Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Circuit Power and Computing Technologies †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Circuit Power and Computing Technologies. Answer: Introduction: CIA stands for confidentiality, Integrity and Availability is nothing but a well-known security model for development of security policy in ATM machine. This particular model consists of three concepts namely confidentiality, integrity and availability (Jebaline Gomathi, 2015). Confidentiality in ATM machine generally ensures the fact that sensitive kind of information are only accessed by authorized person and is generally kept away from various persons who are not authorized to use it. Integrity in ATM machine is the information which is provided in a particular format which is true and correct to original needs. The receiver of the information generally ensures the fact that information can be accessed by any authorized person only and it remains in the state of rest (Karovaliya et al. 2015). Availability in ATM machine mainly checks the fact that information and resources are only accessed by people who need them. Availability in ATM machine is generally implemented by making us e of hardware maintenance, patching of software, optimization of network. The total keypad of an ATM machine generally consists of ten keys which is 0-9. A situation is provided in question in which thief has broken five keys so more five number of keys will available to him. The pin number of an ATM machine consist of four numbers. Therefore, five keys available to for possible four-digit number are: 5P4 = 5! / (5-4)! = 5! /1! = 5*4*3*2*1/ 1 =120/1 =120. Therefore, the total number of outcomes in the case provided is 120. On the contrary in ATM security a user can easily enter pin numbers for three times only after that card will be blocked by the system. Various kinds of advantage and disadvantage can be obtained from the idea of biometric. The three main reason which can reluctant the use of biometric are: Security can be considered to be one of the key concept which can reluctant the use of biometric (Koteswari Paul, 2017). In biometric system information of a person is generally stored in the database. But if anyhow database is hacked it can easily result in leakage of personal information. Various kinds of errors can be encountered in technology of biometric. In various kinds of biometric an individual does not have idea regarding identification of a person. In mapping the concept of mapping is generally taken into consideration in case of biometric system. Mapping in biometric is generally done by the information usually the fingerprint (Koteswari Paul, 2017). In the situation provided one needs to have more accurate. In some cases, it is observed that system has failed to recognize the person even if the identification of the user is generally stored in the database. A false negative is nothing but a situation in which the user does not get access to a particular location where the biometric is claimed to be bounded (Onyesolu Okpala, 2017). In some of the cases it is observed that access to an individual is not given although the identity of the person is stored in the database. The above situation can occur due to some of kinds of faults in the system. There are many kinds of unethical activities are done due to evolution of biometric system (Pathak et al, 2015). First issue which is considered is that identity of a person is unknown. Second situation is nothing but the loss of identity of a person. Transposition cipher can be defined as a scheme in which simple machine in major of the plaintext are shifted into some kind of regular patterns (Peltier, 2016). For many years round the globe people are making use of simple distribution cipher. It is nothing but plain text character which is considered to be different from cipher text. Encrypted Text A M K Corresponding numeric value 1 13 11 Key 4 2 3 Decoded from the substitution cipher 23 11 8 Caeser cipher shift 3 3 3 Decoded from the caeser cipher 20 8 5 Decoded Text T H E Encrypted Text W W U J J Y Z T X Corresponding numeric value 23 23 21 10 10 25 26 20 24 Key 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 Decoded from the substitution cipher 19 21 18 6 8 22 22 18 21 Caeser cipher shift 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Decoded from the caeser cipher 16 18 15 3 5 19 19 15 18 Decoded Text P R O C E S S O R Encrypted Text M W K X Z K U H E Corresponding numeric value 13 23 11 24 26 11 21 8 5 Key 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 Decoded from the substitution cipher 9 21 8 20 24 8 17 6 2 Caeser cipher shift 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Decoded from the caeser cipher 6 18 5 17 21 5 14 3 25 Decoded Text F R E Q U E N C Y So, the decoded text for the cypher text will be References Jebaline, G. R., Gomathi, S. (2015, March). A novel method to enhance the security of ATM using biometrics. In Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT), 2015 International Conference on (pp. 1-4). IEEE. Karovaliya, M., Karedia, S., Oza, S., Kalbande, D. R. (2015). Enhanced security for ATM machine with OTP and Facial recognition features. Procedia Computer Science, 45, 390-396. Koteswari, S., Paul, P. J. (2017). A Survey: Fusion of Fingerprint and Iris for ATM services. Onyesolu, M. O., Okpala, A. C. (2017). Improving Security Using a Three-Tier Authentication for Automated Teller Machine (ATM).International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security,9(10), 50. Pathak, S. K., Pathak, S. K., Mishra, M. K., Kesharwani, L., Gupta, A. K. (2015). Automated Teller Machine (ATM) Frauds and Security.EDITORIAL BOARD, 192. Peltier, T. R. (2016). Information Security Policies, Procedures, and Standards: guidelines for effective information security management. CRC Press.

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