, their contemporaries and their channels to distribute the greatest likely shopping experience. Their resilient philosophy and values are the part of their uniqueness and essential to their success (Rowley, 2003). Core values The core values of the company are given as: Accomplishment improved every day – the company emphasizes on enlightening its facilities. Countless services drive sales, however, there is a condition that better provision is pointing to higher sales. Discrete accountability team delivery even thou gh teamwork is invigorated, right a distinct in the firm has accountability in the conference service standards. Retain it modest, humble and well-organized services are obtainable (j–Sainsbury, 2013). Admiration for the discrete employee – each discrete worker within the company is appreciated for his extravagance services. The income of the business is intended for dissemination and improvement of the corporation (Yong, James, Kevin, and Donna, 2011,). Strategy The values of the J Sainsbury are the section of their extended term strategy of development. The company is ready to review and reinforce their strategy, in order to create a decent business sense and provision of an actual competitive benefit (Wrigley, 2000). Business Performance The J Sainsbury has had one more efficacious year, outdoing the flea market in what residue a hard trading atmosphere. Their segment of the grocery shop is the uppermost for an era at 16.8% and they are at the moment the UK’s second major grocer ensuing 35 uninterrupted quarters of like for like sales progress. We endure to aid customers Live Well for Less and stared like for like auctions up 1.45 for the 28 weeks up to 28 the September 2013 (Francis, 2011). Business case The J Sainsbury recognizes as true as their values and their 20 x 20 sustainability obligations play an immense part in their accomplishment. They deliver opportunities for the employees to discriminate themselves with client, dealers,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Heuristics and Bias (DB) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Heuristics and Bias (DB) - Essay Example Similarly, the succeeding activities demonstrated the same kind of analysis required to come yup with the most rational-correct-response to the exercise. In the string exercise (Activity #2), this depth of understanding of how reasoning works is once again shown. Looking at the way the Xs and Os were arranged, it became evident that Option 1 makes more sense because it provides an equal chance for the Xs and Os to assume an arrangement adopted by the initial arrangement of Xs and Os. The randomness of order of the two letters in the second option may seem to indicate a more random and more probable ordering of the Xs and Os. However, this randomness has no order nor logic; if, looking at the two sets of strings by themselves, the first option has more order and logic rather than the second set of letter string. Again, like the first activity in the set of exercises, the second activity challenges the individual to think within the given information of the problem. In this particular exercise, individuals are to think within this set of information. While in some way it constrains the individual to think within the given information, this is only logical and reasonable since the answer to these exercises lies within the information provided.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Nonprofit Discussion Questions 1-4 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nonprofit Discussion Questions 1-4 - Coursework Example guiding principles which call for avoiding concentration of powers in the hands certain board members and call it be teamwork with neither management being too powerful. This has been criticized in certain place sayings that with this model the board members are only limited to the policy making and formulation rather than the implementations. The nonprofit organization since based on charity and other funding or donations tend to be dependent on the volunteers. If we want our volunteering force to be very active and be there to work with full dedication and interest we must provide them certain incentives to keep them going .Acknowledge being the very basic we may give them some token of appreciation that will also lead to interest for other workers since they would also wont to have that reward. Other benefits may include provision of free services in certain spheres or free food and clothes. What I reached the conclusion after having a detailed discussion was that when we hire people we must beforehand inform them about the structure so that they can have an idea if they work with such load and environment or not. Further the members must learned down to earth have no interest in material gains and would work with full dedication keeping the whole firm as one unit. It is definitely very essential to know the position of the nonprofit in the lifecycle to have a full comprehension of the leadership and the governance. In the lifecycle of an organization basically gives us the basic know how of the firm and hierarchy which in turn gives us the idea of the governance and the board members. Have good relation with the competing organizations and have friendly atmosphere within the organization. It helps us in adopting a model of governance that is suitable for the present conditions and the effective board members and meetings. When we come to links with external sources as nonprofit organization we can take up the following exemplary cases. USAID partnership

Discuss the Definition and the source of christian theology , and how Essay - 1

Discuss the Definition and the source of christian theology , and how is systematic theology related to biblical theology and christian ethics - Essay Example Systematic theology’s exact beginnings are uncertain although Origen’s work, On First Principles, during the third century Greek Church, is one of the earliest works on it (Fiorenza, 2011, p.7). Systematic theology has continued to develop since this time, although it also has become the product of criticisms because of its ambiguous definitions, components and directions, among other reasons (Healy, 2009, p.25). This paper describes the definitions and elements of systematic theology, compares it with other branches of theology, discusses its effects on Christian ethics, explores its interrelationship of different doctrines, and understands how it can be applied through the decision-making process of believers. Theologians do not agree on an exact definition of systematic theology because of a number of reasons, such as shifting approaches to theology across time (Williams, 2006, p.199) and differences in perceptions of the importance of â€Å"systematic† as a biblical discipline (Healy, 2009, p.25), so the paper provides its definitions to show its scope and dynamic characteristics. Before defining â€Å"systematic theology,† this paper defines â€Å"theology† first. Theology basically pertains to the â€Å"the study or science of God† (Erickson, 1998, p.22). This definition is too simplistic, however, because God’s works and His relationship with His believers are also subjects of theology (Erickson, 1998, p.22). A comprehensive definition of theology is it is a: ..discipline which strives to give a coherent statement of the doctrines of the Christian faith, based primarily on the Scriptures, placed in the context of culture in general, worded in a contemporary idiom, and related to issues of life. (Erickson, 1998, p.22) The next to be discussed are the different meanings of systematic theology. Enns (2008) uses

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Assignment on Politics (major constitutional changes) Essay

Assignment on Politics (major constitutional changes) - Essay Example After 2010 elections, the government became the first formal coalition since the second world war. The Coalition has been made between Liberal Democrats and The Conservatives. Both parties now have the same plan for the government as they give promises about solving different issues in the UK. As such many new reforms have been proposed and implemented in this new political environment. This essay will discuss the political changes that have been presented by the new coalition government. One of these changes is tax changes. According to this change is "the most radical for a decade", and it affects everyone whether they are rich, poor, unemployed or employed. People think that the policy of increasing the tax-free personal allowance to 10,000 GBP is too much, but this policy allows an individual to keep more of his income before tax, and decrease the need to the government money.... Within these changes perhaps the largest is the introduction of a Freedom Bill. This bill does away with, â€Å"ID cards, the National Identity register and the ContactPoint database, and halt the next generation of biometric passports† (â€Å"Policy-by-policy: The Coaltiion,† 2010). Still, a growing number of critics have noted that the coalition government has not gone far enough in establishing civil liberty reforms. It’s noted that, â€Å"the people with the passion, audacity and sacrifice who set the Freedom Bill in motion are being sidelined† (â€Å"The coalition government,† 2011). Another civil rights aspect is the implementation of consumer protection measures. This included banning excessive interest rates on credit cards and placing a seven-day wait period for store cards. Furthermore, credit card companies will need to provide better information to consumers and put it in electronic format so they can figure out if they are getting the b est deal. A large amount of consideration has also been given to local and community government change. In these regards they have proposed a freeze council tax in England for an indefinite period. They also are trying to have mayors elected directly from the 12 largest English cities. They also are trying to stop the general restructure of councils throughout many parts of Great Britain. Local and community crime is another major area of concern. Health and safety laws and being amended through ‘common sense policing’. Greater levels of transparency are also being developed in terms of crime and policing. For instance, local police agencies are now being required to publish statistics about crime and crime rates every month. New attention has also been given to

Monday, September 23, 2019

Computer Questions Final Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Computer Questions Final - Assignment Example In use since the late 1960's, it is a popular choice for airline tickets, photo developing envelopes and internal warehouse systems. Bar code scanners are manufactured to read the imprinted bar code where as mark sensors are designed to read mechanically or manually read items passed by their scanners. They can be fixed at any location. It makes the most sense to think of bandwidth in terms of a rive Bluetooth wireless technology uses adaptive frequency hopping as its form of the maximum possible rate of data transfer under optimal conditions access point to transfer information to one another, as well as receive internet signal. A polynomial code can detect any error burst of length less than or equal to. Usually the actual serial binary data to be transmitted over the cable are not channel is the theoretical maximum information transfer rate of the channel. Transmission errors increase and S/N ratio decreases. As the 'true' signal power decreases the receiver has greater difficulty separating it from 'false' signal elements (i.e., noise and distortion) and thus makes more interpretation errors. An amplifier increases the power of whatever is present at its input. A repeater listens to its input, interprets its data content, and generates a new outgoing signal of equivalent data content. Amplifiers are simpler but amplify noise and distortion in their input signal. Repeaters are more complex, but generate a 'clean' output signal. 12. What are the advantages of wireless transmission using RF waves as compared to infrared waves Wireless transmission allows the information to transfer without any cable or wire. It boost up the speed of information to be transferred. 13. Describe the relationship between Type I and Type II errors Type I (): reject the null-hypothesis when the null-hypothesis is true, and Type II (): fail to reject the null-h

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Al-Qaeda in Southeast Asia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Al-Qaeda in Southeast Asia - Essay Example Consistent with this fact, the term ‘Al Qaeda’ was not Christened by Osama bin Laden; rather, it was the United States intelligence agency CIA that referred to the Islamic activists led by bin Laden in this manner in the mid-1990s. Al Qaeda, translated from Arabic, literally means a â€Å"foundation or precept’. The term Jemaah Islamiyah, a terrorist outfit that has its roots in Southeast Asia is translatable into â€Å"Islamic community† (Shuja, 2006, p.447). Hence, the employment of terrorism is not an intrinsic aspect of these organizations. Terrorism is only a tactic that was adopted during the last decade or so, but there is nothing inevitable about it. This fact should be kept in mind by Australian security agencies, while drawing awareness campaigns and security measures, for far too often western intelligence tends to portray these Islamic groups to indulge in terrorist activities for terror’s sake. This is not true. The Jihadists’ ob jective is to defend their faith and their way of life, which they feel is threatened by the western cultural and military interventions in the Islamic world (and there is sufficient proof to support this assertion). To understand how Al Qaeda gained support in Southeast Asia, it is important to gain cognisance of its founding principle, i.e. Al Qaeda was founded on universal Islamic precepts of jihad and brotherhood. And the present wave of Islamic revivalism and the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in Southeast Asia originated during the 1970s.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Colonization of Brazil Essay Example for Free

Colonization of Brazil Essay In 1549, the Captaincy Colonies of Brazil were united into the Governorate General of Brazil, where they were provincial captaincies of Brazil; Luà ­s Teixeira, 1574. Main article: Colonial Brazil Explorer Pedro à lvares Cabral landed on April 22, 1500 in what is today Porto Seguro, Brazil. Permanent habitation did not begin until Sà £o Vicente was founded in 1532, although temporary trading posts were established earlier to collect brazilwood, used as a dye. From 1534 to 1536, 15 Captaincy colonies were created in Portuguese America. The captaincies were autonomous, and mostly private, colonies of the Portuguese Empire, each owned and run by a Captain-major. In 1549, due to their failure and limited success, the Captaincy Colonies of Brazil were united into the Governorate General of Brazil. The captaincy colonies were reorganized as provincial districts to the Governorate. The captaincies continued to be ruled by their hereditary captain-majors but they now reported to the Governor-General of Brazil. The new system was implemented so that Portuguese America could be managed correctly and provide a steady and wealthy income for the Portuguese Empire. The capital of the new governorate established its capital at Sà £o Salvador and the first Jesuits arrived the same year. With permanent settlement came the establishment of the sugar cane industry and its intensive labor demands which were met with Native and later African slaves. From 1565 through 1567, Mem de Sà ¡, the third Governor General of Brazil, successfully destroyed a ten year-old French colony called France Antarctique, at Guanabara Bay. He and his nephew, Està ¡cio de Sà ¡, then founded the city of Rio de Janeiro on March 1567. In 1621, Philip II of Portugal divided the Governorate General of Brazil into two separate and autonomous colonies, the State of Maranhà £o and the State of Brazil. Regarding this period it is preferable to refer to Portuguese America rather than Portuguese Brazil or Colonial Brazil, as the states were two separate colonies, each with their own governor general and government. Between 1630 and 1654, the Netherlands came to control part of Brazils Northeast region, with their capital in Recife. The Portuguese won a significant victory in the Second Battle of Guararapes in 1649. By 1654, the Netherlands had surrendered and returned control of all Brazilian land to the Portuguese. In 1751, the State of Maranhà £o was restructured into State of Grà £o-Parà ¡ and Maranhà £o, with a new capital and government. In 1772, the State of Grà £o-Parà ¡ and Maranhà £o was split into two new states, the State of Grà £o-Parà ¡ and Rio Negro and the State of Maranhà £o and Piauà ­. The new states would fair poorly and only last 3 years. In 1775, the three colonies of Portuguese America (the State of Brazil, the State of Maranhà £o and Piauà ­, and the State of Grà £o-Parà ¡ and Rio Negro) were united into a singular colony, under the State of Brazil. This arrangement would last until the end of Colonial Brazil. As a result, Brazil did not split into several countries, as happened to its Spanish-speaking neighbors.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Hippie Movement, a Counterculture

The Hippie Movement, a Counterculture Carlee Campuzano A counterculture, as described by sociologists across the world, consists of a group that does not follow and/or rejects the simplest norms, values, and practices of the larger society and replaces them with their own. Countercultures can be controversial or just plain weird to members of society, but they have individual purposes that gave them significance at that time and even today. In the 1960s, the prominent Hippie Movement arose and sparked interest all over the United States through their rejection of cultural norms and values concerning dress, hairstyle, work, and raising children (Thomas). Make love not war, the hippies emphasized. This saying along with others summarizes the beliefs and motives of the Hippie Movement of the 1960s and 1970s. Influencing law, politics, and everyday life, hippies did not care what others thought of them in the slightest (The Hippie Movement). They lived happily while supporting political causes that they found best for the happiness and health of the people of our nation. Outside of political thinking, hippies had views of sex, drugs, and rock n roll that countered the popular cultural influences during the 60s. No hippie was the same as another, and their individualism contributed to the way they felt vibes or energies, and focused on liberty and self-expression (Issitt). Flowers, peace signs, bright colors, tie-dye, ripped jeans, and long hair and facial hair for men became the perceptible fashion for hippies as they wandered outside of the social norm (The Hippie Movement). Culture began to change in America during the post-World War II era, and once the Vietnam War began, hippies spoke out and became famous through their peaceful protests to bring the troops home. Historians pinpoint their locations of origin as mainly the Haight-Ashbury part of San Francisco, California, and the East Village of New York City (The Hippie Movement). Eventually the hippies gathered in small villages or areas of their own, and in 1965, the first hippie commune was established in the outskirts of Trinidad, Colorado entitled Drop City (Issitt). Among the first hippies, Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters in California and Oregon contributed to the counterculture, taking long road trips in colorful school buses, growing their hair long, wearing bizarre fashions, and taking the drug LSD, which was legal at this time (Cogswell). Smoking marijuana was also an important part of hippie culture, for they sought a life free of stress. Because of the youthful age of the hippies durin g their derivation, parents feared that their children would want to drop out of school and join the movement, desiring to take their own path of self-discovery (The Hippie Movement). The hippies reached their peak in historical significance during the summer of 1967, which history refers to as the Summer of Love. During this summer in San Francisco and numerous other cities across America, Canada, and Europe, hundreds of thousands of hippies gathered to express their value of free love. Here, their well-known nickname of the flower children surfaced. In 1969, the Woodstock Festival in New York marked another milestone for hippies, where they embraced music and peace. Jimi Hendrixs distinguished performance of the Star-Spangled Banner at this festival signified the political aspirations of the Hippie Movement: to reconsider general society and its impact on the people (Cogswell). Coverage of these events by the press led to a growth in the movement, but not for long. After the exultant time for hippies of the 60s, and after the Vietnam War concluded, their counterculture slowly declined due to crime, drug addiction, and maturing (Perera). The Hippie Movements ideo logy did not completely diminish because of the middle school and high school students during the 60s, who in the 70s and later decades continued aspects of hippie culture (Issitt). Elements of the Hippie Movement do still appear today in the 2000s, however, they are just not as controversial or odd as they were during their time of emergence. Developing a sociological perspective allows one to view the behavior of groups in a systematic way, and a sociological imagination gives one the ability to see the connection between the larger world and personal lives (Thomas). The hippie counterculture caught the eye of people all over the country as their cause spread, and soon enough philosophers, writers, musicians, activists, politicians, and the nations youth gathered inspiration from them. Hippies nearly invented the political stance of liberal, socially supporting a sexual revolution and feminism. During the decades of the counterculture, immense social conflict occurred within the United States; although political activism was not the main focus of the hippies, they brought attention to the wrongs of some conflicts, such as the Vietnam War, the civil rights struggle, the Cold War, and the nuclear disarmament movement. They also stood against government laws that banned recreational drugs. The peace symbol, which many Ameri cans know and love today, made its first appearance during the hippie era to symbolize nonviolence. Overall, the Hippie Movement impacted the entire world in the way that it strived for things uncommon in the American culture at the time, causing America to increase its introduction of international culture (Issitt). Ethnocentrism, or the tendency to view ones own culture as superior to all other cultures, definitely surfaced during the decades of the Hippie Movement (Thomas). Americans, especially those who were most patriotic, looked at hippies as inferior, weirdos, and a definite counterculture. Hippies celebrated any activity that brings pleasure, such as drugs, music, and sex, and the larger society viewed this aspect of their movement as provocative. The liberal hippies were living inside of a larger culture that they felt was dominated by conservative values and materialism. During the 60s, Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement angered some members of society, and the way in which hippies supported individual rights and freedoms arose similar feelings. Focusing on a pleasant society and cooperation as the peaceful pursuit of ones happiness, hippies were viewed as chaotic. The group is specifically depicted as a counterculture because of their emphasis on changes in major cu ltural stereotypes. Sex, for example, was looked at as a form of self-expression, passion, and love rather than something that should remain within marriages, a norm of this time period. Additionally, few Americans had concern for the environment in the early 60s, so the hippies environmentalism shed new light on a rising movement (Issitt). The hippies did not possess ethnocentrism as Americans did, for they viewed everyone as equal. Cultural relativism defines as the belief that cultures should be judged by their own standards (Thomas). Average Americans completely judged and criticized the hippies, looking at their movement as indiscriminate, unhygienic, and irresponsible. In a society where equality for women was not generally accepted, the hippie women leaving their homes to join the movement brought them the risk of severe judgement of others. Americans must have understood that the hippies acted the way that they did for a reason; they desired to express themselves and to rid their lives of negative energy. Sociologists refer to the behavior of the hippies as deviant behavior, which means they surely act opposite of the norm (Issitt). They did so because of their desire to alternate the demanding, negative aspects of American society. The Hippie Movement, although controversial at that time, appeals to me in the way that hippies supported peace and individualism, as do I. Apart from the drugs and crime, I admire the outlook on life in which the hippies braced; they sought stress-free lives where negativity is marginalized. They mainly focused on love, and I believe everyone should incorporate aspects of hippie ideology into their lives. They envisioned a world of cooperation and sharing where everyone spreads love to one another, and their pure love for the world inspires me to do the same. Their spirituality was the opposite of self-centered, which a majority of Americans had at the time and still do. Hippies were the ultimate model for the term counterculture, as a majority of sociologists would agree, and their movement overall served significantly to the world and sociology all together. References Cogswell, Ned. The History of the Hippie Cultural Movement. 16 November 2016. Culture Trip. Web. 7 March 2017. Issitt, Micah L. Hippies: A Guide to and American Subculture. Santa Barbara: Greenwood Press, 2009. Text. Perera, Thivanka . Why the Hippie Movement Declined . 29 September 2016. Culture Trip. Web. 7 March 2017. The Hippie Movement. n.d. Web. 2 March 2017. Thomas, W. LaVerne. Sociology. Austin: Holt, Rinehart and Winston , 2003. Text.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Jane Lewsi Case study Essay -- essays research papers

The Situational Leadership Model and the Jeanne Simmons Case Introduction: The Situational Leadership Model   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The situational leadership model is based on certain assumptions. One of these assumptions is that there are different levels (or situations) in which a leadership style is played out. In the same way that there are four different levels of readiness on the part of staff or â€Å"followers†, there are also four leadership styles. On the whole it is the level that the followers are to be found that is most important element in the equation when a leadership style is seen to be to be the appropriate style and is chosen from among four possible styles. According to this idea leaders can choose to lead in any one of four styles and within that style can operate through directive behavior (strong leadership) or supportive behavior (employee developing leadership). The four levels of â€Å"followership† can be listed and annotated as follows: D1  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Low competence / high commitment D2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some competence /low commitment D3  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  High competence / variable commitment D4  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  High competence /high commitment The essence of the situational leadership idea is that each different â€Å"situation† of employee readiness to follow calls for a different type of leadership. For example, if we are talking about a Walmart â€Å"associate† training class we might be talking a...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos :: Argument

Strength of Argument: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos bell hooks’s essay, "Keeping Close to Home", uses three important components of argument (ethos, pathos, and logos) to support her claim. hooks develops her essay by establishing credibility with her audience, appealing to the reader’s logic, and stirring their emotions. She questions the role a university should play in the life of a nation, claiming that higher education should not tear a student away from his roots, but help him to build an education upon his background. bell hooks gains the trust and credibility of readers through knowledge of the topic at hand, establishing common ground with the audience, and demonstrating fairness. Ethos is the distinguishing moral character of a writer that instills faith in the audience. bell hooks is a well respected writer and teacher known for her strong opinion and academic background. She establishes her credentials through her personal struggles with the university system and her efforts to maintain her own individuality and background. The reader gains respect for hooks as she courageously resists the pressure to adapt to her new academic life. For` example she says, "It [is] my responsibility to formulate a way of being that [will] allow me to participate fully in my new environment while integrating and maintaining aspects of the old" (hooks 92). bell hooks writes not only to help others find strength to hold on to their pasts, but for her own resistance as well. Her audience is assured by her motives to educate and inform. Whereas hooks’s personal experience srenghtens her ethos, a certain rigidity used in addressing the audience simultaneously weakens her credibilty. For example, hooks’s tendency to label academics and groups unlike herself pushes the reader to see her as self-righteous. She separates people into classes of those she percieves as right and those she sees as wrong. Thus, she creates a smaller audience of readers and weakens her message. This tendency causes her argument to sound one-sided and prevents a formation of common ground. hooks’s efforts to help others preserve the background that "enable[s] one’s self development in the present, that sustain[s] and support[s], that enrich[s]" however, prevents her voice and opinions from being ignored (91). bell hooks’s use of logical evidence is not as strong as her ethos. With the aid of facts and studies, an author’s

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Euthanasia Should Be A Legal Option Essay -- Euthanasia Essays

Euthanasia is a controversial subject, not only because there are many different moral dilemmas associated with it, but also in what constitutes its definition. At the extreme ends of disagreement, advocates say euthanasia, also known as physician aid in dying, is a good or merciful death. Opponents of euthanasia say it's a fancy word for murder. There are reasons that would make a person lean toward the side of euthanasia, and there are also reasons that would turn someone away from euthanasia. The arguments against euthanasia include the church's view on the topic of suicide. The arguments in favor of euthanasia include the patients wish to have dignity. However, regardless of the patients wishes, suicide is against the law. If a person has a living will, it would allow the doctors to lawfully end any life preserving treatment. Without a living will this cannot be done. The decision to allow a patient to end his or her life is clearly not an easy one. The courts feel that unless there is a living will to state what the patient would want to be done, the authorities must try to save the patient. The law does not require that everything must be done to keep a patient alive. Some people feel that keeping a patient alive against his or her wishes is not only cruel and inhumane, but it is also contrary to law and practic e. However, for centuries now, physicians in training have been taking the ?Hippocratic Oath?. This oath is taken from the Greek physician Hypocrites who lived thousands of years ago. The ?Hippocratic Oath? imposes on two duties: to prolong life, and relieve suffering. The problems come about because these two duties are often in conflict. The question most of the time is to decide when prol... ...y four hours a day, and I knew my illness was incurable, I would probably want to put an end to that suffering. I would not want my family and loved ones around see me suffer. Also, I would want to die with as much dignity as possible. But then again, I am not in that situation, so I am not positive that is what I would want to do, you just have to be in the situation to make the best possible decision. Bibliography: 1. Friedman,Emily. Ethics Issues For Health Care Professionals. Baskerville: American Hospital Publishing, 1986. 2. Maguire,Daniel. Death By Choice. Garden City: Doubleday & Company,1984. 3. Reich,Warren. Quality Of Life. New York: Paulist Press, 1990. 4. Brody,Baruch. Life And Death Decision Making. New York: Oxford University Press,1988. 5. Chapman,Carleton. Physicians,Law,& Ethics. New York: New York University Press,1984.

History of Shakeys Essay

Shakey’s Pizza was founded in Sacramento, California, on April 30, 1954, by Sherwood â€Å"Shakey† Johnson and Ed Plummer. Johnson’s nickname resulted from nerve damage following a bout of malaria suffered during World War II. The parlor opened on the first weekend, but since the pizza ovens were not yet completed, only beer was served and Shakey took the profits from beer sales and bought ingredients for pizza the following Monday. Shakey personally played dixieland jazz piano to entertain patrons. Shakey’s initially became known outside Sacramento, not for its pizza, but for the jazz program it sponsored on a regional radio network. Shakey Johnson is honored in the American Banjo Museum in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, for his longtime use of banjo music at his pizza parlors. Other live music, including piano, was also a staple in the old Shakey’s parlors. The original store (a remodeled grocery store) at 57th and J Streets in Sacramento remained in bu siness until the mid 1990s. Expansion The second Shakey’s Pizza Parlor opened in Portland, Oregon, in 1956. Shakey’s opened their third parlor in Albany, Oregon, in 1959, which was the first building Shakey’s actually owned and the first building to be built in the distinct building style for which Shakey’s is known. It now operates as a used bookstore. According to Johnson, Shakey’s Pizza engaged in little market research and made most of its decisions on where to locate stores by going where Kinney Shoes opened stores. By the time Johnson sold his interest in 1967, there were 272 Shakey’s Pizza Parlors in the United States. The first international store opened in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, in 1968. By 1975, the company had expanded to the Pacific Rim, including Japan and the Philippines. There are now more branches in the Philippines (then under San Miguel Corporation) than in the United States. Sale to Colorado Milling Shakey Johnson sold his half of the company for $3 million to Colorado Milling and Elevator in 1967, which acquired Plummer’s half for $9 million the next year. Second sale Shakey’s was again sold, this time to Hunt International Resources in 1974. Two franchisees bought the chain in 1984 and they sold out to Inno-Pacific Holdings of Singapore in 1989. Most of the U. S. stores closed during the time Inno-Pacific owned the chain. Some of the remaining franchisees took Inno-Pacific to court in 2003. Before this could come to trial, Shakey’s was sold to Jacmar Companies of Alhambra, California, in 2004. Jacmar had been the franchisee of 19 Shakey’s restaurants. At the time Hunt International bought Shakey’s in 1974, the restaurant chain had approximately 500 stores throughout the United States, including a store as far east as Cockeysville, Maryland. As of 2008, there were 63 stores total, with 55 of them in California. As of June 4, 2011, there are 58 Shakey’s restaurants in the US. 51 are located in California, the remainder are located in Auburn, Alabama; Nogales, Arizona; Warner Robins, Georgia; Waipahu, Hawaii; American Fork, Utah; Renton, Washington; and Spokane, Washington. Shakey’s has begun to open new franchises in new and existing territories. The most recent Shakey’s opened was in American Fork, Utah, with a buffet available open to close. Shakey’s in Iowa, Illinois and Northwest Indiana also featured an all day buffet in the 80’s. Other locations typically offer a weekday lunchtime buffet only.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Business Management of Bama Company Essay

This paper is a summary of Bama’s business management. It primarily discusses the strategy planning of the company and subsequently the strategy deployment. In the strategy planning of Bama, the predominant aim is to go into the range of improvement approaches and practice for personnel in terms of their way in to the attribute and situation of the environmental foundation of the company. The more precise purposes are to differentiate various plans and procedures of progression, delve into the effects for individuals in terms of the ideas of approaches to the different settings, and environmental exposure. A means of perpetuating it, as a result, entail another progression, valuing fairness over cost-effective expansion and involvement over influential organization. Additionally, novel and innovative spaces of advancement analysis, fundamental growth concepts, and restructuring progression are summed up. From the strategic market planning incorporated in Bama, the company may come up with good relationship marketing study. Consumer examination responds to principal inquiries concerning every definite item for consumption or service offered in the market. Crucial contender investigation and Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT) analysis may be applied. By this SWOT study, it characterizes the classification and taking the full advantage of the strengths, curtailing the weaknesses, making the most out of opportunities, and offsetting the threats (Dev & Schultz 12). The yield of Bama’s company examination will help its various business ventures in forming relationship marketing ideas and purposes. On the other hand, in the strategy deployment, the actual use and operation from the strategic planning are applied. The advantages of this strategy deployment consist of an evaluation of the actual business practices of Bama, a recognized consumer base, and constant help with foundation actions like selling and procurement. In employer-employee relationships, companies like Bama is well-planned to recognize and execute new and inventive means to get rid of the leadership disparity between the recent actualities and the leadership required to accomplish the emergent vision. Closing that disparity will entail leaders in the workplace to uphold the commitment, vigor, and guts and cultivate the knowledge expertise and aptitudes necessary to tackle the complications in the recent time. Another is to stimulate the professional side concerning the constant learning and enhancing the essential knowledge to handle successfully and to set up managerial principles and new functional configurations with dedication of energy and resources to build up productive, synergistic relations with the members of the company or enterprise. On the other hand, it is necessary from time to time to move back, obtain a slight point of view, and carry out certain critical performance of strategy. The wide-ranging range of tactical arrangement takes in each and every item for consumption or service that a venture of the company presents every single market they serve both interior and external variables, and manufacturing, research, pecuniary elements, and other managerial fundamentals required for success.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Family in Transition Essay

The study of the family faces various difficulties. The difficulties essentially arise from the changing forms of families in the United States in the modern times. The legalization of same sex marriages in the society is one of the sources of definition problem in the recent past. People get it hard to call the union of people of the same sex family since the union may not fulfill the roles of a family such as siring children. Another problem has arisen from the internal shift from a case where the father used to be the leader of the family to such family setups like single motherhood and single fatherhood. (b). The Traditional Family In the United States over the years the traditional family was comprised of the father mother and children. The father was the head of the family whereby he provided for the family by working in the public space. The mother was subservient to the father and her duties were restricted to the domestic space (Skolnick & Skolnick, 2008, p6). Over the past hundred years changes have occurred to the traditional family. The changes have been influenced by the industrialization that led to work for women and also by the changing of psychological orientation of the people in the country. The realization of women’s ability to perform in the workplace that was initially the province of men has made women ask for more equality with men in those areas where they were initially oppressed. With hard economic realities children have to study hard in order to be successful in the future, hence Children are occupied in education for most of their days and are absent from the family most of the time. They have changed from being domestic workers alongside their mothers as the society has shifted to education for survival. (c). Several Myths Regarding The Family Exist In The Contemporary World. Skolnick & Skolnick (2008, p5) writes that four myths about the family exist. The first is the universality myth. This myth holds that families are the same all over the world. This myth has been promulgated by anthropologists who seek a universal definition of the family. However this myth is not truth because different cultures have differing constitutions of the family. For instance there are incidences of monogamy and polygamy. The myth of universality is thought to be influenced by the notion of taking nuclear monogamous family as the ideal. It is however not fair to subscribe to this myth as different families have different member construction. The myth of harmony is another notion that has been used when referring to the family. There has been a long history of seeing families as either happy or unhappy, or normal and abnormal. This myth has however been proven as false since the family may have many problems that are kept secret by the members of the family. It is common for families that are seen as normal by the society to have domestic violence going on. This myth has the effect of making people oblivious of the real situations that families go through. Another myth is the myth of parental determinism. This myth tries to take the responsibility for functional family from the family members by laying the blame on the way one was brought up. This myth does not stand in the face of studies that have come out with conclusion that a child’s behavior is not totally dependent on what their parents or the society teaches them. The study informs that people’s behaviors are influenced by their own thinking and temperaments and characteristics. The myth of a stable past holds that there was a golden era of the family whereby members of the family existed with minimum or no conflict. This myth claims that evils that dog the family in the modern times were not existent in the old times. However, no evidence has been adduced to support this myth. Any attempt to give evidence reveals how past generations were afflicted by social ills such as premarital sex, infanticide and illegitimate children. 2. Conservatives, Liberals and Feminists views on the â€Å"Decline of the Family† The family in the USA has been facing several problems in the modern times. According to conservatives, symptoms of the decline of the family have been seen in the increased number of single parents, reduction of births, increase in gay and lesbian relations, couples refraining from getting children in marriage, divorces, female spouses’ economic independence in marriages, divorces among others (Skolnick & Skolnick, 2008). Liberals don’t see this as the signs of decline but rather as the signs of welcome change in the way people perceive the family. Feminists, who have for long pressed for the release of the woman from her traditionally imposed roles in the family, sees the developments that enhance the freedom of women in marriages such as economic independence or even divorce as welcome developments. For liberals who advocate for the societies breaking away from old traditions the apparent changes in the family today are welcome. They argue that these developments are a source of more liberty to the family members as they help make an environment for the home that is new. Liberals place a premium on the capacity of the family to create happiness for its members and they hold that the happiness results from the realization of individual family members desires. The result is a rather flexible definition of the family whereby people get to have diversity of what can be called families and also family values. In the circles of liberals these developments are transitional and are essentially progressive hence they should be embraced. They are said to lead to a better society. Conservatives views on the modern changes of the family are directly opposite to those of the liberals. The conservatives see them as the signs of the ultimate family decline. The conservative’s opinion puts them in contrast with feminists as well.   The stance of the conservatives is widely criticized because they support systems that are known to be unprogressive just for its own sake and never adapting to change. They for instance, by advocating for the traditional kind of family, they support male chauvinism in the society whereas women have become empowered and hence play roles men used to play in the past. Feminists have been accused for causing breakups in families since they advocate for the liberation of the woman. The society has faced situations whereby the mother who would like to put their families first is scorned upon by feminists. The role of the woman in the family hence becomes attractive to disagreements some which end up in separation and divorce There are questions ranging about the family in the country in the modern day. People ask of the family whether it is an institution headed for extinction of whether it is undergoing transition. It is no doubt that the developments on the family are deeply influenced by the ideological emphasis of the American people on values of individual liberty and choice. There is no doubt that the society in general and the family in particular must in a way accommodate the changes that have happened in the modern world. The changes such as the financial empowerment of women and the realization of gay as well as lesbian rights have irrevocable impact of bringing change to the roles of members within the family. Consequently relations in the home are bound to be altered of redefined. Equality of the sexes in the society, unlike the traditional patriarchy also contributes to the changes happening to the family. The changes have the impact of bringing more happiness in the society and they are welcome to a great number of people. Caution should be taken, however to avoid the situation of imposed decline on the family by adapting thoughtlessly to the tide of change. The family has for long been a source of emotional and moral support and its end would bring disillusionment to the society. The changes to the traditional family should not destroy the traditional role of the family such as procreation. There is a need to adapt to the roles of the modern woman in the home and do away with the traditional roles, for it seems that it is by embracing roles that the family stays together. 3. Decline of gender inequality in America Gender inequality has been on the downward trend since the 1840s. The era of decline of inequality since then is divided into four parts which mark the steps in the progress towards equality (Skolnick & Skolnick, 2008, p105). The era of separate spheres existed between 1840 and 1890. In this era equality of the sexes was formally instituted. Only single women worked and a few number of women attended colleges. This are had minimal divorces that happened only out of dire circumstances. In the realm of procreation there was no control of births. Also in this era was subordination of the women by their husbands as an aspect of culture. The era of egalitarian illusions followed. This era that is known as the era of assimilation occurred between 1890 and 1940. In this era jobs for married women began to be found in the society. There was increase in the rate of divorce in the society but it was not easy to get divorced. The family also enjoyed increased control over reproduction. Mothers in the society in this era were well educated and could be employed in the public service. 1940 to 1990 was the era that followed. Hereby is when jobs became available for women of all kinds and women could access education the same way as men did. The era also saw the increase divorce in the society as it got increasingly accepted. Again there was increased sexual freedom in the society and the cultural values included pursuing careers and equality in marriages. The subsequent era that is from the 1990’s to the present day has seen women occupy the highest offices alongside men. There is a conscience that duties of the domestic setting pull women back. However, in this era whereby women seem to have made the great strides towards equality with men there remains some lucrative domains in education that are dominated by men, for instance the domain of engineering. Moreover evils perpetuated against women in the society such as rape are still at high levels. These residual inequalities are currently being dealt with and it is hoped that the completion of the equality may take effect soon.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

‘Rime of the Ancient Mariner’ Commentary

Andrew Vollen English Commentary ‘The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner' was written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge in 1791. He was part of the Romantic Era in literature. The ballad is about a Mariner who shoots an albatross, and is cursed forever. This essay will analyze part the seventh. In this extract the Mariner is talking to a Hermit about his travels and the effect it had on him. In the extract he begins by describing the Mariner's repentance and catharsis doings. He later creates a juxtaposition, with a structural shift, between the horrible pain he felt and the happy wedding.Throughout the extract the writer uses religious symbols surrounding his pain or the wedding. This extract is significant in the ballad, because he describes why he is forcing people to listen to his story. It brings a full circle to the ballad, and it returns to the wedding. The Mariner has arrived in England, and he was spotted by a curious Hermit. The Hermit then questions who he is, and he describes the pain he feels. These stanzas are from the middle of part the seventh. Coleridge writes, â€Å"Forthwith this frame of mine was wrenched with a woeful agony, which forced me to being my tale; and then it let me free. In the first line Coleridge writes, â€Å"this frame of mine. † This means he does not belong to his own body. This would be done, because he only lives to warn others of his wrong doings. The Mariner, himself, died on the boat, and only his body exists. This connects with the thesis, because he has become his story, and it introduces the pain he has suffered. In the third line of the second stanza Coleridge writes, â€Å"which forces me to being my tale;† Here, he is talking about the â€Å"woeful agony† he felt as a result of his actions.His tale is the warning he gives to others who must hear, so they do not make the same mistake. The pain he felt creates, and is the reason for his story. This is the origins of the ballad, because he is talking to the wedding guest as a warning. It is also a reason the extract is so significant, because his connection with the wedding guest being the ballad to a full circle. The story has ended back where it began, therefore it is an epic. In the fourth and final line of the extract he says, â€Å"let me free. † Here, he is referring to the previous line about why he tells his tale.By telling the tale it releases him from the pain brought upon him. This life and being has become the telling of his tale. When he feels pain, the only way to relieve it is by telling his story. He was cursed by the god Life and Death after he killed the albatross, which causes the curse. Between stanzas four and five, Coleridge switches perspectives from first person to third person. In doing so he creates a juxtaposition between the horrible pain he felt and the happiness of the wedding. From the fourth to the fifth paragraph the Mariner returned to third person.This caused the scenery of the fifth sta nza to change. The reader becomes aware that the ballad has returned to the wedding. This creates a full circle effect, because the ballad has returned to where it began. This makes the ballad an epic, although an epic must include an educational or emotional experience that the main protagonist had. This was an emotional experience that the Mariner had. His life goal has become warning all those who need to hear about his accident. There is another important technique used in the transition from the fourth to the fifth paragraph.That is the juxtaposition created between the pain of the curse, and the happiness of the wedding. In the third paragraph he describes, â€Å"This heart within me burns. † This describes the immense pain he felt, when the gods want him to tell his story. This pain originally stems from the shooting of the albatross earlier in the ballad. Before this stanza there is no description or understanding of the pain the Mariner has felt all this time. The th ird and fourth stanzas have a claustrophobic feeling to them, to speed up the reading and create an ending to the Mariner's story.In the fifth and sixth stanzas he indicates the change to third person by narrating all of the sounds that are heard. For example, â€Å"What loud uproar bursts from that door! † This makes the reader feel like they are looking in from above. The reader now senses the happiness of the moment by the description of the environment, â€Å"And bride-maids singing are; And hark the little vesper bell,† It creates the scene of the wedding, and the church bells ringing. This is a juxtaposition of the stanza before where he is giving the reasons for the pain he has endured.This connects with the thesis, because the structural shift causes the scenery of the ballad to return to the wedding. This return to the wedding is what causes the full circle effect. Throughout the ballad there are different references to religion, mostly surrounding Jesus and h is execution. There are many different religious symbols in part the seventh, whether in this particular extract or through the part. The first stanza there are two instances of religious references. This is when the Mariner has just arrived in England, and is greeted by the Hermit. He says, â€Å"O shrieve me, shrieve me, holy man! To â€Å"shrieve† yourself, is to purify yourself of wrong doings through pain. This is what Jesus did when he was hung from the crucifix, he purified the human race from their sins. By calling the Hermit a â€Å"holy man,† he sees everyone that is not himself as heavenly. This shows the pain and suffering he has endured. In the third stanza there is only one religious word. He describes the pain that he feels before he warns someone of his past, â€Å"This heart within me burns. † The word ‘burns’ has a correlation with hell. Here, he writes that his heart is burning in hell.The fourth stanza is the returning to the we dding, and there is religious symbols. These include, bride, biddeth, and prayer. The bride is seen as a liberator of his suffering, because she is the first person that he sees after the description of his pain. She is performing the most religious deed, marriage. The final line in the stanza says, â€Å"Which biddeth me to prayer. † This means the vesper bells command him to pray. Praying is a completely religious word and action. In the final stanza the author mentions â€Å"God† himself. Here, he is commenting how on the boat there seemed to be no presence of God.This connects with the thesis, because the use of the religious symbols makes him seem more innocent and guilty. He is guiltier, because he shot the albatross which is depicted as a savior. He is more innocent, because of the comparison between the pain Jesus suffered and his suffering. In conclusion, this extract is significant, because of the Mariner’s painful repentance, the structural shift, and religious symbolism. Each one creates a full circle effect, where the ballad returns to the wedding. There is also an explanation of why he is repeating his story to all those who need to hear.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Gender and crime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Gender and crime - Essay Example This stereotype and discrimination has gone as far as to the criminals who do not consider women cops in the same bracket of authority as male cops and hence undermine their authority as well as openly defy them. This has led to many policewomen contemplating to quit the force (BBC News, 2012). There is widespread failure by policemen to protect women from gender-based violence. Research indicates numerous cases of rapes that either go unsolved, take a long time to solve as well as the rapists having a lower conviction rate as the years advance. This is also the case with domestic violence cases where the voices of the violated women are not heard and the policemen are not doing much about the situation (Guardian, 2010). Maybe the situation can change if women cops are given more authority power and respect to handle such cases. The criminal justice system has the mandate to make policies regarding crimes and criminal behavior and the people it directly affects which in this case are the policemen and policewomen. The justice system should enforce the policies that are related to equal jobs distribution and upholding of ethics of conduct for both men and women officers serving in the police force. If there are no existing policies on the issue, they should formulate and pass such a policy (Barton & Johns, 2013). This will ensure to protect the women officers from discrimination and harassment in the workplace as well as provide them with equality status and respect from the fellow officer and the criminals as well as to all the civilians. On the issue of domestic violence and rape cases conviction cases, the criminal justice system should enhance its policies on conviction from the moment of investigation to the prosecution. It is the slow process of investigation that leads to destruction of evidence which is crucial in these cases. The

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Globalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Globalisation - Essay Example Consequently, it has made a resounding effect on the picturesque of mankind playing a pivotal role in the social aspect and thereby making drastic changes in the welfare of the civilisation of mankind. Hence, globalisation can be referred as a process of amalgamation through which exchange of world views, products, ideas and different facets of cultures takes place (Lee & Vivarelli, 2006). Based on this context, the paper will be concentrated on explaining the concept of globalisation as an on-going phenomenon by critically discussing the major features of the terminology. Emphasising on the vividness of the term ‘globalisation’, an explanation will also be provided in the discussion henceforth, elaborating the theoretical context of the phenomenon. Concept of Globalisation Globalisation can be referred as one of the major outcomes of the continuous expansion of trade activities and exchanges taking place since ages in the progressively integrated and borderless internat ional economy. There have been extraordinary developments in the trade and exchange related activities, through services, production functions and also through the interaction of currencies in the capital movements (Ojeili & Hayden, 2006). Consequently, globalisation has emerged as one of the revolving strata, opening the doors in the international economy and leading towards the assimilation in relation to markets on a global basis. Although the phenomenon is much debated and illustrated in the economic sphere of the world economy, it has also been playing a crucial role in influencing the social sphere of mankind, interrelating and apparently comparing one culture with another. This also provides a broader scope of harmony and uniformity within the global social atmosphere. Hence, it is on the basis of these rudiments that globalisation has often been regarded as a ‘mega-phenomenon’ rather than a mere change process (Stefanovic, 2008; Houghton & Sheehan, 2000). It is in this context that globalisation process is often argued to facilitate ways for trade liberalisation as well as economic liberalisation heading towards the reduction of conservative and monopolistic trade contributing largely in the development of a liberal world. The description provided by Archibugi & Iammarino (2002) further illustrates that â€Å"the pace of globalisation and that of technological change have in fact been strictly interrelated and, from a long-term perspective, it appears less important to establish which one should be considered responsible for triggering the other rather than to establish that they mutually enforced each other† (pp. 99). Hence, globalisation can also termed as a change driver in today’s context. For instance, globalisation have often been observed to influences changes within organisations, economies, as well as social environment of various cultures facilitating technological changes through resource mobilisation rendering gre ater chances for innovation and development. Another vital dimension of globalisation, which has often been identified in its conceptual framework, is its role to augment better communication within the various participants. Contextually, the major communicators or drivers of globalisation have

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Poverty reduction programs in india Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Poverty reduction programs in india - Essay Example According to the World Bank survey, anyone earning below one dollar per day is usually graded as poor. May of such people resides in Africa, parts of Asia countries, Latin American countries and India. However in the developed nations, the number of poor people is reduced due to higher levels of development and excellence strategies put in place to curb poverty conditions in these areas. The government’s response to issues of eradicating poverty amidst them is of prime importance as she is the key controller of the national funds. This paper will look at the success of various programs in India aimed at alleviating and eliminating poverty among the Indian populations. According to Parikh, (1994) over the one third of the Indian population is illiterate and a larger majority of these is not educated beyond the age of 15 years. In line with this, Jha & Srinivasan, (2001 ) note that; At the beginning of the new millennium, 260 million people in the country did not have incomes to access a consumption basket which defines the poverty line. Of these, 75 per cent were in the rural areas. India is home to 22 per cent of the world’s poor. Such a high incidence of poverty is a matter of concern in view of the fact that poverty eradication has been one of the major objectives of the development planning process (3785). This indicates a larger percentage of the people who are either unemployable or lowly employed. Illiteracy and ignorance according to Hulme & Paul, (1999) is the root cause of poverty in various parts of the world. The first step require in the elimination of poverty is therefore the need to elevate the education sector and increase awareness among the people. The Indian government is doing a lot concerning this with more practical educational systems adopted in order to develop skills rather than promoting mere learning in most of the Indian learning and education sector. As Ramaswami, (2002) notes, even among the educated Indian populations , all do not possess adequate employable skills worth generating independent income. All these problems according to Mehta, (2004) stems from the education sector which is not turned towards changing the economic scenario in the country. The rural areas carry the largest number of Indian population which is mainly agricultural. Even this is greatly affected by the dwindling amount of cultivable lands and lack of adequate rainfall for the development of arable farming systems. Irrigation farming in many of the Indian lands is not possible due large capital requirements. This has led to acute rural- urban migration whereby a large number of people are moving into the urban areas to look for greener pastures. These end up doing various menial jobs in the cities since they lack adequate and specialized education required for good employment in the industries and labor intensive companies in the country. This has brought in a double misfortune in the country as the largest agricultural l ands are evacuated by people moving into the urban centers in search of jobs. The urban centers for this reason have been largely crowded with people with less education and almost no skills for employment. Lack of relevant or adequate skills for employment practices among many urban dwellers have eventually led to the development of informal jobs and settlements in most of the towns contrary to the overall expectations of the development agenda. As a result the development image of many

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Hotel Restaurant Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Hotel Restaurant Management - Research Paper Example Marketing is often a very important part of restaurant management in a hotel environment, as it must become possible to persuade customers of many different lifestyles and backgrounds to choose the in-house restaurant over other external competition. As a manager, it is more than merely ensuring that productivity is high and employee responsibilities are met properly, it is a complicated process that requires ongoing dedication toward building a positive image for the organization in the eyes of customers, employees, and those in higher levels of executive authority. This paper describes several of the different activities that hotel restaurant managers undertake in their roles of leadership, showing how the external environment is strongly linked to the internal environment in order to make every aspect of the restaurant superior to competing food organizations. In addition, the relationship between the manager as a human resources leader and a tangible, cost-focused manager are des cribed. A diverse global travel agency affiliated with AAA Travel, Insight Premium Escorted Vacations, offers, â€Å"great vacations are measured in moments, not miles† (IPEV, 2007, p.10). This statement essentially attempts to offer that regardless of the distance of origin for the travelling consumer, they will remember their experience by their direct contact with those in the hospitality industry and how they perceive quality in each interaction with hotel staff and other in-house representatives. Hotel restaurant managers are exposed to a large volume of different clients who each have different goals for satisfying their vacation or other travel needs. Many of these consumers come from international locations, with widely different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds. Some of these clients, depending on the cost and reputation of

Monday, September 9, 2019

Copyright Law Master Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Copyright Law Master - Essay Example In many cases, the competition for this standard will be fierce,(n6) because the winner likely will have intellectual property rights in the technology and hence reap a significant reward. Such incentives often are needed for the development of objectively good standards. Yet, as a consequence of granting intellectual property rights, a monopoly is created in a product that Internet users need. Once an Internet technology becomes a standard, how can the owner of the corresponding copyright be prevented from extracting monopoly rents and thereby negating the increase in consumer welfare that the standard created It is an understatement to say that the Internet has become an important communications and commercial network. The large number of Internet consumers grants each user the benefit of network effects -- the effects of a system whose value to a given user increases with the number of users of that system --- a significant externality that affects decisions by potential new participants. Network effects are particularly important with regard to the Internet, because the more users it has, the more valuable it is as an information resource, a communications tool, and a marketplace for goods and services. In fact, the network effect of the Internet would be destroyed were it not for the adoption of common standards to ensure compatible communication. For example, computers use the public domain protocol TCP/IP, which allows the network effect to prosper, because it allows everyone using the Internet to speak the same language. Without such compatibility, email messages would not be readable by, and web pages would not be accessible to, all users; such facile interchange is precisely the value of being on the network in the first place. Thus, the need for compatibility also drives the standardization of Internet protocols and tools, because the network effect requires users to be on the same network. Copyright in the Age of Internet Copyright is a relatively neglected area as far as economists are concerned and it occupies a backseat by comparison to the economic analysis of patents and R&D. This is surprising since it plays a major role in industries that are increasingly important in post-industrial economies, the cultural industries (publishing, sound recording, film, broadcasting) and computer software. It is a fruitful area for the application of law and economics, for modern theories of industrial organisation and for public choice theory. Copyright law provides the institutional framework for markets in the cultural sector of the economy. Each country has its own national copyright law; however, the necessity for that law to be effective with international trade of cultural products has led to harmonisation of copyright across countries. The author may license, assign or sell these fights outright or in part or transfer them to an agent. All such transactions are made through contracts. Only the author's moral right in the work may not be sold or transferred1. The right way to evaluate policy on copyright is to undertake empirical analysis of the economic effects of changes to the law and to see how markets respond to them. It does not seem that this approach has so far even been considered in European policy-making on copyright. Principal-Agent

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Applied buyer behaviour in a global context Assignment

Applied buyer behaviour in a global context - Assignment Example The two adverts have exposure of consumer buying process, segmentation, perception map, motivation and finally marketing mix (Sandhusen & Richard, 2013, p78). The advert by John Lewis that had been designed by Adam & Eve/DDB has which is the agency that creates a huge chunk of the John Lewis adverts has so many notable sections in it. The included song was from an upcoming pop star who is a breathy young man. Other adverts in the past have been entailing breathy young woman. The artist creates maximum emotion from every section of the song making highly applicable for entire. While the song by John Lennon is not popular by many people, the artist (Tom Odell) creates emotional sphere from it. It creates a scenario whereby the story is typically narrated through the use of pictures in a manner indicating little girls and boys playing with different toys. The story outline creates a perception of people waiting for love. There is a creation of snow that was filmed in July. There is also the creation of a Christmas tree and entailing of a middle-class family in some parts of the north east London and heavy filming from Victoria hackney. The adverts create a sensational and ambitious model similar to the 2013 adverts that featured a bear and hare animated epic. Instead of the use of the epic model, the John Lewis chooses to apply the formula of a cute boy highly longing for the Christmas time to get a penguin gift in the 25th December. It reveals of how the by spends his time paling with the friend who is a penguin. At first, the penguin friend appears real but later it emerges that it was untrue, and perhaps CGI was entailed in the filming process. The film shows the Sam, who is the boy going to the field and playing Lego with his friend penguin (Monty). The two bounce to trampoline in unison and Sam notes the Monty is lonely as it sees couples touching hands. In Christmas time, Sam looks Monty one g ood thing, a mate that it had strongly missed all the time. Beside

Diary of an Individual (in Mesopotamia) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Diary of an Individual (in Mesopotamia) - Essay Example As Knights, they were highly skilled in warfare, trained in their bodies to be ready for battle at any moment day or night, trained in their wills to selfless subordination and cooperation. With the grace of God, I arrived at a Templar’s Priory safe and without any difficulties along the way. Perhaps, it is really the will of God, that I should serve his crusade to protect the Holy Land from the infidels who makes false claims about their faith. I am just waiting for my investiture, which I have heard so much about but none really has seen, and from then on, I shall be at the disposal of God’s Will. I thank you for bringing me out in this world and taking care of me to be the man that I am today. I know that it worries you so much for me to join this Holy Crusade. But God has purpose for every one of us, and mine is to serve Him and to protect the Faith. Please don’t feel bad as this service will surely earn His Grace and will absolve our sins. If man has to do p enance for, it would be better to do it for his service of His crusade. I promise you I will be safe. Please do not worry, God is on my side and He will protect me. Whatever that will happen to me will be according to His Will. For I leave everything to him now, from everything that I own to my own life. For there is no greater glory in this life than to serve the purpose of God. Your beloved son. Dear Camilla, I am writing to you in excitement and in pain. I am excited. Any moment now, I will be dubbed as a Knight and will be joining the ranks of men who serve the Glory of God.... I am excited because any moment now, I will be dubbed as a Knight and will be joining the illustrious ranks of men who serve the Glory of God. I cannot tell you enough how happy I am to be in this Priory. Just this morning, I made my prayer to the Almighty bidding you good health and happiness. I already made the necessary preparations of cleansing my soul to be ready to receive the glory of God. From then on, I shall be forbidden to cleanse my physical body for what would matter after that would be the purity of my soul. I love you. I cherish the moments we had and every time I feel lonesome, I just say my prayers and think about you. And all of my worries are gone. But I have to take a code that I am not to covet any earthly possession and woman for I will serve solely God’s Will. I will be sworn to poverty, obedience and chastity. And to that, in as much as my heart bleeds, I know that God has a purpose for both of us. I thank your love, and I have not loved any woman as mu ch as I have loved you. But my calling demands that I have to release you from your engagement to me. For I will become a monk, who will serve only but God. It pains me to release you for I loved you, but I know that in time, this pain will be healed by his Grace. I bid you happiness and health. And may you find a man who will love and cherish you as much as I do. And have a family which I cannot provide. I am breaking up not because of the lack of love, but because of a greater love. Love that encompasseth all things to join a crusade to protect the Faith. Your beloved Letter 3 (letter to a friend) Dear Faust, I am sorry I was not able to say my final bidding when I left. It came to me that you were looking for me and quite worried for me. Please worry not for I am safe and in the Grace of

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Audience Analysis Essay Example for Free

Audience Analysis Essay Many of us may know that Breast Cancer is a real prominent disease. With breast cancer being one of the top five killers of man-kind, I wanted to give information in regards to what the disease is. This disease is Cancer of the Breast; one of the most common malignancies in women in the US. This topic means a lot to me being that I’ve watched two grandmothers die from the disease and currently watching a auntie battle from it, not to mention my mom being a survivor, so in my opinion this topic felt extremely suitable for this informative speech. The purpose of my speech being on Breast Cancer, is simply to inform my audience about what Breast Cancer is, who/what it effects and its early detection. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), breast cancer is the most widespread cancer in U.S. women, it is very severe that women/men become aware of this disease. More than two million women are living with breast cancer, and more than 40,000 deaths are expected this year. The death rate has dropped steadily since 1990 (averaging a 2.3% decrease per year) due to improvements in early detection and treatment; the 5-year survival rate has risen to 88% (ACS, 2005). The type of organizational pattern I plan on using is being able to inform; I want to be able to educate my audience about my topic. I want to include some facts and statistics based on my research in regards. The information I plan to provide to my audience will be useful and interesting to help them develop their own questions and thoughts about breast cancer. References: American Cancer Society (ACS) . ( 2005 ). Breast cancer facts and figures, 2005–06 . Atlanta : Author .

Friday, September 6, 2019

I Had a Job I Liked Once by Guy Vanderhaeghe Essay Example for Free

I Had a Job I Liked Once by Guy Vanderhaeghe Essay Guy Vanderhaegh takes us back a few decades in the retelling of a court case in small town, Saskatchewan in the play, â€Å"I Had a Job I liked. Once. † Using elements of style, staging and developing characters throughout the play Vanderhaegh portrays to the audience the theme of the biases and prejudices that come with living in a small town. The story is set in small town Saskatchewan in a police station office, on the night of August of 1957. Corporal Heasman has brought in Les Grant on the account of accused rape Tracy Tolbertson, and the play follows the questioning of Sergeant Finestad to Les, who retells his involvement with Tracy, the daughter of Mr. Tolbertson, the local crown attorney. The story has many sub conflicts; the tension between Finestad and Tolbertson being a main one. Tolbertson wants his daughter’s accused rapist behind bars, but Finestad wants to get the whole story instead of just listening to Tolbertson. Then there is the conflict of Finestad with himself; for years he has followed the law and stuck to the book, but in this case he is having a hard time sticking to the black and white because he feels that there is more to the story. All these sub conflicts underlie to the main conflict of the prejudices and biases that come from living in a small town, and the difficulties that come with dealing with that. These conflicts all lead up to the climax where Finestand goes against Tolbertson and against the prejudices of the town and lets Les Grant go, without charging him. Vanderhaegh does a very good job of developing the characters in this play. We are first introduced to Sergeant Finestad who has a very strong character-he likes being charged and doesn’t do well with being told what to do. Finestad undergoes a very big character change through the course of this play. At the beginning, Finestad is very strict to the law, strict to the rules. As he says to Heasman before Les is brought in to be questioned, â€Å"Nothing about police work is personal. We follow the law, Tom. We’re the keepers of the rules. If we don’t keep them, what right do we have to enforce them? † This comes after he writes on the chalk board in big bold letters â€Å"NOT PERSONAL†. Through questioning Les Grant and learning his story, we see him change at the end where he lets Les go, not charging him and saying, â€Å"something broke down tonight, Tom. Either the book, or me. † He realized that he couldn’t charge Les just based on what it says in the book. The other character who undergoes change in the story is Les. Les comes from a very rough family, and has had some challenges throughout his life, but he has stayed a good, hardworking kid. He now works at the town swimming pool in the pump room, which is where he is changed. At the pool Les is bullied very badly- every day when he gets to work there is something new written about him or his mother on the bathroom walls, which he has to clean up. He puts up with this for so long until he finally can’t do it anymore and snaps, which is when he allegedly raped Tracy. Les is then judged because of his family background, and almost found guilty just based on the prejudices against him. There are other characters that help to contribute to the conflict as well. Corporal Heasman who works with Finestad is constantly against him, wanting Les to be charged to make Mr. Tolbertson happy. Mr. Tolbertson, as Finestad describes him, â€Å"likes to win, so the rules get ignored or ben. The law’s a game. † He doesn’t bother with protocol, but is just used to getting what he wants, in this case being Les being charged. He is a hard nut who always gets his way and orders everyone around, especially his wife and Tracy. Because of this, Tracy rebels and brings out her anger making other people feel bad, such as Les Grant. All these characters come together into forming the main conflict. Guy Vanderhaeghe broaches a theme that can be very relatable to people growing up in small towns. After Finestad releases Les Grant, he explains to Heasman the reason. He recalls a poem from his grade three teacher that has the lines â€Å"Tyger! Tyger! Burning bright/In the forests of the night. † He always asks himself, â€Å"Who made the tiger? Who made the tiger? † He then goes on to say, â€Å"Who made Les Grant? They did. And who made that girl? More of the same. Poor, sorry, fucked up tigers. And you and me-we’re supposed to play tiger tamer. After they’ve used their teeth. I might have been up to the game-once, but all of a sudden it seems too complicated for rules-for me. † This is where the main theme of small town prejudices is revealed, and how there’s more to people that what meets the eye. Society judges people based on their first impressions of what they see and what they’ve heard about them. The question â€Å"Who made the tiger? † refers to the events and families in people’s past that shape who that young person becomes. Tracy’s dad was very strict and hard on her, which makes her rebel, leading her to writing the cruel things about Les on the wall. Les has had to deal with his rough family life growing up which automatically causes people to judge him. Heasman describes them as a â€Å"Bad bunch, the Grants. † Les has also been bullied for such a long time that it causes him to act out. He is good kid, but all these outside influences came into making him make a bad decision. As he explained to Finestad, â€Å"Taking it from them for as long as I remember, that gave me the right. † He believed that he had the right to do that to Tracy because he has had so many things happen to him in the past. This play deals with the prejudices society has against people and how that shapes them into who they are. Guy Vanderhaegh’s use of styling really emphasizes many things in the play, whether it be through the use of different language, symbolism or repetition. Finestad’s injured back is one symbol of his relationship with Les. When Finestad hurts his back, he asks for Les to help him and says, â€Å"Don’t let them see me like this. Please don’t give me away. † He is humiliated and Les helps him, keeping his promise. At the end of the story, the tables are turned and Les is now the one who needs help. Les is asking Finestad to not lay a charge. He says, â€Å"Don’t’ give me away to them. That’s what you asked when your back went out. That’s what you asked me. † His back symbolizes the debt he owed to Les. The Tiger in Finestad’s poem also symbolizes Les Grant and Tracy Tolbertson, who had many things contributing into making who they are and resulting in the actions they did. Vanderhaegh also uses Tolbertson’s appearances as a way to contribute to the rising action of the play, leading right up to the climax. At first Tolbertson is just mentioned when Heasman and Finestad are talking about them, then he calls and Finestad ignores him, and finally he shows up trying to threaten Finestad. In all three â€Å"appearances†, Finestad put Mr. Tolbertson down leading right up to the climax where he completely opposes Mr. Tolbertson and does not charge Les. The repetition of acknowledging the statute book also emphasizes Finestad’s character change. He went from following it’s  every word to forgetting about it and going against it at the end. The staging also helps in contributing to creating the mood of the play. The whole play takes place in the one office at the police station with no scene change. This set is very basic, which makes you focus on the characters and their actions instead of their surroundings. The lighting used helps to create the atmosphere for the memories Les has, such as it creating a â€Å"lattice-work effect to suggest a grill† at the pool, or the dimming of the lights suggesting a soft summer night on the day Les picks up Tracy. Instead of scene changes, characters enter and exit the scene giving the impression of a new location. Even in memories, Tracy actually enters the office as Les is describing the memory so as to give the audience a better understanding of what happened. The use of different sounds, such as splashing at a swimming pool or music in a car helps create the atmosphere as well. At the end of scenes, the characters do not leave, rather the lights blackout. The scene is different, but they are still in the same place. This gives you a sense of mood change to the scene. Finestad never leaves the office until the very end of the play, where he turns the office light off, walks out and the curtain comes down, giving you the sense of finality. Many things have to come together in a play to get the main message across. With Guy Vanderhaegh’s effective use of styling, staging and character building he efficiently gets across to the audience the idea that with small towns come prejudices and biases, and that before making judgments you need to understand a person’s background and circumstances to get the whole story. â€Å"I Had a Job I Liked. Once. † is an interesting play with a good message to take home.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Company analysis of NUMICO

Company analysis of NUMICO NUMICO came into existence in the year 1896 when Mr Martinus van der Hagen secured all rights of a formula for infant milk from cows milk. His operation was based in The Hague in The Netherlands. In 20th century company changed the named to Nutricia but in the year 1997 when company received the designation Royal then its name changed to NUMICO NV. Recent Past of NUMICO: Strategic Corporate Development History For nearly 5 decades NUMICO worked with corporate strategy of trying to build themselves on only one baby product with limited exports. In 1946 company introduced another product but in the local market only. NUMICO for a long time tried to develop the new strategy after their first initial success in 19th century. Launching new product was not a brilliant idea though it was a sustainable decision. Usually companies spend millions of dollar developing the product and this would take some years to recover. As product development was not enough to grow in multiple folds so company made many acquisitions in different geographies. The result at the end of year 2006 was NUMICOs presence in more than 100 countries with plethora of products to sell. Products were bifurcated among different divisions like clinical nutritional products went under brands such as Nutrison, peptisorb etc. Revenue and profit margin both increased because of acquisition. Acquisitions can get a limited and desired level of success and to keep growing even NUMICO invested heavily in research development. Strategic alliance with industry giants, universities and government helped NUMICOs cause. Research development wing of NUMICO attracted the best and on a regular basis filed for the patents. NUMICO Acquisition strategy in 1998, 1999 2000 To exploit linkages between the organisation and its environment NUMICO adopted Medical Platform Marketing. NUMICO moved from supermarket shelves to practitioners clinics. Now, products for vulnerable people were prescribed by doctors. Expenses on research and development were forcing NUMICO to reach new places to recover the cost. In 1998 annual report NUMICO was a multinational company focusing on the development, production and sales of nutritional medical concepts with a great value addition. Strategy of NUMICO as per annual report of 1998 mentioned in the case study* by Eppink was as follows: The strategy of NUMICO is focused on specialisation, continuing internationalisation and profitable growth, partly by acquisitions as wll as by strategic alliances, and safeguarding the highest quality in all stages of production and services. As per the turnover in 1998, NUMICOs major revenue generating business still was infant food which was sold maximum in Western Europe which was experiencing the major falling birth rates and an ageing population. After analysing the market NUMICO bought few European companies to expand in profitable areas. In 1999, NUMICO acquired a company bigger than them in terms of production revenue. When NUMICO bought General Nutrition Companies (GNC) of Pittsburgh (USA) it was the largest manufacturer of nutritional product in the world with a stronghold in sports-nutrition market. It was a win-win situation for both the organisations where GNC was gaining from NUMICOs research to enhance their product range NUMICO could gain from the distribution network of GNC. Press release explained the reason of this acquisition which was to achieve the global market dominance.1 Acquisition was on the cards for the third year as well when NUMICO snapped Enrich International Rexall Sundown in 2000. Unlike GNC Enrich was in the business of nutritional supplements personal care products with an in house RD department for product development. Again unlike GMC, Enrich was in 10 more countries with a global distribution system. Rexall Sundown another US based organisation was acquired by NUMICo. Rexall like Enrich was a producer of nutritional supplements as well as consumer health products. NUMICO acquired another business which has got nothing to do with their main business interest like GMC. A press release describes the reason of acquisition which was again to get the pole position in the market.2 Acquisition of new businesses far from NUMICOs main business made NUMICO its own rival because NUMICO already had the presence in the market. However, Rexall could exploit the European market because of NUMICOs distribution network present in Europe. At this point in time, NUMICO was confused in their approach because two competitors (Enrich Rexall) were working under one roof and serving the same market. Strategist might have analysed the more competition less co-operation among the two brands. To make operation smoother and to serve their customers better NUMICO merged the Enrich Rexall in one new separate entity by the name Unicity. Strategy evaluation: From day one and for a long period of time NUMICO operated with one product because of which they never realised their potential as a standalone entity to grow. After not getting desired success till the end of 20th century NUMICO realised alone they cannot get the global position in market. At this position, they might have done PEST analysis to judge the environment affecting them. Even SWOT could be used as a tool to know the strong areas where they can build the future empire. PEST might have shown them that they are not functional in future markets where they can grow faster than their current strong hold markets like Western Europe. PEST can cover issues from demography to social technological changes like declining birth rates to e-commerce. By applying SWOT, one can know that NUMICO always regarded the RD as an important activity which they wont give up at any cost. Thus, they identified RD was their strength where they can build their future. Michael Porters 5 forces theory could have also applied in this case study to know why NUMICO only adopted the acquisition route. As the case study explains NUMICO was operating in such an environment where the small players could have changed the entire game. The threat from existing players and new comers was massive moreover small players were taking the competition to all geographies. Hence to enhance the global position in the market NUMICO adopted the acquisition route. Acquiring GMC was a sensible move it was reducing the competition and on the other hand it was enhancing the performance but acquiring Rexall Enrich was not at all a brilliant move. Reason being, it stretches the operational efficiency because NUMICO was not in the same domain with them. *case study (Do the Harvard referencing because I am not aware of the source) 1) Just the last line need referencing from the case study. 2) Press release in the case study Current Strategic Situation: Acquisitions in a field which was not related with their main business interest left them in a position between the pharmaceutical market and the food market. To avoid the stuck in the middle situation usually organisations adopts the Michael Porters (1998), generic strategies which is as follow: Figure: Competitive advantage Source: (Accessed on: 20/03/2011) Cost Leadership: In this strategy, organisation aims to be the lowest cost producer to gain the maximum share in the market. To achieve this position organisation drive the cost down through sourcing the cheapest raw material labour cost. NUMICO was not trying to achieve the cost leadership because case study shows that they were aiming for high margin business. Hence, cost leadership is not NUMICOs domain. Differentiation: As the name suggests, in this strategy, organisations aim to be different from their competitors. Differentiation provides a competitive advantage to organisations which helped them to charge a premium price for their products services. If we look at NUMICO case study we will find that they started with one product due to patents they held the ground for long time. One product was sufficient with a patent to create the differentiation but later they acquired so many organisations which could provide them distribution network penetration in the foreign market. Acquisition which they made was not only in their own domain and at this point they started losing the gained differentiation. From super stores shelves to general practitioner prescription, move was certainly adopted to make a differentiation but due to diversified businesses it confused the distribution points. Differentiation did not pay off well because by 1998 their major revenue generator was still infant formula. Niche strategies: Here the organisation function in one specific segment and try their best to become the best provider of products services. To work in this kind of strategy organisations need to be either cost efficient or different from other players like Rolls Royce in the car market. NUMICOs acquisition exercise took them into various domains but still they tried to call themselves a Medical Platform Marketing. One platform for medical assistance to those who are vulnerable didnt work well because of plethora of products. However, from NUMICOs perspective they focused on specialisation with profitable growth. STUCK IN THE MIDDLE: NUMICO got involved in series of acquisition related unrelated to their main business interest because of which they are facing the stuck in the middle situation. To simplify the situation they tried to bring all the diversified business interests under one roof. Things are still confusing because they wanted to build on nutritional field but due to acquisitions they are working in nutritional supplements fields as well. Moreover, they acquired two competitors (Enrich Rexall) and left them in the field to compete with each other. It took some time to bring both of them under one brand name and by that time both of them did enough damage to each other. Now, NUMICO is stuck between the pharmaceutical market the food market because of their confused approach. Lot of unwise decision made which resulted in head on collusion with giants of pharmacy food business like Novartis Nestle. NUMICO always wanted to sell clinical diet foods but because of their acquisitions they are not focusing on their main stream business. NUMICO bought the US operations not to sell what they were doing before acquisition e.g. vitamins. Rather than turning them into NUMICOs regular business NUMICO started looking after their operations. First an industry expert noticed that NUMICO is facing challenges because they are not performing only in their traditional markets. Company was stuck in the middle because it was facing challenges from giants minnows at the same time. New markets where they were operative due to acquisitions were full of small players. In addition to that threat from new entrants was massive. NUMICOs strategy needed a review before they lose the global position. Strategy review: In the year 2000, NUMICOs board of directors recognised the risks from existing strategy. NUMICO due to acquisition was not paying enough attention to their cash cow i.e. infant products and now strength of NUMICO is making them vulnerable. NUMICO is a European organisation they maintain balance sheet in euro and any PEST affect in USA operation can cause serious problem to their business figures. Operation overseas involves exchange risk as well. Last but not the least even NUMICOs board realised that they are confused in approach. NUMICO was not all stuck in the middle because organisations who face this kind of situation usually subject to a takeover or merger. Finally when NUMICOs board realised the drawback associated with the strategy they should take this opportunity to reduce or eliminate the risk. Strategy review due to certain events: In the year 2001, after 1 year of realisation, company saw themselves in hot waters due to economic slowdown in the USA. In addition to slowdown, demand for nutrition herbs were plummeting too with an increased competition from low price manufacturers. Its not only NUMICO which was facing the heat but the whole sector was losing the effectiveness. If NUMICO would have done the PESTEL analysis then they could have avoided this slowdown and competition because they never saw this slowdown coming into the picture. It is necessary to explore the competitive environment to develop sustainable competitive advantage. NUMICO response to events: NUMICOs response to the situation was not at all proactive. NUMICO response was reactive that to after negative growth. CEO was asked to mind the traditional new business but not to take any other big projects. US operations gave back to back management problems to CEO which resulted in his resignation in May 2002. New CEO bifurcated the operations in three divisions and for the first time they adopted a specific approach to tackle each brand. In other words, NUMICO changed the corporate strategy to unit level strategy to take care of each business. In the year 2002, NUMICO got bad news from all the quarters of business and to make the situation worse exchange rate of US dollar was changing frequently against euro. Finally, NUMICO announced the sale of Rexall Sundown GNC to focus on high-growth/high-margin businesses of baby food and clinical nutrition. Both the brands increased the performance of its new owner. Strategic Direction for the future: After divestment, NUMICO should think about the future. Company can use BCG Matrix to determine what is to be done to remaining product portfolio. NUMICO already dumped the low-growth/low-margin products, so now; they can concentrate on long term value creations through developing high-growth/high margin products. Stars of NUMICO: NUMICOs star was infant product but due to lot of exposure in low birth rate countries their business was declining at an alarming rate. NUMICO can utilise the some money which they received from divestment to expand in those countries where birth rate is much better than Western countries like India China. For infant products, long ago NUMICO used to command premium price because of RD patents. Cash Cow of NUMICO: NUMICO should turn their infant product into cash cow by offering cost leadership. After gaining the cost leadership NUMICO can go back to their golden days. To achieve the cost leadership NUMICO doesnt have to invest heavily on supply chain because they have everything which it takes to get the advantage. Dogs of NUMICO: NUMICO already sold the Dogs from their product portfolio now they should not repeat this mistake by taking over another non-business interest investment. Question marks of NUMICO: NUMICO should avoid this block by focusing on cash cows star blocks. Imagine a scenario; if they dont pay much attention now on finding new markets for infant products then they might end-up in this block because western market has declined in term of birth rate and they already sold the maximum distribution points of GMC Rexall in USA. Hence, they should take actions on urgent basis to avoid question mark. Figure: BCG Matrix Source: Accessed on: 20/03/2011 BCG matrix can help in understanding the mistakes done in past to fit an all approach strategy for future. BCG matrix is not free from flaws but it certainly explains what to do what not to do. To bring back the growth back into the books of NUMICO they should adopt Ansoff Growth Matrix. As per Lynch (2006), the market options matrix examines the options available to the organisation from a broader strategic perspective than the simple market/product matrix (called in some texts the Ansoff Matrix). Figure: Ansoff matrix Source: Accessed on: 20/03/2011 As per Ansoff matrix, NUMICO can go for market penetration. It will be like without disturbing the companys existing range of products or services and perhaps it can attract current customers as well. Things can backfire if market penetration is planned for new customers only. For example, mobile companies offer brilliant price plans to retain the existing customer. Market penetration is smooth when the market is growing. Existing organisations with low relative market share in a booming market have little to lose but NUMICO has high relative share and if they dont attract their current as well as new customers then they might lose whatever they are holding till now. Market development using existing products could be a strategic route but for this approach they should not disturb the existing customer focus. In NUMICOs case, they should take infant products to those countries where birth rate is better than Western Europe and USA. NUMICO can slightly repackage the product then can promote to a new market segment. Product development for the existing market can be possible for NUMICO because they have their own RD centres where they can develop new concepts. NUMICO should do optimum utilisation of their all resources to counter competitive entry. NUMICOs RD centres can help them to maintain the companys stance as innovator. Diversification is not needed according to case study because they have just finished the sale of GMC Rexall. Other Strategic Options: Organic growth: NUMICO should start the change from with-in and build itself from scratch and this time they should stick to the core business. Acquisitions Mergers: NUMICO can acquire the rival business or merge with one of its rival from core business market to gain the lost momentum. Strategic Alliances: NUMICO can make some strategic alliances with few government bodies in developing countries. Licensing: NUMICO can sell their patent license or lease to its competitors to build a business from their intellectual properties. Recommendations: NUMICO needs to pursue a growth strategy in a structured way the methods by which the market opportunities associated with strategy options might be achieved. NUMICO should treat their RD outputs as their assets which they can sell in market to claim a tag of future business. Investors like to associate themselves with future markets because they know their money can take them to new avenues with high returns. NUMICO was a leader in RD and infant products but all was lost because of acquisitions in foreign un-related markets products. This time they should build themselves related to their core-strength. For RD, they hired PHD passed-outs but they never presented themselves as a smart organisation which they should focus this time. Current generation would like to associate themselves with smart organisations like Google Apple. NUMICO should aim for future parents who will buy their products services. Given the amount of analysis that can potentially be undertaken, merger with other competitors is highly recommended. Mergers are similar to acquisitions like combining two companies. However, merger can happen in one scenario where both the parties cannot take over each other. This can be a friendly hand but still a special care will be always required. Merger should be sone before identifying the strategic issues. Mergers are never meant to lose the total control of the company but to gain new markets new customers. None of the evidence suggests till date that merger is a value addition but neither has it suggested any failure when both partners are same in size. Merger might not a big value to NUMICO but it can enhance the performance. Although NUMICO can still grow as a stand alone business but to take their research in right path they need a right partner. Partner especially with same business interest but with more distribution points in desired locations can do wonders for NUMICO. NUMICO always had RD centres but they never capitalised on that asset perhaps a partner can take that advantage or turn it into their competitive advantage.