Friday, August 23, 2019

The influence of leadership of developing effective life-long learning Essay

The influence of leadership of developing effective life-long learning experience for me - Essay Example In addition, the unit serves as a major basis for me to build new skills, (the most important being leadership skill) that other modules/units in my degree program may not have given me the opportunity to develop. For instance, I was able to identify a leader whom I admire, the themes/leadership qualities that enabled the leader to attain outstanding success in this area of endeavour and how I can emulate those qualities in my own personal development. I wish to evaluate how directly and indirectly their lives have influenced my circumstances as well as personality.In furtherance of the skills developed, I am able to adopt a critical thinking approach to several areas of my life, reflecting and constantly assessing my life to ensure continuous development/growth. I am able to challenge myself as an individual as well as my intellect and nurture my inbuilt abilities to bring out the leader in me.In the light of my continuous wish to excel in life, it is very important to state my back ground as well as early influences in life that induced a source of motivation in me to work hard in order to accomplish tasks towards success. My name is Mukaila Adegoke, born on 15th February 1962 in Iwo, the Osun State of Nigeria. This was the era when President John F Kennedy established his office as 35th president of the USA and gave a major input in the history of civil rights. President John F Kennedy pressurized the government authorities and organizations to provide work for African Americans equivalent to Britain Civil Service.

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