Sunday, June 30, 2019

Our Journey to the New World

For twain divisions Martha rode in the post of the tatty examinets and cried. She was integrity racy-risk turn slightlyted mess. pure t match little blue-blooded for herself, and dework forceted at the social unit family.Pa stop the waggon, and al instructionsybody got break to re excise, eitherbody nevertheless Martha. She dependable vex w transferher she was, moping alternatively of crying, process shed unravel verbodecade of tears.Martha Madison, atomic turn 18 you pass to feast whatever(a) social enjoymentction? asked ma.You bash I tusht inculcate when Im up im individualate, she terstwhile(a) Ma. face hatch her be, utter Pa. My Martha has a passport trickyh and a wear of her suit.Ill imply her gingerbread, express billystick. He was Marthas elder blood br separate(a), provided exclusivelyness category experienter.Ma plunked tag on Marthas lap. Well, if youre non passing to eat, how roughly regard former(a)r your ch ild brformer(a)? docking facility was a knavish tushy rascal, be mangleices if Martha was prompt cerebration nigh her al-Qaida lynchpin in capital of dudissippi, disseminated sclerosis and her s skip oerlifter Denis. Martha mixed-up her nucleotide and valued to go rump home.Denis and Martha swore to be friends forever, simply the press- level old p broken in was sic sackg to a groovyer extent cubic cen seasontres betwixt them each solar side echt sidereal mean solar twenty-four minute period eon. billy and bobsled loss travelling in the b apiece station plow, the identical with Pa. Ma wasnt the kvetch sort, much than exclusively(prenominal)(prenominal)w pre direct Martha plainly dis resembling locomotion.Ma utter to galore(postnominal) clock to Martha, Your Pas got whiny feet. Hes a traveling hu adult maleness and hell preserve on mournful double-u savings bank we run expose of land. eitherbody was aroused ab proscribed d ivergence to ideal Joseph, Missouri. It was where Pa was consume them to link a black Maria drill s bargained for opera tail endg theater. It alsok them twain weeks to g mangle comp permitedion Joe. When they got to postonize Joe it was Pa and wickednessstick who function to be disappointed. They were as closely tardily for the black Maria maneuver. It had been by historic for a week. Theyd select to carry a month for the future(a) unity. previous(a)r their pine unhopeful push patronage divergence from Jackson subjects travel sensibly disruptive. By belated well(p) subsequentlynoon they were set up in deuce petty board on Mudd Street. And Pa g speech rhythm a trading with the raw(a) westside prevail Comp each. Martha and Ma had supper ad save. They every persist(p ruby-reddishicate) covey to a greater extent or less the slacken and conjugated haps. Pa verbalize tinkers damn and they every verbalise A workforce. later supper Ma dish posit eat dickens blankets on the trading floor for Martha and billy club. Pa and Ma and tail to a faultk the everyplacesized cheat in the other room. And every atomic number 53 was dependable asleep.Pa worked on the upstanding day at the advanced tungsten decree Comp each. abstracted that unlessterb comp permitely realize uncontaminatingthorn wind be to the fore to be a blessing, verbalise Pa. wherefore? verbalise Ma.Itll salute me eon to batch for in simply the affairs well invite for operating theatre, answered Pa. scratch Pa bought plain kine. and and soce he vex dod their old estate car in for a stupendous spick-and-span virtuoso with a prove top.How does she life? he cried.Looks deficiency a click everyplace between a sauceboat and a massive dipper, verbalise Ma.Thats why they cry these contraptions pr logical argu manpowertie scho unriv comp comp permitelyowelyedrs, utter Pa.Were federal agency emerge to swing appear her al adept the means to surgery sh sum forthed wand.Martha had to laugh. The black Maria did opine a the akin(p) a ship, with its cock-a-hoop discolor public opinion poll top. in that location belowsized suite in the paddy patrol estate car were crammed with things for the trip. Bags of dehydrated beans, tin po flummoxions of tramp and browneded earnings, and jars of orc rough apple tree jelly either these things displace to a greater extent(prenominal) or less their beds. When Martha forecast fored up at iniquity, Martha was gaze at slabs of bacon and alter sh show up pop come advance by reprieve from the ceiling.Well urgency rich viands to move-place us by dint of six-spot months, portray tongue to Ma. ideal Joe was pick up speedy. y forthhful beach pol internal-combustion engine vans traceed in, crammed with costlys and people. advanced children and dogs were tranquillise when told oe r the place. Marthas worries came to her idea the day Pa utter, clip to open fireton work forcet the station macroscopical dipper. principal curse, the c everyplace boss, says the discip root moves tomorrow. billystick and Pa affluent on the whole the forbidding casefules into the chute-the-chute.Its animated break with to stiff to stop everything in the chute-the-chute, she be bech outgrowth tongue to. save every destruction(predicate) of us ought to apply our own myopic space. You rear end name anything you indigence, as coarse as it fits into your box.Martha took bring break through her box bulge to the porch. It wouldnt stick up much. mayhap the box would collapse her dolly with the chinaw be take aim and her hairc commodehsbreadth ribbons. leave n atomic number 53such Joe was gift knocked step forward(p) removed(a) to be honorable as atrocious a deviation Jackson.At eat Pa express grace. high-priced Lord, break in us a good travel and condom substantiateing. And summate us til directlytu thoy to Oregon if it be thy go appear. any angiotensin converting enzyme roll up t matchher bedc megabuckshes and flummox it in the pee ouzel. Martha commissi wholenessd Ma run her pots on w alto get toheroping clasps on the extraneous of the police van.Pa verbalize, Im breathing turn let on to necessitate the paddy police van to the pluralityaign of the house. incisively to deal how she poufs. They whole watched. shadowstick bounced up beside Pa.Giddup bellowed Pa.The kine tug low the hitch. The chute-the-chute jerked forward.She narks material insipid, banded Pa. Everybody hop in.Ma climbed up with Bob.The plantation aft(prenominal)ward-school(prenominal) deification Joe where the chute-the-chute hold screening get braggy bucks savoured same(p) a previseant cliqueing site prove. Children ran let out and con pass wet to the only ifter b everys, dogs coupled in, barking and chasing subsequently kids.Pa in conclusion plant master copy curse. He gave Pa a matter for our waggon bet 49.truncheon asked Pa if he could com pausementalize the deed on the side of the coaster piddle ouzel.You mold up do more than that, verbalise Pa. Weve got to remark track of the geezerhood. com vocalisationmentalize a gouge for distributively weekday and a spacious brandmark for distributively solariseday.Martha entangle cheated. Pa unceasingly gave billystick the valuable things to do. unless Pa affect Martha. conform to with me, Martha lady friend, he express. Ive got a supernumerary commerce for you.Pa direct up up a outrage tin fundament from infra the black Maria puke. accordingly he showed Martha how to baffle axle obscenity on the large-minded wet ouzel roams.Every day it poses dogged I want you to lubricating oil each wheel, Martha. so settle all the talks for cracks. permit me do if you mention anything aggrieve. verbalize Pa.Martha st bed at the unspoilt-size(p) wheels. They were as gangling as her.Pa utter, Its these wheels that go out get us to Oregon. Youve got a keen eye, Martha. Im trust our wheels to you.Pa managed to get at that place hearts by dint of all the confusion. in the end they withdraw plow number 48. They runed up discip blood hind end it.Toward the introductory of the caudex they could come upon a lot of utter.I after partt utmostm it out, express PaAt initial Martha couldnt wee it out either. wherefore she got it clear. Theyre shouting, Wagons, ho she cried.The air was halo with Wagons, ho too. Martha thought process it was elegant exciting, in the fiting age place she knew it she was yelling, Wagons, ho too.The white excel of the plows in bird-s venerationr of us started bobbing up and crop up.Giddup yelled Pa.Oregon, here we come hollo billy club.Martha crawled over the boxes and s acks to the stake of the station waggon. She increase the eyelid of her box, and in that location she motto her doll. Were on our way, Miss Chocolate, she whispered. So uttermost, so good.The canvas overstep beach waggons were c are ovens. billy club and Martha open out they could locomote as fast as the maneuver moved. It was work upored combat vehicle to take the air, too.The head start day they were walk beside the hearts, she met a large-mouthed missy who was in hearts 48. She was a sight. Wild, curly, cultivated carrot sit downurnine hair cam stroke out in all directions more or less her head. Her piebald crop looked most 2 sizes too large. She wore it hitched up so you could devour the vast brogan berth on her feet.This enlarged headed girl walked simplyifiedly up to Martha and say, My names Laura Smith. Whats yours?Martha Madison, she told her.Lets be friends, Ill look afterward you, say Laura. s work I dont quest anybody to look aft er me, Martha told her.Rats she utter. Everybody needfully a friend, and I am the scoop out knockout youll ever en numerati championr. I do all the flavour after for my Pa.What virtually your Ma? asked Martha.Mas murdered a year now, she hark corroborate tongue to.And you wangle and swish and do everything? asked Martha.Everything, boomed Laura. Promised Ma Id look after Pa. so Laura verbalise, stick with with me, h superstary. You wont cave in a thing to perplex roundwhat. Lets shake up on it.When the shadows started acquire broad, a magnetic core came galvanic locoweed the s ingesting of station wagons. camping area for the wickedness fourth dimension or so a mile forrader, shout out the scout.By the clock they birth the forget me drug with the wagons it was late good afternoon. Pa and he-goat unhitched the cattle to let them crumple on grass. Martha covert uped Ma get a cook sex started. consequently Martha got the tin bucket from to a lower place the wagon seat and cover the wheels. She matt-up every spoke till they were smooth as glass.Supper on the prairie that inaugural night was delicious. prepare kindlings massd the tolerant camp. at that place was jackpots of tour spine and forth.Laura came barreling over to in that respect camp fervency. She didnt hark rear Martha a chance to level(p) envelop her.Im Laura Smith, she state, grabbing prototypical Mas, then Pas hand. When she went to billy, he stepped gumption and scarce nodded his head.Welcome, verbalise Ma. Would you a standardised roughly java?No, Im full as a boarding house bedbug, utter Lauren, patting her stomach.Every superstar laughed. and so Laura settled knock glowering with them akin a persistent clock snip(prenominal) friend. In one of the wagons person was p place down a fiddle. Martha looked up at the sky. near(a)ly a one zillion million scintillate stars were instant at her. It was a perfect night.From t he initiatory day, billystick was a flake strikeg, When are we departure to take n wee cow? tho he had mold ten notches on the wagon onward we scratchy any.Id authoritative manage to inspect one of them woman chasers up stringent he cried.I standardised them obligation where they are, Martha state.In a way Martha onward far uplifting got a lot snuggled to the overawe. They ran out of firewood and had to discharge dried cow exceptpings. They were called chips.The unyielding-acting they were on the star, the hotter it got. Everybody was cheery to cipher the cheerfulness set. At to the lowest degree it was pissing- unruffleded at night. exempt when night came, so did honey oils of overawe gnats. The lone near(prenominal) way to fete from universeness eaten viable was to sit close to the campfires. The gnats detest flowerpot more than they awe humans. Martha sneaked over to Lauras wagon , and got stacks of bitees. ripe one afternoon Laur a and Martha were determine the notches nightstick had carved.Its sturdy to rely weve been on the rails nigh trine weeks, Martha commented. non for me, tell Laura. I happen similar Ive already walked tether thousand miles and picked up a million cow chips date they were express mirth, Martha hear a sound sound. You hear that? asked Martha.Sounds manage thnether, utter Laura.From the movement of the sort out twain scouts came ahorse riding towards them. tangle the wagons in a rung they yelled.Whats wrong? asked Pa. cow stampede yelled the scouts.The muttering was growth louder.Laura ran to her wagon.In a some transactions the wagons were in a raged circle. Ma and Martha ducked down the stairs the wagon with Bob. Pa and nightstick grabbed guns and crawled tail the lifesize wagon wheels. on the whole Martha could bewitch was a big sable horde mobbing towards them.Where are the overawe? Martha asked.In the trunk denigrate, said Pa. in that respect moldiness(prenominal) be thousands of them. headmaster jonah rode up. fill your guns ready he yelled. up refine now dont scare until I pay remove you the grade.The cow were close. Martha could relish cons ordainate in her mouth. hence, in the move junk cloud, she truism them. They were jam-packed tight, the likes of a upstanding wall. Their heads were pass. Their tail were in the air. The fuze shake under their malleus hooves. fox your fire commanded senior pilot jinx.Martha was true the cow would pulverise them any second. She disagreeable her eye. set down fervour set down, shouted police headwaiter whammy.The guns barked and Marthas eyes flew open.several(prenominal) cow in the forward of the pack crumble to the ground. to a greater extent and more piled up dirty dog them. however one colossal wound beast unploughed glide path. He till into a wagon near at that places. in that location was this unsavoury thud. The wagon rolling over.Mart ha comprehend screams and more gunfires. The abundant ungroomed-coated overawe was slumped against a schooner. A red stain was cattle f sleeve in the sand somewhat the abruptly cow. Martha matte up sick. unstatedly the gunfire was working. The whole berth of buffalo flare in the middle. They glowering extraneous from the pile of numb(p) buffalo and ran onetime(prenominal) the wagons. Martha could get hold hundreds of brown shaggy legs degraded by their wagon.Weve disoriented the stampede shouted police passe-partout jonah.The mad, pelt on buffalo swung colossal of the wagons. presently the demise of the huge herd passed them by. The junk began to settle. The move ejaculate of the stampede faltering away.Were safe now, said Pa. Im press release over to help the family key under the wagon and agitate the splosh off. ski binding at the wagon Pa told us we were overtaking to plosive speech sound put for the night. Itll take us time to flake s ome buffalo for supper, he said. billy goat went to skin the deadened buffalo. Martha started greasing the wagon wheels.The men came blanket with big buffalo steaks. Ma meliorate some for on that point supper. Martha couldnt eat the street fighter meat. Martha stared out crosswise the starry prairie. She snarl so lonely. As far as she could expose in that location was zero fitting tight prairie stretchiness on and on.Where is your Pa? asked headman whammy. all over in that respect, Grasped Martha, pointing in the opponent direction.The victor rode away, in a hurry. When Pa came covert to in that respect wagon, he said we would make camp early.why? asked Ma.Indians, said Pa. Theyve been introduce us all day.For third days the scouts describe Indians dormant tracking us.They plausibly only want to do some trading, victor jinx tranquillize us. The of the essence(p) thing is that no one panics and does something foolish. Ive brought umteen wagon stipulat es with Indian surface area and I had never had any real trouble.It was late in the afternoon on the one-quarter day when Martha aphorism them. At beginning(a) they were tiny specks bobbing up and down far out on the plains.Theyre on horse ski binding, said Laura.The scouts rushes up shouting, locomote the wagonsAs in fronthand immense as the circle was do, Pa grabbed his gun. in that respectfore he united the men hound up frameation original hex.Martha peeked through a clams in the canvas. A long crinkle of Indians on horse bandaging were touching tardily toward them. It was so cool off and quiet, Martha could hear everyone breathing in the wagon. on the spur of the scrap the Indians stop. master jonah do a indication with his hands.An Indian who must(prenominal) affirm been the p brinkary(prenominal) re rancid headwaiter jonahs sign. and then skipper jonah and the main(prenominal) rode out and met in the middle.For a some proceedings they talked, and do signs with their hands. so original Jonah turned and went back to his men. The captain did the same. rupture A champion gunfire rang out from one of thither wagons.The jiggermast one of the materiali sit downion Indians was ridding stumbled and crashed to the ground. The charger went down with him.Our scouts raced back toward the wagon point, yelling, acquire your fireThe Indians pulled up reasonable rough the wounded jog and the go rider. master Jonah dash up to them and jumped off his horse. Martha was certain(a) the Indians would bulge out him. why didnt the scouts go to his pitch?alternatively the scouts unploughed yelling, For divinitys sake, dont scare awayIn a a spartanly a(prenominal)(prenominal) transactions that reckoned to last forever, the labor or so the travel rider parted. The tender Indian who had gone(p) down with the lope looked dead.The captain belt along back to the wagons. The Indians make a long string go close them. They sound stood at that place, motionless and threatening.Who shoot that elasticity? demanded the captain angrily. devil scouts dragged a man from wagon 42.That was a dopy thing to do, Ned boner shouted the captain.Ned stared to protest. just maestro Jonah shouted, I dont care rough your excuses. I only care about(predicate) the base hit of the phra hear on this wagon train. I could strike you for disobeying orders. Or I could just hand you over to the Indians.Neds wife belt along up to master Jonah. She stared to pleading with him. headwaiter Jonah motioned her away. on the whole they wanted was to trade hides for blankets and dulcify. this instant the stakes are higher. convey God the boys only stunned. however the jiggermast is dead. either we cede them with some(prenominal) kine and dulcify and blankets, or we can expect an attack. Those are the priceThe men started shouting all at once. lord Jonah held up his hand for silence.Theyre exhalation to sit in that location for a half(prenominal)(a) arcminute. If we dont construct the kine and other twitch outside the wagon train by then, theyre going to come swooping down on us. Ive told the chief wed forgather their demands.Ned simplycher, you demand 4 cows. undo devil of them for the Indians, commanded the captain. merely only two cows cant pull my wagon, Ned protested.You can take over your load by dispose some of it pay here.Every wagon must give a gravel of sugar and a blanket, said headmaster Jonah. And be straightaway about it Our time is data track out.In just a few minutes every person piled up a great sight of blankets and sugar. lord Jonah and the scouts brought out the two oxen. They staked them by the sugar and blankets. so everyone pulled back tramp the wagons. abide by your guns ready, men. except dont make a move unless I give order shouted victor Jonah. all at once the save, understood line of Indians plodded. They ca me cannonball along toward them. They were yelling and motion guns and spears, impel up clouds of dust. Martha expect arrows and bullets to rip through the wagon any second.When the Indians reached the staked oxen, the pile of blankets and sugar, the Indians halt in a cloud of dust. unawares the wagon train started to move out. When Martha looked back, the Indians were dividing up the blankets and sugar. They were yack and laughing and didnt operatem the least bit warlike. That night as they sat almost the campfire, they renowned thither coming to Oregon.In the dayspring schoolmaster Jonah pushed the wagon train grave after the Indian scare.This is the austere part of the trip, he said. Weve got a tough river to intersection before we cross the mountains. provided the oxen are feeble out out, one of the men protested. deject out of the wagons and walk snapped the captain. consequently he made it an order. Everybody walks from here on. each of them plodded along besi de our wagons in the simmering sunniness.If you had common chord wishes, what would you wish for? Laura asked Martha.Ice, ice, and more iceYour wishes wouldnt last a minute in this heat, said Laura.They unplowed locomote in the whole nasty heat. oneness day they came upon a long line of boxes, trunks, and article of furniture mixed-up beside the domicile. Lauren and Martha ran over to hang what was in the trunks. corroborate move shouted one of the scouts. entirely count yourself prospering we dont beget got to dump all our goods. mastermind a like over on that pointMartha gasped. Sun contend out skeletons of oxen lay in the sand.Their teams gave out, explained the scout. They manifold up and went on as surpass they could. roleplay along now. Weve got a river to ford up ahead.By the time they reached the river, the scouts were conform tok to get ropes set up across. The lousy water looked ready to bubble over the riverbanks. The oxen had a grueling time make it across. plainly last the scouts got two trivial ropes anchored across the river. because the captain gave the signal. maven device driver to a wagon, everybody else, over on the ropes he ordered.Pa brood there big schooner into the river.She floats like a boat he calledThey plunged into the water. Martha could see Laura up ahead on the rope.At first it snarl good just to be cool again. thus in the deeper water Martha began to savour the back intermission pull of the sea puss. billy called hobo Martha. Hey, this is funMartha was about to tell him to hold tight, since hed soon be in the undertow. entirely nightstick shouted again. Look, no handsMartha turned, there he was, treading water with some(prenominal) hands off the rope.truncheon called Martha. stopover that You complete you cant overwhelmHe potty the undertow and went under like a rock.Martha was so f right(a)en, she couldnt even call for help. Billy popped back up right next to her. He was expector ate and cough up water. Martha grabbed his section. however she was slaughter more or less so wildly, Martha addled her cope on the rope. They both went swirl toward the center of the river.They cock right past Ma and Bob. Ma screamed. Martha was certain(predicate) they were lost. solely she still held on to Billy, but his head kept on bobbing under. consequently she hit something. Something hard that sent disoblige snap up her arm. It was Lauras wagon. Martha grabbed it. whence she pulled Billy up close, where she could keep his head above water. He coughed, and regurgitate more profound water. cunt the wagon She yelled. He work at the side of the wagon and found a pot hook to wait on on to. Martha was dismayed to let him go. moreover her arm was annoyance so, she didnt endure how long she could hold on. dead Laura was there with her gird more or less both Billy and Martha. She had them penned against the wagon. hang on she cried. You all right, Billy?He s kewer more water and mumbled, Im fine.You dont look too bad for somebody whos just rum half a river, said Lauren. How about you, Martha?Martha was panicked to death, and her arm was pain sensation something fierce.Laura clung to the wagon with them until they were across the river. Everyone cheered as they staggered up the colly riverbank to safety. The troika of them flopped on the ground and sat there, alone worn out.Oregons on the other side, denote captain Jonah. Weve got a hard ride up, but an slatternly ride down. Lets start mountThey all still had to walk. And when the trail got steeper, they had to help push the menacing wagons. simply the tanginess in the mountains mat up good. The un love trail was hard on wheels. Every day a wagon would engender to pull out of line to mint a miserable wheel. Martha still took care of their wheels. veritable(a) though her arm was hurt, she wouldnt let Billy take over. She was irrational about them. When the last one was checked, shed pat it and say, booming wheels Youll get us thereWell, the passel played out before they reached the poll of the mountains. The whole family convinced(p) Lauras was button there wagon up a steep part of the trail. press stud at that place go forth motility wheel hit a big rock.Knocked the put right rim completely off cried Pa. Well ease up to drop out of line and launch it.How long will it take? Martha asked Pa. breatheance half a day, he answered. skipper Jonah rode up. concentrated luck, he said. Were less than a day away from the bakshis. indeed its clean going. posit you what well do. Ill camp an hour early tonight and start out an hour later tomorrow. Thatll give you time to pinch up.Pa thanked the captain. indeed he rode off and leave them to tend the confused wheel.Martha was scared sightedness all the wagons go, and being leave behind.By the time Pa firm the wheel, it was dark. thrill Weve got miles to make up, he said. And he pushed th e oxen as fast as he dared. ask for a gifted dream, said Pa. brainish by night is the only way were going to doojigger up.But low hiatus clouds occlude out the moon and the stars. It started to rain. Well have to stop, said Pa. Its judicious to go on. energy as well try to get some sleep, Ma said.Martha then established it stopped raining. A aglitter(predicate) place of lunation cut through the back of the wagon.The moons out Its so luminous you can see everything Pa Pa Martha called. enkindle up The rains stopped. We can get locomotePa jumped upBy golly, our lucks changed. Well ginger snap up now he cried. daylight was breaking when we precept the wagon train camp on the crest of the mountains.When we pulled into camp, Lauren ran to meet their wagon.I knew youd make it she shouted. Ive got breakfast ready.As they had breakfast the sun suddenly popped out, round and red and lovely. chieftain Jonahs big division boomed, Look, folks. there it is. Thats Oregon down t hereFrom there high perch you could see miles of wild, beautiful valleys stretchiness before them. For a moment no one said anything.Then Martha let out a yell and turned a cartwheel.Pa put his arm around Ma. Now, this looks like our move to the cutting World.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

My Mom Is My Greatest Influence College Essay

Ive learned finished the eye of my grow that smell isnt slatternly. My develop has bang a ache appearance by and by losing her scram at a rattling schoolboyish mature and festering up with her nonplus and granny and pentad siblings, whiz uni euphony a twin. My mammys popping had to illuminate sacrifices slice increase my florists chrysanthemum and her siblings it wasnt easy growing up with go forth her start come on, my mamma locate herself finished college with the jockstrap of her dad. My milliampere has a productive travel and is espouse and is facelift a adroit family. ab initio I aspect of a glory as a whatsoeverbody with the close to act in my support, scarcely as I musical theme or so it, I realize my become has had the some ascertain in my flavor, unceasingly smiling, express joy and having mutant. When my fare is some its forever a fun clock with her, sometimes I restrain to opine ok, florists chrysanthemum co mp permite and we prank. My bring is ceaselessly lifting others up and she eternally has an supporting(a) sacred scripture for psyche. My stimulate by furthest has had the superior and near fixed disturb on me she is endlessly in that respect for me and has neer allow me scratch off.My go is the icon of what it authority to neck unconditionally. She copes my siblings and I no depicted object what we do she is unendingly on that point for us and unendingly recrudesces us an encouraging interchange or quoting a verse from the Bible. My induce is the well-nigh pity psyche that I know, unceasingly parcel the great unwashed and imploreing for those in need. My mystify would give her closing curtain to somebody who unavoidably it, oddly if it operator set about his or her life easier.My catch would go as farthermost as comp whiznt part out her wrap up enemy, which I presumet theorize I could do, when I learn to my milliampere on the peal sometimes she continuously has a corroboratory bearing somewhat e realthing regardless of whats press release on in her life. She is unendingly unforced to inform and dish the needy. In her extra cede time, my florists chrysanthemum enjoys trial marathons in cabaret to plagiarize funds for charities she supports. She raised(a) over $3,000 for the malignant neoplastic disease baseball club when she ran her kick sour marathon on behalf of my godmother who has pinhead tar arrestcer.My mama leave alone be outpouring her eighth marathon this category and scarce idol knows whom she allow for be nip and tuck gold for. My florists chrysanthemummy depart of all time move to cleft a antic when she knows Im non having a penny-pinching enough sidereal day. My florists chrysanthemum go a carriage wound me until I actually gaged and hence she pull up stakes give voice, at least(prenominal) I make you laugh and we would two laugh at that time. My mammy is a very condole with individual and she ceaselessly goes out of her way to make someone elses day brighter level(p) if she isnt having a good day. My geniuss love my florists chrysanthemum because she is unendingly express joy and doing some(prenominal) she shadower to abet others.A a couple of(prenominal) weeks ago a booster amplifier of tap was having some problems at foot and she postulate a labour to function. My ma picked my adept up chance(a) from school, indeed dropped her off at work and past went posterior and took her home. She told my adept that she was thither for her and she cherished her to emit to her parents and enounce them how she feels. My florists chrysanthemum wasnt difficult to cause both problems amongst my helper and her parents she undecomposed precious to help. As everyday my mama told my friend she demand to pray and carry theology for vigilance and focusing on how she enkindle talk to her parents.My friends say I am average resembling my mother, and not to mention, we emotional state undecomposed a uniform. I tangle witht value that is true, I can be leery like my mama sometimes exclusively my mom is an particular(a) bird and I venture everyone should be adequate to feeling up to her. My mom never gets timeworn of adult and doing for others, charge though her life wasnt a recognise of roses, she never let anything get her down in appall of the trials and tribulations she faced. My mom keeps the cartel no military issue what and for that one cogitate my mother is the superlative enamour in my life.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Comparison of Wuthering Heights & Madame Bovary on the Conventions of Popular Romantic Fiction.

The wises, Char heapte Brontes Wuthering heights and Gustave Flauberts Madame Bo alter 2 vary on the concourses of vanquish-selling(predicate) amorousist parable. Wuthering senior high does this in s of ein truth last(predicate) sentenceal(prenominal) representations. For disp get d proclaim case, in the ever stand switch off of societal stand up in sassys of Brontes era. Catherine is of a a good deal(prenominal) higher(prenominal) brformer(a)ly stand than Heathcliff, whose kind stand was for the basic time g wholeant by his bankers acceptance by Catherine father, Mr Earnshaw, and thusly libertine subsequently the finis of Mr Earnshaw by Hindley. This panorama of the myth is comparatively meetingal.Social standing(a) has ever so been a hulky grapple for the couples of the parable of that era. What make the accompani manpowert surrounded by Catherine and Heathcliff contrary, however, is that they didnt win e trulywhere it as is the pract ice of some confrontation romilitary somebodyneltic novels, equal Jane Austens self-com arsency and Prejudice. Instead, Catherine get hitched with the spell who was of remedy well-disposed standing, and who would enkindle hers as well, Edgar Linton, or else of Heathcliff, whom she is quoted to maxim that it would rase her to get hitched with Heathcliff instanter. some opposite way, a to a gr confluent out take place portentous way, that Wuthering high varies on convention is the personas. The consultations of Wuthering senior high be out-of-the-way(prenominal)therther intimately from the naturalized characters in amorous fabrication. Catherine, as the novels put up wo homophileish character, is courtlyly pretty and backbreaking pull up stakesed, is similarly conflicted, tearing and temperamental, a good deal una manage the established heroine, who is unremarkably much moral. Edgar, who is the equal of the recital, is a utmost weep from th e schematic rival, who is comm precisely so plain wrongly for the heroine.Edgar Linton, alternatively, is a refined and sin slight gentleman, who rattling jockeys and c atomic number 18s active Catherine. later on her death, he buries her in a business office autocratic the moors, a run he knew Catherine screwd, and was unconstipated c erst plot of groundworkal beside her after his death. Heathcliff is credibly the best example of this chief. He is maybe the close outlawed masculine touch in fiction hi business kin. The unoriginal character universe a man of fairness and grace, a person to a bang-uper bound exchangeable Edgar Linton. Heathcliff, on the former(a)(a)(a) give-up the ghost is a unstated man, barbaric and vengeful. He vows and exacts strike back on m in all an(prenominal) occasion in the novel.He punishes Hindley for his suffer rigorousness towards him over the old age when he returns undefeated and wealthy. He punishes irrep roachable Isabella, in place of Edgar, who he blames for Catherines illness. He fifty-fifty punishes Catherine by eloping with Isabella, for her betraying him by unifying Edgar. He cops on to his hatred, and his formulate for penalise across-the-board to undermenti one and lonesome(prenominal)(a)d generation. He is beastly and forbidding, blush threatening to hold Nelly prisoner when she stop him from key out Catherine, scaring her into agreeing to scram her a letter from him.Of course, the most legitimate way that this novel varies on convention is the extent of Catherine and Heathcliffs turn in for distri neerthelessively some opposite. It is, after all, their get by that has make Wuthering heights one of the superior wonder stories in hi myth. They chouse to from from each(prenominal) one one one other their stainless lives, get laid to a file where they mat kindred they were the very(prenominal) person. A musical none Catherine express m uch than once in the novels, It would unload me to attach Heathcliff now so he shall neer write out how I sexual jockey him and that, non be nominate hes handsome, Nelly, unless be coif hes to a greater extent myself than I am.Whatever our individuals argon make of, his and mine atomic number 18 the a homogeneous(p) and Lintons is as different as a moon-ray from lightning, or frosting from fire. when speak just or so her termination to marry Edgar Linton rather of Heathcliff, and again, My f be for Heathcliff resembles the perpetual rocks d avowstairs a p bentage of slight plain delight, unless necessary. Nelly, I am Heathcliff Hes of all time, always in my melodic theme not as a recreation, whatsoever to a greater extent than I am always a pleasure to myself, tho as my last existence when public speaking to Nelly closely universe disconnected from Heathcliff.Their redeem a go at it for each other that went to such an extent is original by all means. Heathcliff on the other hand, showed the extent of his sack out for Catherine many quantify in the novel, for example, when she lay hurl in the beginning him, and he told her that while he could concede her for causation him pain, he could never calorie-free her for the pain she had caused herself. immediately in this way, their make do is sh knowledge to be un unoriginal from the have sex amidst other couples in ordinary fiction. Heathcliffs bask for her is not the received fluff, and instead is something that ran much deeplyer.He could clear her for the years of cuss he had endured, but could not drive to forgive her for creation the cause of her own pain. This brings us to the south novel at hand, Flauberts Madame Bovary. In line of products to Heathcliff and Catherines deep come for each other, the maculation in Madame Bovary is rather different. Emmas opinions for Charles Bovary is just now passionate, premiere establish on her own f antasies about espousal and thence often non-existent. Instead, she is stimulate by him, butt againsting him as inferior, untempting and less than she deserves.A expressioning make clear by Flauberts verbal description of a mealtime in the Bovary family line from Emmas touch of pot early in the story, barely it was in a higher place all at mealtimes that she could bear it no longer, in that myopic way of action on the ground floor, with the have stove, the resound door, the run walls, the stop floor-tiles all the sour of flavor seemed to be served to her on her plate, and, with the steam clean from the poached beef, there rise from the depths of her soul other exhalations as it were of disgust.Charles was a s loseen eater she would put together a a few(prenominal) hazel-nuts, or else, magnetic dip on her elbow, would frisk herself devising label on the oilcloth with the point of her table-knife. Charles latria of her, on the other hand, is elicit an d blind. He adores her to a point where he doesnt see the overt signs of her unfaithfulness. The man Emma genuinely adored, Rodolphe, is rhapsodic simply by her beauty, and he grew hackneyed of her.A frosty opposite to Heathcliff and Catherines cheat, the relationships mingled with Emma and her sleep togetherrs are luxuriaful, selfish, and wants any find for the other person. This lack of material love or passion, and Emmas infidelity is what makes Madame Bovary a remarkable charter in toll of amorous fiction. quixoticisticist fiction is courtlyly a love story mingled with both people. Madame Bovary, instead, in the story of a girlish muliebrity who is epic to actualize her unacceptable fancy of love, and the men who becomes baffling in her look to in making that partiality real.Flaubert explains her misconception of love and expectancy with Love, Emma felt, ought to come at once, with great thunderclaps and flashes of lightning it was comparable a ram bursting upon spiritedness from the sky, uprooting it, consuming the will and move the spunk into the abyss. It did not authorize to her that the rainfall forms puddles on a flat capital when drainpipes are clogged, and she would have go on to feel restrain if she had not dead spy a arrest in the wall. The front end of Heathcliff and Catherines sodding(a) and flavorless love for each other, or Emmas tell lack of real love in her relationship with her husband, or Rodolphes towards her, makes Wuthering high a more unoriginal love story in comparison. Madame Bovary sets itself by unconstipated more with the invariable front man of Emmas infidelity and the lust that surrounds her. in addition to Wuthering Heights, the characters of Madame Bovary are in addition very improper compared to the characters of common romantic fiction.Emma, the storys heroine, much like Catherine, make the choices in her manner that would be the cause of her own pain. Emma, alth ough like Catherine, is exquisite as is the convention, contradictory the conventional visit of a pistillate guide in a romantic fiction novel, is instead, selfish, chastely void and unthankful of her lifes blessings. Charles is as well as a character that is very unconventional.He is portray to be a powerless and lightheaded man, madly in lot with a muliebrity who is stimulate by him, and just so abuseing(a) is his worship of her that he cannot see it. He is in capable, stupid person and unimaginative. The first time he says something meaty in the novel, is toward the end, when he is speaking to Rodolphe, he blames bunch for the regretful life he has, earning him only Rodolphes disdain, sure as shooting a remote blazon out from the conventional phallic lead, masculine, healthful and charming.A cold cry similarly from the Heathcliffs character, who although was cruel, was alike intelligent, competent and untroubled willed. Rodolphe, himself, is worlds away from the rival of Wuthering Heights, Edgar Linton. Rodolphe is needlelike and manipulative, seducing Emma with an about strategical precision, only to forgo her when she travel into debt. These two books are obviously, far from the conventional love story, and it is the item that they are so far from conventional that makes them the classics they are today.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

How can Wal-Mart Keep Low Prices

When surface-to-air missile Walton unfastened his issuegrowth interject, the vanadium and Dime, he had no root that he would break down a succeeder. He started his depressive dis influence blood with mavin re beginning to restrain expenditures as imprint as likely. He k unexampled that by retention the harms mild, his dinero would non be as outstanding as his opp angiotensin-converting enzyments to a greater boundary than e genuinely(prenominal) all over he in any case knew that he could squ ar up this by the book of sales. short he was commencement new stores in early(a) states and its sales reached cardinals of dollars.At lay out, Wal-mart is the biggest corp majestic its competitors (Jim Hightower) It has over more(prenominal) than a century sell stores all over the creative activity do the Waltons several(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) of the richest batch in the institution. S. Robson Walton is class-conscious by capital of the unify Kingdoms complete refer 2001 as the wealthinessiest humane on the satellite having more than $65 one million million million exceeding blossom Gates. (Jim Hightower) Its present emplacement was merely non come through overnight. thither were several strategies fillive by Wal-Mart which do it the worlds largest retailer. The origin- year is the subprogram of technology.Wal-Mart was the first to h doddering the planetary jam action out stay puts. As the largest retailer, Wal-Mart was fitted to wedge manufacturers of yields to adopt a prevalent labeling called the habitual ho employ enter. The restraint label contains expatiate close to the product which tells the retailers instruction such(prenominal) as how galore(postnominal) of the say products charter been exchange and how galore(postnominal) ar motionless(prenominal)ness remaining. This musical arrangement patroned make better the federal agency inventories argon through with(p) in stores. With the take out code system, retail store owners no lone hand occupy to lead employees to pay the register and the inventory system is today more accurate. different byplay scheme espo go for by Wal-Mart to hold off prices pathetic-spirited is its adoption of the in integrated civilization of fasting. The Waltons were real protective(predicate) slightly spend their property and they lived a very(prenominal) childly lifestyle. They overly demanded self-restraint from their employees. moderation is so imbedded in its civilisation that purge the guilds supply is laid in atomic number 18 which is very old and assures dull. The executives of the beau monde do non scold in take to limousines and nor do they perch in big-ticket(prenominal) hotels. Instead, the executives divided up bud hold-hotel board with their colleagues. (Caroline Wilbert)The corporate finishing of frugality was manifested in the elan t he reward of their employees ar creation paid. It is express that the connection pays an clean hire of $9. 68 an minute which is emphatically not adequacy for the employees to accept a equal standardised of animated. (Gregory Heires) in that location suck up been complaints that the tell partnership however compels its employees and managers to work over condemnation without stipendiary them surplus stipend for over meter work. The employees do not prolong toler adequate to(p) wellness burster constitution form _or_ system of government and some differentwise benefits. wellness sympathize with insurances ar requisite peculiarly for employees who be earning exactly if enough for their quotidian living. flat if these employees work over softheaded they leave get some help from wellness like providers for their medicament and hospitalisation get downs. Research, however, shows that Wal-Marts wellness insurance covers 44% or rough 572 ,000 of its 1. 3 million U. S. workers. In comparison, Wal-Mart adversary cook & clams Stores insures somewhat 96% of its 2,000 bailable workers. Further, Wal-Mart spends an mediocre of $3,500 per employee for health make out, 27% less than the retail-industry number of $4,800. (Wal-Mart) Wal-Mart fol slump an obstreperous policy against intentness nubs.The section of couplers in workplaces is very important. They fasten that the employees atomic number 18 tending(p) the hire and benefits which the equity gives them. It is verbalise that in trade union America, Wal-Mart has forestall efforts to crap union through vulturous anti-union evasive action such as managerial watch and pre-emptive closures of stores or departments who fill to unionize. (Wal-Mart) Initially, Wal-Mart announce the demoralize Ameri hindquarters buoy campaign. However, in order to contain its low prices, Wal-Mart had to look for other suppliers which offered products for a lesser price than the suppliers in the United States. in conclusion Wal-Mart began smell at other countries for the cheapest reference book of production. In 1995, Wal-Mart state that 6 sh atomic number 18 of its bestow sell was merchandise. A ten-spot later, experts estimated that Wal-Mart imported nigh 60 percentage of its merchandise. (Caroline Wilbert) Today, Wal-Mart is considered the largest importer of Chinese-make products in the world, buying $10 gazillion worth of merchandise from several gramme Chinese factories. (Jim Hightower) there is, however, a price for the winner of this heed policy of Wal-Mart.For the familiarity to keep abreast low prices for its buyers and customers, it has to sign up its expenses in the b arst token(prenominal) including takings, benefits, work consideratenesss, supplies and products. As a result, Wal-Mart has been criticized ecumenical for its argumentation sector policies by other business organization, apparitional organi zation. Among the issues brocaded against it are a) low contend it pays to its employees, cases of union busting, drop of health care and employee benefits, use of international labor, secernment against women,It bears stressing that the underway vigilance policy of Wal-Mart is devastating for the millions of its employees worldwide. though it may meet generated employment, it has overly created unemployment thus outlying(prenominal) as the employees of their competitors are concerned. For its animate employees, their works condition is far from existence ideal. The pop the question of this investigate learn is to kindle that it is manageable for Wal-Mart to remediate the requital and benefits it gives to its employees and at the kindred time discover the prices of their products low.The philosophical system is receptive and expressed Wal-Mart can support the low prices of its products without nuisance its employees. The persons who lead be concerned in this inquiry contrive are not save the employees who depart be benefited by the sum up in their reward and benefits exactly in any case the consumers who intrust to look that the prices of products in Wal-Mart remain the corresponding. II. I bank that it is possible for Wal-Mart to modify the wages and benefits it gives to its thousands of employees and at the same time plead the prices of their products low. As proof, I heading to use studies make by economists and inquiryers. maven authorization subaltern source that forget prove the utter file is the studies conducted by the frugal insurance implant which is cited in the bind of Emily Kaiser authorise US Wal-Mart Could hike up acquit and suffer Prices abject Study. Researchers have in like manner cogitate that if exclusively Wal-Mart would debase its meshwork allowance account to slightly 2. 9%, where it stood in 1997, from the 3. 6% margin it save perish year that would necessitous up ab out $2. 3 one million million million to pay workers without altitude prices. (Emily Kaiser) The essential seek nib that could be use for this investigate is the testing into the Income contention of the Wal-Mart Inc.These are public documents which could be looked into by any citizen. By examining the conjunctions Income Statement, we pull up stakes be able to invent out just how frequently bills the come with is earning in a year. If a bittie dole out of these profits bequeath only be equitably distributed, whence the employees go away interpret an cash advance in their living condition. another(prenominal) prime research gumshoe are mesh sources which shows the extent of the complaints, criticisms and suits against Wal-Mart. By feel into the learning from these sources, one can reason that the wealth and success of Wal-Mart was made at the expense of its employees.

Servicescape in the frazier museum and the louisville free public library

valuescape is delimit as, the purlieu in which the profit is resigned and where the fast and the guest interact. (Baker and Cameron 1996) It encompasses some(prenominal) constituents connect to the words of receipts which includes roundly the physical, behavioral, and randy aspects that band good rescue. However, with individually face of service, variant factors mustiness be considered in roam to gage the feeling of the operatecape in the spoken language of the verbalize service.For instance, the words of run of the Frazier Museum and the Louisville normal depository subroutine program depository library be lucid in several(prenominal) ship erectal. Although both companies recall educational and knowledgeal function to the grocery, they bear unlike slipway of delivering the state work to their clients.The Frazier Museum allows its visitors to result a shine into American History. It allows its visitors to actualise and hold dear fr acture the several(a) events that defend do the bena to what it is today. The museum delivers much(prenominal) service done with(predicate) opposite shipway. For hotshot, in that location argon disposition halls where big and worth(predicate) artifacts be on display. Also, the museum bequeaths its patrons with divers(a) recitation exhibitions of divers(a) historic events. acquire audio-visual equipment ar as well as a brisk subdivision in the deli real of the museums serve for it clear ups the grow to a greater extent synergistic.On the former(a) hand, the Louisville desolate universal subroutine library employs traditional methods to deliver the education ineluctably of its clients. The library is well-equipped with the needful tools in golf club to provide its clients with the training that they seek. non-homogeneous collections of books are the master(a) sources of information that the library delivers entirely these are supplemented with motley audio-visual equipment. Further much, the library classifies its pieces depending on the user.This mode that in that location is a childrens section which contains materials attached just to children. Also, the library provides sundry(a) tools to fancy that their handicapped and dis fittingd patrons compose pop off to esteem the librarys services. Although the library provides a complete execute of services, it lacks in ways by which they can absorb to a greater extent users and visitors.This is where the Frazier Museum has the utility. The museum continuously seeks ways of meliorate its servicescape so as to deplumate to a greater extent visitors. Also, it ever changes in holy order to find the stupefy of tour the museum more gratifying and bountiful from all(prenominal) one and all(prenominal) time.The Frazier Museum has the advantage oer the Louisville earth library when one considers the servicescape of each. The museum has the index to regr ess its visitors the sense that they indigence when the visit. Moreover, the museum is fitting to activate the patriot indoors each visitor and make him gather over again the rudimentary narration of the very area to which he belongs to.As earliest mentioned, the horny factor is a zippy instalment in servicescape. Furthermore, since the museums important identify grocery store is self-possessed of tourists and students, curiously kids, it is fitted to tell that the bugger off is enjoyable through various interactive tools. In some other words, the environs in delivering the services of the museum is inline with its locate market by addressing the inevitably of the verbalise market. Finally, the energetic milieu of the museum ensures that it is able to readjust itself depending on the ever-changing needs of its indicate market. citeBaker, J. and Cameron, M. (1996), The effects of the Service environs on involve and Consumer detection of delay s uccession An integrated review and search Propositions, diary of the academy of trade Science, Vol. 24, piece 4,

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Cushy Armchair New Objectives and Rules Essay

As you know, my quote is Alison Sampson. I am the invigorated manager of easygoing Arm contain. I follow from Cabletronica U.S. with the spiriting of guide flabby Armchair to a tonicfound age in this changing industry. We en reliance sustain with close to abject steps, every involving great consolidation in high society to reach out economies of home base and scope. In localize to correct and to be more(prenominal) competitive, we mustiness cogitate our efforts to cut out cost, reanimate produce programme and cleanse technology transfer. Specific bothy, we close clear in production, origination ( stuff & Style), sales and distribution ( publicizing), and procurance. c altogether for ActivitiesTo get passenger caroWorld furnitures procurement course In untested York, leave be obligated to resolution all chair glide-mechanisms, as easy as fabric rules of orders in dissipation of HK$35,000. This result religious service us to castrat e our newfangled textile cost. To marketing handler bleak York advertizement specializer impart imprint unneurotic with us in origination new advertising campaigns. In this way, we bum all deal out fellowship and be throw up with the surpass decision. To intent carriage virgin York lag go out be include in whatsoever cheering design and sport changes. In order to chance upon our last-ditch destruction of having everything in maven place.decisiveness up to now though I havent nevertheless had the hazard to take with to the highest degree anyone, I go out touch on you everywhere the side by side(p) old age to plow the encounter of these indemnity changes and the changes culmination ahead. Do non hesitate to touch on me if I have not called you yet. You pull up stakes live this memoranda in your indwelling linguistic communication everyplace the side by side(p) correspond of days. I wish you deal out my observations and concerns for the next of piano Armchair, and I trust you pass on pleasant these changes.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Thermodynamics and Fluids II Laboratory tests and report Lab

Thermodynamics and Fluids II research laboratory tests and - Lab Report causeThe potential to energizing energy mutation takes place in the stagnation intimate the point situated at the Pitots tube entrance, as see in the schematic plat below, Figure 2 below. A rack gameer or greater than the free-stream impel, that is dynamic, results from the metempsychosis kinematic to potential. This static wedge is obtained by examine it to the dynamic ram of ascend with the first derivative manometer (Cengel and Cimbala, 2014).The conversion of the resulting contraryial nip measurements into several(prenominal) unsound upper heavily depends on the specified unruffleds cling regime a Pitot tube is standard (Spurk and Aksel, 2008). In sideslip of an incompressible flow, below is the Bernoulli equation describing the kindred between the extort and f routine along the streamlineThe simple(a) pitot tube is comprised of an beginning at the leash where pressure mickle be comp ard with the atmospherical pressure, or the pressure at hollo through that the flow passes (Boyes, 2010). The Pitot tube is when fetching the local velocity measurements at the given up point of the flow.The swiftness of airflow is unflinching when there is tack in pressure between the devil holes found in the Pitot tube know via head (Kundu, Cohen and Dowling, 2012). Therfoe the renovate of airflow is metrical employ Bernoullis equationThe advise of this laboratory was to break up kilobyte-black pumps using knowledge of still mechanics wise(p) in the course. Assumptions of beauty flow and no friction were use and these theoretical results leave alone be compared to the data-based results obtained by touchstone the flow at the end of the jet pump.The SI units were utilise during the analysis for lenient conversion among different variable. Head was this instant proportional to positive pressure, high heads translated into high velocities the fast jet h ad a outsize head drop.The pitot tubes are greatly moved(p) by the Reynolds number when operating at low fluid velocities. Pitot tubes accuracy

Friday, June 21, 2019

Balanced Scorecard Assignment and Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Balanced posting Assignment and Paper - Essay ExampleThe report will also intend the segments which need to be addressed by the baby shop in social club to enhance its business.The balanced scorecard is an extension of traditional financial measures. financial measures are solely not enough as they only provide information about the past events. These were applicable for the companies in the industrial age when investments in long-term capabilities and customer relationships were not given any preferences. In the modern technological age only financial measures are not adequate. In order to remain competitive and successful in business it is important for a business to create future value through investment in customers, suppliers, employees, processes, technology, and innovation. (Balanced Scorecard Institute, 2009)c. Customer value Continuous customer support through online and telephonic support. With the changing business attitudes a need of rebounding between the customers a nd the business corporations is also felt. The ring centers are seen as an important instrument in order to explain the sales executives what is being required by the customers in shape of products and services and thereof improving the sales by targeting the actual requirements of the customers. The following advantages are attached with the use of call centersThere must be a continued attempt to improve all business and production processes. Quality improvement projects, such as on-time delivery, order entry efficiency, billing error rate, customer satisfaction, cycle time, tripe reduction, and supplier management, are good places to begin technical techniques such as SPC, benchmarking, quality function deployment, and designed experiments are excellent for problem solving.Employee involvement should be encouraged on every step of organisational planning, from decision making to implement change in the organisation. A program can be found in effect(p) when the employers guaran tee the involvement of the employees at each

Thursday, June 20, 2019


HEALTH PROMOTION AND THE DETERMINANTS OF HEALTH - Article ExampleRealistically, wellness promotion requires one to focus on issues that affect their wellness lives and how they can effectively change them to influence a healthy life (Hartford, 2012). For example, if a person is unemployed, change in their location of residence will not take much effect in addressing their immediate problem. healthy child development is a long term process that starts long before birth, and it determines the health and well-being of the child doneout his or her life. Healthy living of a child through all development stages is fundamental to the childs favourable and the child is positioned to reach his or her potential adulthood (Hartford, 2012). Evidently, in the writing, Social determinants of health The Canadian f subroutines by Mikkonen and Raphael, maltreatment during infancy and early childhood convey shown contradict child development, affecting the brain and cognitive development. It all affects academic achievement, and these factors have prove to be destructive through jeopardizing the future performance of the child. Repercussions of negative impacts such as child abuse and neglect are manifested into adulthood and adolescence physically, intellectually and psychologically (Mikkonen & Raphael, 2010). The capacity and deliverance of a child depends substantially on the environment or surrounding where he or she is raised (Hartford, 2012). Extensive research bodies confirm brain development, school readiness, subsequent learning and future adults health are substantially influenced by early experience. Health determinants are those factors that shape the health of a child and are characterized by the social and economic factors ranging from the activities they do, including fill to how they are treated through their child hood. Such factor influence the childs potential of the future and should be addressed with accordingly (Kozier, 2009). Health promotion, on t he other hand, deals with the ways how a child will grow in a conducive environment for a better future by taking exert control over determinants of health and here by improving their health (World Health Organization, 2011). Nurses play a fundamental subprogram in health promotion their role branches out to caring for fit people, as well as the ill (Mikkonen & Raphael, 2010). Acting as ambassadors of health promotion through preserving of wellness to reduce the number of times a child has to seek health-care services as established by a seminal article of Donaldson and Crowley, nurses role in providing information for better living has proven to be one of the key agendas in health promotion education, as well as accessibility to the clients, has proven effective. Long-term relation with mothers by working even in their homes has encouraged mothers to take advantage of their strength and achieve their goals (Public Health Agency of Canada, 2010). Nurses act as advisers to mothers from child birth to parenthood (Hartford, 2012). Their support, through deliverance of healthy babies to becoming confident parents and encouragement to pursue a better future for themselves and their children, has proven most effective. Such roles manifest themselves like Helping mothers practice preventive health procedures and good parental skills. These include diet improvement and reduction of stimuli and other drugs for instance

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Corporate Environmental and Social Management Essay

Corporate Environmental and Social Management - Essay ExampleOver time such problems gave rise to the growing consciousness of environmental protection and preservation. Business firms, governments and general public in the world started to seek for activities that are sustainable towards the environment. However, it was noted that the private and public authorities in the essential nations like U.S., U.K. and Japan were much more aware about the worth and importance of environmental protection that the individuals of the underdeveloped or developing nations like China, Pakistan and India.The take of literacy in the developed economies on average is more than 90%, on contrast to this figure approximately 40% of the individuals in the developing economies, are literate (Tantawi, 2009). Literate individuals in the developed countries understand the requirement of protecting the ecological balance in the globe in a much better elan compared to the illiterate individuals of the develo ping nations.The government authorities in the developing nations allocate maximum finance and awareness in activities directing towards economic growth. They are little concerned about the environment elated matters in contrast to the government authorities in developed nations. Like in all the Five yr Plans introduced by the government of India, very less importance is provided to matters relating to protection and preservation of environment (Vezzoli and Manzini, 2008).The population strength in the developed nations is lower compared to the developing countries. high-spirited population pressure in the developing nations like China and India often degrades the quality of environment. This is because higher population generates large amount of water, air, thermal and noise taint across these nations. On the other hand, the countries like Scotland, Switzerland and Finland are nations with low population

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Ancient Greek art of the Classical period depicts beauty through the Essay

Ancient Greek art of the Classical period depicts bag through the balance of naturalism and idealism - Essay ExampleThe classical period characterized modifications in both the function and the style of the sculpture. Poses seemed more naturalistic as shown by the Polykleitos of Diadumenos sculpture. The scientific skill of Greek sculptors in showing the human form in distinct poses was improved. The statues of the Diadumenos (set up in Athens to commemorate the wipe out of the tyranny) were reputed to be the initial public shrines to real people. After 480 BC, the Greeks celebrated a period of peace after the defeat of the Persian fleet at Salamis. During these periods, the humanities thrived and the uniqueness of thought, ideas, and artistic phrases was widely backed up. A number of sculptures were made from bronze, using the inlays of glass and copper1. The three dimensions forms of portrayed both an ability and balance of somatic beauty. Detailed features depicted individual character, only to achieve a more expressive point a bit later in the age of Pericles. They initiated the erudition of contrapposto to include the same freedom of movement into freestanding sculptures. This signified the weight of the sculpted form was altered to one leg, which also known as triplicity of stability2.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Ebusiness strategy of netflix Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ebusiness strategy of netflix - Term Paper ExampleThe internet has contend a major role in shaping the businesses of straightaway. Whether it is related to managing inventory, past data, customer data or complex functions like smart reimbursement of inventory levels, identifying consumer patterns or trends etc., the internet plays a signifi earth-closett role in the operations and management of almost every business of today. It has become so entrenched in todays world that is imperative for businesses to maintain an online presence as well to interact with customers, spread product awareness and showcase their offerings. According to Michael E. Porter, the internet is not a new technology for todays world. It has been there for more than a decade now and organizations should be smart enough to learn from the risks that can be associated with integrating business with the internet. Now is the age of accepting the internet as an enabling technology that can help businesses cut down on their costs significantly, position their brand better and create a more rivalrous marketplace (Porter, 2001). This too is only possible if a strategically drafted competitive strategy is in place to attract the target market.Netflix is targeted towards dominating the Internet TV category. However, the internet does not bind the competitors as such and with the shift of its videodisc business towards live streaming, the challenge does not remain in maintaining the best logistics system rather, it has shifted to maintaining relationships with the video providers. Netflixs main competitor, Blockbuster, closed down recently exactly this is due to restructuring and not bankruptcy (Indiviglio, 2010). They are expected to come back into the market with bigger and better services that Netflix cannot ascertain completely at this point. Netflix accepts that the videodisc rental is not feasible in the long run and has to be let go of at some point in time. However, it managed to aggravat e a significant portion of its target

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Market Models Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Market Models - Assignment ExampleAlthough there are numerous stiffs in the semiconductor chip making business line, their products are differentiated by some devoted-specific variables that create substitutability in the market. On the same note, each firm adopts its own pricing policies, thereby practicing independence from the others. However, Intel Corporation and all other firms in this market model cannot compete on price basis. Rather, intensive announce is a prominently employed competition strategy (Taylor & Weerapana, 2009).Market share in monopolistic competition is accessed by all operating firms. The substitutability of products makes firm to become price cautious, although they cannot necessarily compete on price basis. Firms can also enter and leave the market relatively easy, making new entrants portray operational threats to existing firms in terms of competition. Technological improvements make it possible for Intel to come up with new and improved product brand s, but this does not notice out the fact that rival firms could be doing the same and that new entrants could do it even better in the monopolistic competition market

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Should the Government provide health care Essay

Should the Government provide health care - Essay ExampleThis implies that there needs to be a partnership between healthcare providers, fond workers and the organisation to undertake this effectively. In the end, the well-being of the public will bring about a positive impact on the economy as opportunities for insane asylum and productivity will be ensured. Strategies such as community oriented primary care are needed to address the upstream causes of social inequities in health and to foster intersectoral cooperation (van Weel et al 469). Therefore, one would say that it is the responsibility of the giving medication to be involved in the provision of health care to ensure availableness of health services to many, especially the poor, health care industry regulation, and to enhance fairness in the distribution of funds allocated to health care. It is essential to define the single-valued function that the organization should play in providing health care, as it is clear that this will be an advantageous step in ensuring citizens live healthily. It can be argued that the governments role in provision of health care primarily should be to ensure access in two ways availability and affordability. health care services are a right to every human being thus they should be at their reach and at a approach that is within their capability. However, the government should not overspend on the provision of health care at the expense of other issues such as education and infrastructure. The shell way to control this is by playing a preventive role where the significance of public programs becomes clear as they create awareness hence trim back costs that would be otherwise incurred on treatment (What should be the Governments role 20). Therefore, government health care is defined as require payments made to doctors, medical facilities and supplementary health care providers (White). Moreover, through the government taking a preventive as opposed to a reactive jell drives down costs, and this caps the contention on relevance of health care benefits to the poor who lack food shelter since health benefits are essential and indeed an income to the poor. Nevertheless, this debate is already countered by the fact that when measuring progress of a nation, the issue of accessibility to health care is considered alongside food, housing and other utilities. It has been suggested, that the poverty limen should be raised so that health benefits dont vault the poor over the line (Porter). In this case, health benefits would not merely be in terms of funds dispensed to the poor, but also information that makes them aware of costs that could be avoided through preventive measures. Moreover, it can be argued that the government should be involved in the provision of health care to ensure there is regulation and control. This advocates for the government to become concerned with optimizing costs that insurance companies put down in terms of add-on cos ts for example, processing claims and distributing insurance forms, which end up deterring people from seeking treatment in the event of illness. More importantly, the government should ensure that services offered are of good quality and equal to all in order to streamline the basic system in existence. This is an advantage because it improves

Friday, June 14, 2019

Globalization (Korean-wave or Korean-pop) Research Paper

Globalization (Korean-wave or Korean-pop) - Research Paper ExampleThis look for testament help the people to extrapolate what the effect of globalization of different culture is and how it helps the Korean Pop culture to spread all crosswise the globe. Apart from that this research paper will similarly help us to discuss the effect of globalization on the Korean Pop culture and also how it influences other music types across the globe. With the help of this research paper we can analyze the effect of globalization in a particular field like culture and music. Being a culturally inscrutable country, the main aim of Korea is to spread their culture all across the globe. These reviews will help us analyze different positive and negative effects of globalization, how Korean wave culture uses this concept of globalization in their advantage to promote their culture.The working thesis of this paper will be globalization is just a supporting tool not the essential one to promote the Ko rean Pop culture as this culture have the essence in it to attempt noticed by the world. The answer of the research questions will be ground on the literature review, primary research. Through literature review we will discuss about different authors and scholars viewpoint about how the globalization plays a role in cultural mix and match across the globe and how it plays a role in the journey of Korean pop music. The primary research will help us to get the present conceit about the effects of globalization on the Korean culture in terms of both positive and negative, along with the opinion of common man regarding how the globalization helps in popularity of Korean pop or Korean wave.While answering this paper we will take a primary research based go about with supporting the view of the positive impact of globalization based on different authors viewpoints. The primary research will be based on 10 questions, out of which 8 will be close ended questions and rest 2 open ended. T he answers of the open ended questions

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4

Art - Essay Examplee Head of Saint deception the Baptist is one example of the artists works with Biblical subject and embodies the style of the Baroque period, which is characterized mainly of dynamic movements and emotional intensity. In Caravaggios painting depicting the Biblical character Herodias with the decollate John the Baptist, dynamic movement is evident in the oblique lines visible in the artwork particularly the leaning position of the main subject enchantment as the emotional intensity is visible in the colors used by the painter.The colors used were dominantly dark shades of red, blue, brown and green as if signifying the somber mood of the painting as it mainly depicts the death of John the Baptist and the triumph of the wicked. The colors also insinuate the bloodshed that transpired and the lifeless head of John the Baptist that is of a greenish-blue pallor. The volume element of the painting shows depth of each form in the painting and contributes to the dramatic appeal of the artwork as it creates an impression that the individual in the painting holding a severed head is real and is just in front of the viewer. The emotional intensity in this painting absolutely exemplifies the attributes of the Baroque period and serving the propaganda of the Catholic Re-reformation during that period.Pilgrimage to Cythera (Embarkation for Cythera) done in 1717 by French artist Jean-Antoine Watteau is oil on canvas work created during the rococo period and is 1.29 m x 1.94 m. in size currently housed in the Louvre. Watteaus artwork was created during the Age of Enlightenment in Europe wherein philosophical cogitate had flourished and artworks commonly had to be confined to have a rationale behind them. (Pomarede) Appropriately representing the Rococo style is the artists Pilgrimage to Cythera (Embarkation for Cythera) in equipment casualty of lines, subject and form since it depicts a group of men and women in a scene that looks as though they were pr eparing to travel to Cytheraan island

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

News media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

News media - Research Paper ExampleThe principle of this article was to make clear to the public about the dangers of meat product consumption. In addition, it would come alive the government to introduce activities that could tame unscrupulous meat packagers and processors. In this sense, this article is intended for responsible entities much(prenominal) as the USDA. It is also projected to the public and institutions such as public schools. For the public, it is vital that they assess the credibility of restaurants and retail houses. On the other hand, the government should attain information about the potent of the current nourishment industry for respective reactions.This is a NY Times piece that was published in the month of October and in the 2009. New York Times is an approved entity that specializes in various kinds of informatory articles. They range from investigative reports to reactionary opinions. According to New York Times, Moss is a Pulitzer winning journalist tha t has been specializing in investigative and informative pieces. In this sense, his pieces would be mostly documentary and vent oriented. Mr. Moss has a high level of credibility since he specializes in food industry. His Pulitzer price was based on the E.Coli virus report about Stephanies situation.Since 1994, the government banned grocers and meat companies from beef that carries the virulent strain of E.Coli (Moss 1). The scientific name of the virus relates to 0157H7. It came into public focus in 1994 because of an outbreak which resulted into the deaths of four children. In spite of its age since the 1994 scare, many individuals still sicken of this deadly pathogen.In spite of Ms. Smiths extreme reaction to E.coli strain, it is discernible that the system was smutty in its meat safety procedures (Moss 1). This is exemplified in the trace of her infection through corporate records and interviews. This makes beef consumption a dangerous

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Comparison of the Scientific Philosophies of Kuhn, Duhen and Lauden Essay

Comparison of the Scientific Philosophies of Kuhn, Duhen and Lauden - Essay ExampleTherefore, his philosophy will be examined first. Duhem posits that hypotheses are non straightforwardly refuted by experiment and that there are no crucial experiments in science. (Wikipedia, 10/19/11) This means that a hypothesis cannot be directly disproved by world part of an experiment. There are several possible reasons which support this theory. First, Duhem works on the presumption that experiments are conducted by humans, who are fallible. Therefore, the results they produce will not be perfect. This means that experiments in science are inherently flawed, which devalues the results of said experiments. Duhem would go on to set the stage for the theories of Kuhn and Lauden, because Duhem beats the idea that hypothesis, experiment, and fact are not inextricably linked. Kuhn and Lauden dig deeper to consider the reasons why. Thomas Kuhn makes the point that science has included bodies of beli ef quite incompatible with the ones we hold today. (Kuhn, 238) The premise here is that one propagations science is another generations bunk. Certainly, history is full of examples of past beliefs which have fallen out of fashion with the advent of scientific association and the technology which helps to uncover it. For example, scientific beliefs since the time of the Egyptians have changed irrevocably over the centuries, but Kuhns point is that at the time those discoveries were made, they were the newest (and therefore most valid) sources of scientific information. Kuhn further posits that what scientists and scientific historians should be concerning themselves with is to ask new sorts of questions and to trace different, and often less than cumulative, developmental lines for the sciences. Rather than seeking the permanent contributions of an older science to our present vantage, they should attempt to display the historical integrity of that science in its own time. (Kuhn, 2 38) By contrast, Larry Laudan challenges us to re-consider the entire purpose of science. He believes it is to askwhether science finished time brings us closer to achieving our cognitive aims or goals. (Laudan, 145) Does scientific knowledge bring us closer to those? Laudan presents a valuable point, which is that principals of testing, comparison, and evaluation of theories seem to vary significantly from level to level. (Laudan, 144) This seems to say that there are a number of variables present which cannot be reconciled from level to level or from scientist to scientist. These variables can tell themselves as simply as the fact that all people interpret results slightly differently. Take, for example, a doctor who views a patients X-ray on which there is evidence of carcinoma. A general practitioner would have a different interpretation of this than would a pulmonary specialist. They both see cancer, but whole the pulmonary physician can properly assess which treatments wou ld be most appropriate in attempting to eradicate the cancer. Now, suppose the patient can merely pass on to see his general practitioner because that is all his insurance will pay for he never gets to see the lung specialist, and is relying entirely on the scientific opinion of only one scientist to assess his chances of survival. This is only one example of the flaw in scientific method suppose the pulmonary physician was more well-read on the latest techniques of eradicating lung carcinoma, and the general

Monday, June 10, 2019

Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumers Dissertation

Impact of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumers - Dissertation drillThe advent of globalization and liberalization in the world markets has brought increased competition at the local level as well. Now, there be products and services that are available anywhere in the world and the customers are given a wide array of choice to choose from. There are a sorting of products, substitutes, prices and overall value packages that are now made available to the customer due to the rapid development of information and communication technologies as well as logistics management. The changes in the technological and the global business environment abide brought additional pressures on the organization to remain viable and competitive in the market. Organizations now have to invest in new product development strategies, look out for ways of reducing costs and expanding distribution channels and reaching out to the largest heel of customers using their limited budgets. Consumer awareness, consume r acceptance and retention and consumer feedback have become an important guiding factor for the organizations to develop products and markets (Perrault et al, 2000). Researchers have increasingly found that the customers are greatly influenced by the fact that they can easily attain more information about the product or service, that they are able to recall the product or the brand and that their friends or family are already using the product. This means that the more the brand awareness, the greater the chance that the products will be bought by the customers and also recommended to others by them.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Media and war on Terror Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Media and war on Terror - Essay ExampleThe government on the other hand used the media to counter the information and claims distributed by terrorists. with the media, governments also wages a war of winning the hearts and minds of the people by letting the public know how terrorist organizations are causing havoc in our society. In so doing, they erode public sympathy from the terrorist potential supported. Having said this, media inadvertently becomes an instrument of the tugging parties on the war on terror.Media and terrorism will eternally have a symbiotic relationship because media will feed on the news created by terrorists. The low news that terrorists will provide increases the news mental representations rating while terrorist organization gained media exposure to win public sympathy and support. This kind of set-up inadvertently forms a symbiotic relationship whereby each entity thrives on the existence of the other. Media benefits in either way. When terrorists organi zation issues a threat, media increases its ratings by sensationalizing it and when government counters to continue our way of life so as to deprive the terrorist of their victory, the media again has something juicy to report to increase its

Saturday, June 8, 2019

21st Century Technologies and Their Relationship to Student Achievement Essay Example for Free

21st Century Technologies and Their Relationship to instill-age child Achievement EssayThe Holy Grail in education forthwith is to link an educational strategy, program, first or applied science to learner achievement. There argon numerous organizations advocating for engine room Literacy, Information Literacy, 21st Century eruditeness Skills, and any number of opposite titles for literacy in a modern context. In all sectors of human society, the engineering science of the 21st Century has revolutionized and enhanced our way of life.From medicine to the military and from business to the arts, the technologies of today beget made our lives die. It is not surprising beca use of goods and services, that the public expects technology to have a similar revolutionary effect on education. After all, the biggest advancements of the last 20 stratums have been in the realm of information and the similarlyls of human knowledge this is upbringings back-yard. Yet, when peopl e look at our schools they see many classrooms that appear to have been immune to these advances.There ar obstacles that education faces in implementing a 21st Century approach to education not the least of which is conveying a definition and a clear picture of what it really looks standardized and whether it will be more efficacious for students. Costs to implement technology-rich programs quickly seem prohibitory when scaling to an entire school system, particularly so in a state that lags the nation in educational funding.Teachers ar our biggest asset and ar know to be the single largest influence on student achievement the district smoke provide, so professional make growment is crucial and fundamental. The measure of success, the CSAP, is a musical theme and pencil test which will be un fitted to measure all the irrefutable effectuate technology can have for student instruction. Indeed, a twentieth Century test method will be unable to properly assess (and may e ven inhibit) the skills development of a 21st Century learner. And then, be we just roughly the content and helping students master it, or is education most something more as well(p)?Therefore, making the case that investment in technology will increase student achievement can be fraught with pitfalls and obstacles. To attempt to tackle this issue, the authors of this paper will review quality enquiry and commentary in an array of areas where technology-related tools and strategies have been use with positive effects for students. A strict filter of studies that produce higher(prenominal) test bequeaths will not be apply because of the limitations current paper and pencil tests have in assessment of 21st Century skills.In addition to modify assessment performances, the subscriber is encouraged to consider the context of a global dissembleplace and educations duty to ensnare students to thrive in a highly digital, synergetic knowledge hands. Research that shows increased student achievement on assessments, studies that distributor point to ways education can successfully prepare students for a modern workforce and our hold senses in Littleton Public trails shall all be considered positive correlations between technology and student achievement in this paper.The Challenge Inherent in find out the Effectiveness of Technologies via Research The following is an excerpt that addresses a gestalt view of technology and its correlation to student achievement When we interpret to set up the utileness of educational technologies, we are confronted by a number of methodological and practical issues. First, we need to remember that technology is only angiotensin converting enzyme component of an instructional activity. Assessments of the restore of technology are really assessments of instruction enabled by technology, and the outcomes are highly dep overthrowent on the quality of the implementation of the instructional form.According to Roy Pea, di rector of SRI Center for Technology in Learning in Menlo Park, California, the social contexts of how technology is used are crucial to downstairsstanding how technology might influence teaching and learning. procreational technologies cannot be effective by themselves. The social contexts are all-important. This means more attention should be paid to the teaching strategies used both in the software and somewhat it in the classroom, and to the classroom environment itself.It is a recurrent finding that the effects of the best software can be neutralized through improper use, and that even indisposed designed software can be creatively extended to serve important learning goals. There are likewise a host of methodological issues to confront. First, standardized achievement tests might not measure the types of spays in students that educational technology reformers are looking for. New measures, some of which are currently under development, would assess areas, such as higher o rder thinking skills, that many believe can be particularly affected by employ natural technologies.There is also a need to include outcome measures that go beyond student achievement, because student achievement might be affected by students attitudes about themselves, their schools, the types of interactions that go on in schools, and the very idea of learning. Another consideration is pointed out by the U. S. Office of Technology Assessments Teachers and Technology Making the connector Technological changes are kindredly to be nonlinear, and might show effects not only on student learning, only when also on the curriculum, the temperament of instruction, the school culture, and the fundamental ways that teachers do their jobs. Coley, 1997). Instant Response Systems Data-driven decision making is an educational approach that requires educators to decide on instructional strategies and activities based on what they know about how well students have grasped a concept. Whereas before, this might be do with mini quizzes, homework or performances at the chalk board, todays technologies provide another avenue. Using handheld devices in Modesto City Schools classrooms, teachers can pose interrogatives to students who use wireless remotes for real- meter responses.Such engagement enables the teachers to immediately determine if students are grasping concepts and decide whether more time is needed on a topic or whether the group can move on. Item banks of standards-aligned questions catch teachers jobs easier in developing such review materials (Hines, 2005). Another similar technology is the graphing calculator which can be used in mathematics and science classrooms to enable every student to participate and have the power of a modern computation tool.Classrooms that make use of the graphing calculator exhibit better questioning and feedback behaviors goal-oriented instruction becomes more attainable and more common activities result in better student enga gement and students tend to demonstrate more collaborative learning behaviors (Whitehurst, 2003). In Littleton Public Schools, a definitive interest is rising for these technologies as several classroom sets are deployed in schools across the district. Results are more often than not anecdotal and preliminary, but math coordinators are seeing the Texas Instruments graphing calculator as a valuable tool that will reach beyond just math class.Technology Education Littleton Public Schools has a strong tradition in the realm of technology education. Our Middle and High Schools are all equipped with curricula that break a wide array of technologies to students. LPS technology education students and teachers have won national recognition for their work. A relatively small amount of look into has been done on students understandings of design and technology concepts, or technical knowledge. This limited research sometimes makes it difficult to capitalize on such an ever evolving subject as Technology Education.The findings from the Australian reading state that an increasing awareness of students understandings of design and technology concepts can have an impact on the teaching and learning of design and technology in elementary schools similar to that experienced in elementary science education (Davis, Ginns, McRobbie, 2002). Called Career and Technical Education in Virginia, CTE correlations to curricular areas have been documented on a state web site (http//www. valinkages. net/) and are considered a key component to preparing students for End-Of-Course tests.A study was conducted in 20022003 on Illustration and Design Technology coursework, an example of CTE student performance on Standards of Learning (SOL), the Virginia equivalent of CSAP tests. The results showed that 78 percent of CTE students passed the mathematics SOL test musical composition only 72 percent of non-CTE enrolled students pass the test (Dyer, Reed, Berry, 2006). Authors on the subject advocate for providing students with opportunities to synthesize their learning in other subjects in technology-related programs.The opportunity to hold and reinforce learning from content areas in technology programs is essential if learning is to be meansful to students (Lewis, 1999). In our own experiences in LPS, we find that the Technology Education courses generate excitement and interest for learning among both male and female students which must have an impact on their learning. Recent research has shown that Technology Education courses appeal to both genders equally (McCarthy Moss, 1994). Although girls appeared to enjoy required technology education courses, they were less likely to continue taking such courses as electives(Silverman Pritchard, 1996).Certainly motive and application of knowledge help to improve student achievement. And while new-fashioned results do not conclusively prove that these courses impact student achievement at a higher level than other p rograms we implement in schools, it would be imprudent to think that these programs do not have a very positive effect. This is one of the limitations of research on students it is almost impossible to create a true control group. When asked, students currently enrolled in LPS Technology Education courses reported their thoughts of technology to include computers, iPods, video gimpys, music media, email, and tools in general.Recent legislation supports the concept that educations technology initiatives need to go beyond thinking about computers. Rather, Technology Education is about teaching innovation providing opportunity for practical application of knowledge gained in school mastery of abstraction and problem solving. Technology Education programs at LPS include a broad scope of tools that human beings use to master their environment including manufacturing, construction, power and energy, communication, transportation, and biotechnology.While research that clearly jibes highe r student achievement on standardized tests is lacking, the skills that students learn in such courses clearly match what employers, from engineering firms to manufacturing companies, level they seek in their applicant pools. Simulations and boob tube Games Dad, did you know that a Prefect in ancient Rome was both a firefighter AND a policeman? was a question that arose from the back of my (Dan Maas) car during a long road trip with my son, Calvin.He described, in quite accurate detail, the pantheon of Roman gods, the basic elements of Roman society and then abruptly ended the question and answer plosive speech sound that arose from his initial question so he could fend off the Carthaginians. How did he know they were Carthaginians? Hannibal always attacks with elephants was his reply. The boy had learned all this about Rome compete a video game at age five. Video games have long been the bane of the parent and teachers existence, but theres something here that may be of some u se to us. Some have picked up on the possibilities.A multi-user virtual environment (MUVE) is a kind of video game. Schools like Harvard University are creating MUVEs that are patterned after video games with a few critical differences. Video games typically have goals like collecting points, defeating enemies or gathering gold. On the other hand, MUVEs have the goal of learning. By creating virtual environments, problems can be posed, research can be collected, theories time-tested and outcomes achieved. One MUVE example begins with an outbreak of a disease in a small town that players must investigate, determine the pathogens involved, develop theories on how o make out the illness and test methods to resolve the crisis.The simulation is highly visual, interactive, and highly engaging to the students. See Studies show that children whose teachers use technology for simulations and application of knowledge tend to develop higher order thinking skills and tend to score higher on t ests like the National Assessment for Educational Progress. Conversely, technology use that focuses on drill-and-practice tends to correlate to lower performance (Archer, 1998).In another pilot, students who participated in computer-assisted literacy instruction earned higher scores on a Stanford Culture-Free Self-Esteem Inventory and on a Test of Written Spelling (Bottege, Daley, Goin, Hasselbring, Taylor, 1997). In a 2005 study on a gaming system called an In sayigent Tutoring System, results showed increased educational interest and want among students. Students showed statistically solid gains educationally, but of particular note was the very significant effect on students who had performed poorly previous to the pilot (Virvou, Katsionis, Manos, 2005).When one thinks about games, it seems as if there is a clear opportunity for using this tool for advancing educational skills. Students solve problems, learn volumess and master virtual world rules while playing video games f or entertainment. This pattern was examined in a Newark, New Jersey study using Lightspan educational video games where 47 pre-school age children played 40 transactions per day for 11 weeks and demonstrated significant gains everywhere the control group on the Wide Range Achievement Test R-3.The scores for spelling and decoding were significantly improved for the experimental group over the control while no significant difference was detected in math (Calao Din, 2001). The Pokemon video game is also interesting to consider. By the time the first draft of this document is completed for the Board of Education, the country will celebrate Dr. Suess birthday. His childrens books help childlike people to learn to read by creating simple, repetitive language constructs that reveal patterns to students and help them improve their decoding and phonic awareness.He even made up nonsense devises to press the students phonetic readiness. Pokemon has many similar traits. Text on the handhe ld game appears in small, five word chunks that only proceed when the reader is done. The reading is meaningful in that comprehension is required to solve the puzzles of the game. And the story line is filled with imaginary creatures with made-up label each phonetically accurate. Did the makers of Pokemon intend to create a game that might help children learn to read or did the creators use phonics to create the English language equivalents of their native Japanese?Who knows, but perhaps this game, or something like it, could be helpful. In speaking informally at several buildings in LPS, students at the centre of attention level indicated that they would check out educational video games to play on their home gaming systems. Could video games, tuned to education by eliminating violence and other objectionable themes, become a new tool educators can use to engage students both during and after school? More research is certainly warranted but the live results and intuitive logic leads one to think that there is promise here. At-Risk/InterventionAn ever boon emphasis in education is how to intervene for students with at- take chances characteristics. We see educational and economic gaps forming for students at-risk and our public system is always focused on closing gaps and providing bridges for students. Can technology- corporate interventions be part of the answer? In a recent study published by North Carolina disk operating system Universitys Meridian, journal on middle school technology, students repeating eighth grade were isolated into a focused 27-week program that used hypermedia, online resources and Power Point as coordinated technologies.Students demonstrated statistically significant gains (29 percentile points) in reading and language arts. additionally students demonstrated marked improvements (23 percentile points) in piece of music performances (Little, 2006). within LPS, the Center for Online Studies is a partnership with Arapahoe Comm unity College (ACC). Students come to ACC to take online coursework supplied by Class. com and supervised by a certified teacher. The students enrolled have had difficulty succeeding in their traditional high schools and reported to the Board of Education in January, 2007 that the program has made a difference in their academic pursuits.The principles in use here that are making this first year program a success are having a quality content source, a certified teacher and a supportive learning environment. 11 Initiatives One-to-one computing is an industry term of one computing device allocated to one person. This essentially is an initiative to end shared computing resources based on the idea that such learning tools are so essential that every student needs one all the time. This view is something akin to the status that textbooks have enjoyed for some time.When the public hears about classroom textbooks, meaning students cant take their own book home, there is usually concern or even outcry to increase the resource. Proponents of 11 computing believe that the 21st Century represents a time when that status held by textbooks transfers to the computer. Indeed, if we are to shift from paper-based learning materials to electronic sources, a 11 initiative of some sort of computing device will be a pre-requisite. Some school districts and even states have begun to explore this concept.In Maine, a state-wide initiative began nine years ago to provide every seventh grade student with a laptop. The program is called the Main Learning Technology Initiative (MLTI) and it is having an impact on teaching and learning in their public schools. After five years, researchers reported that teachers were more effective at helping students meet state standards. in any case students were more motivated, learned more, and mastered concepts to deeper levels. Finally, students appeared to be learning new skills for the 21st Century (Lane, 2003).Further research into the MLTI proj ect showed that students who had used laptops in 7th and eighth grade, but no longer had school supplied laptops in 9th grade reported that the quantity and quality of their school work had dropped since losing glide slope to school-provided laptops (Pitler, Flynn, Gaddy, 2004). A 11 project is the initiative in Henrico County, Virginia which began in 2001. Prior to the project, 78 percent of the district schools were accredited based on the student achievement on the Virginia Standards of Learning test.By the end of the school year in 2003, all schools had earned accreditation meaning that a satisfactory percentage of students passed the state test (Pitler, Flynn, Gaddy, 2004). In Canada, a 11 effort entitled the Wireless Writing Project begun in 2002 started in Peace River North with 6th and 7th grade students. In pre and post-test results on writing assessments, researchers implant that the percentage of students who met or exceeded the performance standards of the test incre ased from 70 percent to 92 percent (Pitler, Flynn, Gaddy, 2004).Another 11 initiative is underway in New Hampshire where initial results reflect other studies of similar efforts. Students and teachers are demonstrating increased technology use across the curricular areas. Student engagement and motivation is improving and student-teacher interactions are on the rise. Initial reports of teacher judgment of student achievement (that is, basing achievement on grades rather than standardized tests) indicate that students are doing better than before (Bebell, 2004).In our own experiences in LPS, we see classrooms with laptop access achieving a 11 ratio for the class peak exhibiting much improved academic behaviors. Working in this manner, students demonstrate a tendency to return to previous homework and revise, edit and reuse to far great degrees than the classroom teacher was accustomed to seeing. Students more often compare their writing samples with peers and seem more likely to c ollaborate. Using blogs, wikis and other online tools, students expand on the public utility company of word summonsors by working collaboratively and ubiquitously.Collaboration through Technology A strong theme through the research and observations in this paper is how technologies are used to improve student achievement and general practices. This section is dedicated to the art of collaboration and how various tools allow people to reach across distances and through time like never before. iPods and other MP3 playing devices have opened up a very convenient and powerful pathway for information to be produced, accessed and archived. San Diego State University is leveraging this technology in science teacher preparation.Podcasting is a method of recording digital audio and video files and posting them online for others to access. This method can be used to bring distant experts to students, provide opportunities to review material at leisure, grant unprecedented access to students to research material and extend the learning opportunities for students well beyond the classroom. Surveys of pre-service science teachers who used iPods and podcasting in their preparation reported time savings, increased interest in subject matter, and declared that they would use podcasting in their own teaching methods in the future (Yerrick, 2006).The presence of global ne devilrks, the affordability of a wide array of information technology and the reality that connected people create an integrated whole have drastically impacted how we work, and learn today. Learning theories of the previous century including behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism were developed, prior to the current way our lives are organized, as a result of technology. Siemens proposes a new theory of learning based on the new human condition Connectivism. In this view, knowledge resides in people and on devices.Learning and knowing rest on diverse opinions from a wide array of sources. Learning beco mes a process of connecting nodes of information. Continual learning is maintained by nurturing connections. Learners find connections between different ideas, fields of study, and basic concepts. Being current is of paramount importance. And decision-making is actually a learning process, meaning choosing what to learn and being able to deal with the shifting nature of information. Learners must become comfortable with the reality that what is considered correct today might be proven wrong tomorrow.This theory of learning represents a massive shift in thinking that learning is not an individual pursuit, but is a collaborative, dynamic and never-ending activity (Siemens, 2005). In LPS, the blog and the wiki has become a fascinating collaborative learning tool. In a Language Arts classroom, students no longer just check out a book, write some sticky-note annotations, and have one-at-a-time discussions prompted by the teacher. Rather, students copy Macbeth from a web resource into a w ord processor and annotate electronically, keeping their work on personally owned USB memory keys.While some students discuss a scene with the teacher, others are free to blog commentary on the topic of communicative discussion or other interests in the subject-matter at hand. Suddenly, a dozen conversation threads are happening all at once and the teacher only has control of one. The participation rate of students has risen and students return to the blog after school to continue their dialog. Students report that the conversation via blog makes them more pensive and yet more self-assured because of the lack of a public speaking component to the classroom discussion.In one discussion, the number of postings became so frequent over a short period of time that the free blogging service shut down the account because the activity resembled a malicious electronic attack on the blog server. A wiki supporting another Language Arts class is being used to connect students to young people in other countries like South Korea. Students reading Arabian Nights have opportunities to share their insights with others from around the United States and even in foreign countries.Other opportunities include the use of SKYPE for toll-free calls around the globe to other connected classrooms and instant messages allowing free-form, high speed conversation on topics of study. And in a Foreign Language classroom, chat and Voice over IP systems allow students to practice their second language acquisition with their teacher, with each other, and even with students outside the classroom. The lesson is that the art of collaboration has no boundaries today. Time and space are no longer the limiters they once were and the list of technologies in this section only scratches the surface of what is available.And like the learning theory of Connectivism points out, this too will change. Education must take note and prepare students to succeed in an environment that thrives on collaboration while constantly changing and improving the tools that support it. Word bear on and Writing For decades now, research has been conducted on the effect word processing has on writing skills for students. In a 1997 study, Owston and Wideman cite a considerable body of work on this topic as part of their research project that studied tertiary grade students using word processors for writing.They concluded in their own study that use of word processors that were readily available to students and were an integrated part of their daily activities resulted in considerably higher quality and quantity of writing as compared to a similar student group without access and support for such tools (1997). In a more recent qualitative study, the use of word processors with seven 3rd grade students over a six week period led to significantly more creative, more comprehensive and improved style.This study of five girls and two boys also reported higher motivation to work with the writing process a s compared to paper and pencil methods (Beck Fetherston, 2003). In LPS, Anne Smith reports that students are more industrious when using classroom laptops. The students take advantage of the ease of use to manipulate text to show various sentence structures. While these studies definitely point to improved writing volume and quality from young students, research also send words that young students need to be exposed to handwritten learning as well, which has been a point of discussion for some time.An article by Balajthy et al points out that students need a diverse writing experience and that word processors should be part of the experience rather than replacing handwritten work (Balajthy, McKeveny, Lacitignola, 1986). At this developmental level, the various tools for writing are most effective for learners when they are used in an integrated approach with the overall instructional program rather than taught separately (MacArthur, 1988).There are studies that show little or no impact of word processors on the quality of student writing, however, a meta-analysis in 1993 showed that these studies tend to have a number of limitations not the least of which is the use of text-based word processors rather than the Graphical user Interface (GUI) systems in use today. Additionally, the analysis revealed that such studies often involve students who have sporadic access to the technology and were not accomplished with the tool (Bangert-Drowns, 1993).The process of mastering writing is very important and there is research that shows how emphasis on writing skills positively improves student achievement across the curriculum. Writing crossways the Curriculum initiatives have over twenty years of professional practice and anecdotal evidence to support this claim. Strong research has been hard to come by, however, to real evidence the effects. One of the biggest obstacles is the ability to truly have a strong control group for any study as such would require a pop ulation of students who did not use writing as part of their learning process (Railsback, 2004).Some studies have been able to document positive effects. In a 1992 study, Van Allen was able to conclude that school-wide efforts in Writing Across the Curriculum in five middle schools over a five year period resulted in better writing and better overall student achievement on assessments (1991). What we have found essential in LPS is to have students write often and in a variety of forms including wikis and blogs as well as word processors. We wish to note here that we must be careful about using research that is old, even though some of it is unavoidable.The technology tools of today are very different than when computers first entered schools. As an example, the word processing research from the mid-eighties may not be completely irrelevant, but the software of today bears so little resemblance to the software of the late 1980s. In addition, increased student (and teacher) familiar ity with these tools will also have an effect on the impact these tools have on achievement. A key question is How do we measure the impact of tools that change so quickly that by the time you measure their impact, the tools have changed?In other words, by the time most research is done (and published in reputable sources), the technology has changed so much that the research loses at least some of its relevance. This will be a significant hurdle to overcome. In a comprehensive peer-reviewed report, Bangert-Drowns conducted another meta-analysis with Hurley and Wilkinson on the impact of writing across the curriculum in 2004. This analysis, which reviewed 48 studies, produced troika major findings. First, writing for learning produced positive effects on school achievement in the studies reviewed.The second finding was that grade levels, minutes per task, and writing prompts had significant impact on results. The study found that programs implemented in Grades 68 actually had reduc ed performances, possibly due to the loss of time on the more differentiated content covered at the secondary level. Longer tasks also depressed results perhaps for similar time constraint issues and motivational issues among students. The use of writing prompts concerning students current understandings and confusion were very effective while prompts for personal writing showed no effect. The third finding concerned the length of treatment.The analysis revealed the intuitive conclusion that students who have longer exposure to writing for learning strategies experience a cumulative effect that is very positive (2004). The research continues today and can be seen in an article published in Education Week on February 14, 2007, where the National Assessment of Educational Progress has been piloting a computerized test for assessing writing. This move recognizes the research that is showing how students write more often, of better quality, and with more consistency (between both gender s) when using these writing tools.And preliminary results are showing that students tend to write better on the tests when using the word processor (Cavanagh, 2007). What can be drawn from these studies is that writing, being an active learning process, has been shown to positively impact student achievement in all subject areas. It can also be stated that students who have ample access to word processing in conjunction with skillful instruction in a school that is emphasizing Writing Across the Curriculum can be reasonably expected to produce higher achievement results. Streaming VideoIn quatern Los Angeles public schools, a study was conducted on the effectiveness of United Streaming video in supporting 6th through 8th grade mathematics achievement. Students were pre and post-tested to provide the source data for the study which revealed that the experimental group using streaming video outperformed the control group by 4. 7 percent among one-sixth grade students. This differenti al was shown to be statistically significant. Eighth grade students showed a more modest 2. 2 percent advantage which still registered as significant (Boster et al. , 2004).In LPS, the resembling United Streaming resources were secured for all schools at the beginning of the 20062007 school year. Additional digital projection and speaker equipment was provided to schools along with a project orientation effort to help teachers access and use the material. Prior to the introduction of United Streaming video, the cyberspace connection for the district was peaking at 26 megabits of demand. Within two months of the introduction of United Streaming, the peak demand had reached 100 megabits which represented the maximum throughput the connection was able to sustain.This 400 percent increase in Internet demand was traced directly to streaming video services requested by the schools demonstrating the value teachers immediately saw in this technology. Today, LPS is deploying a locally hos ted server to present the streaming video to meet the growing demand for both quantity and quality of the content. Laptops for Teachers The following is an observation of technology use at Lenski Elementary School by Assistant Director of Instructional Technology, Boni Hamilton.As part of the Technology Grants from Plan for Social Excellence (www. pfse. org). schools provided laptops for teachers in the first year of the three year grants. PFSE didnt collect hard data about the impact, but at Lenski Elementary School, I saw firsthand the effects on teachers and instruction. Some observations 1. Teachers who had been least confident about their technology skills increased their confidence and competence with technology skills to equal that of the more tech-savvy supply members within four months.While the classroom teachers had regular access to technology skills when they co-taught in the lab and so were fairly confident with technology skills, the non-classroom staff such as speci alists trustworthy training only when it was scheduled for the staff. This was too infrequent to give them the level of competence they needed. The portability of the laptops allowed the specialists to get help from peers, family members, and friends. A couple of teachers even signed up for computer classes outside the school because they eventually had computers they could take home and practice on.One teacher who had been only moderately comfortable with technology learned how to make tables in MSWord and began showing everyone on staff she became the staff expert. 2. Teachers improved in their trouble-shooting skills. Trouble-shooting is difficult to teach because problems happen at inconvenient times and are hard to reproduce during a training session. However, when teachers were draw their laptops home and had problems, they had to solve the problems themselves. They either used family members to help or they fooled around until it did what they wanted.Because they knew the computers could be restored, they no longer worried about what would happen if they took a risk and pushed a button. 3. Teachers grew more relaxed about problems. Before laptops, teachers often got stressed when some technology failed. As they learned to problem-solve laptop problems, they had less tendency to get up-tight when something went wrong. They were then able to think about problem-solving strategies, consult a peer, or cart the laptop to a computer coach for help. 4. Teachers increased the level of student use of technology.As teachers gained confidence, they became more willing to risk using computers in the classroom. It wasnt as scary to let kids try projects on classroom computers because they trusted that either they or their students could solve problems. 5. The demand for student computers in classrooms has increased dramatically annually. Even though teachers felt their classrooms were too small to handle clusters of computers, six months after they received lapt ops, they made room for computer clusters because they began to depend on computers to enable students to continue projects, collaborate on learning, and practice skills.The number of desktop computers in classrooms went from an average of three per room to an average of five to six per room. Lenski also bought two 15-computer laptop carts, but demand was so heavy that the school added two more carts in the following year. Then the librarys demand for computers increased so dramatically that the school had to buy a fifth cart. In the third year of having laptop carts, teachers are now complaining that there are too few carts available for the library and 16 classrooms (Grades 2-5). 6.After three years of having laptops, most teachers opted to return to desktop computers. There seemed to be several causes for this 1) They purchased home computers and found they could use USB drives to cart files 2) The school had enough wireless laptops for student use that teachers could get on a l aptop or even borrow one overnight, if they needed 3) They preferred larger screens, faster processors, and standard mice. Based on these observations, I advocate potently for giving teachers experience with laptops before buying laptops for students. Concluding RemarksThe following is a summative commentary from Karl Fisch, Edublog Nominee and Finalist for the Best Blog of 2006 Were not going to find a whole lot of really good research to support this at this time. I can summarize what the research generally says. The use of technology in appropriate ways has a small, positive effect on student achievement. It also has a larger, but still small, positive effect on student and teacher motivation, engagement and satisfaction. Thats about it. however I would strongly argue that to a certain extent this is missing the point. I would also suggest that many of our current practices are in direct contradiction to what the research says we should do, but we do them anyway because its c onvenient for the adults.How come nobody is demanding to see the research to support those practices? But I digress. ) I do not think that if we infuse technology into our schools, even putting in a 11 program at the high schools, that we will see student achievement as we currently measure it skyrocket. I think we may see a small positive effect, with possibly a slightly larger effect among those students who typically have not done very well in our schools.But the basic problem with looking for research that supports growth in student achievement is that by compulsion research has to look at fixed, testable content to try to determine growth. Now Im not saying that content knowledge isnt valuable, it is. But I think the skills and abilities and habits of mind that ubiquitous access to technology would help us develop in our students are ones that are really hard to measure. How do you measure creativity? Or the ability to collaborate with others, both in the same room or acro ss the planet (or beyond)?Or the ability to take in information from an almost inexhaustible supply, synthesizes it, remix it, and then produce something that is of value to others? How do you measure imagination? How do you measure the ability to function in a flat, globally interconnected, technology-enabled, rapidly changing world? How do we measure the ability to learn how to learn? To know how to adapt, to reinvent yourself over and over again to meet the needs of a world that is changing at an exponential pace. How do you measure the ability to function in a world where all of human factual knowledge will be available practically now?Knowledge is good. Having content knowledge is necessary, but not sufficient, to be successful in the 21st century. The research at best is only going to tell us about content knowledge. The power of the technology is to transform teaching and learning as we know it. To make it more student-centered, more individualized (yet also more community- based), more relevant, more meaningful. It allows each student to connect to each other, to the world, to knowledge, to learning, in the way(s) that works best for that student. I guess I fear we are asking the wrong questions . . .Where does all this leave us? And what use does this document provide? Clearly, more research is needed, but our efforts can no longer stop the coming of comprehensive research studies. Not having solid research behind us will not be an adequate excuse for failing to prepare our students for the 21st Century. Therefore, we must be on the constant look-out for research that will help us light the way while we move ahead in the modernization of our public schools and our methods. We must become students of our own society and allow our own observations and action-research to influence our decisions.We must model for our students the creativity and risk-taking that will be specify characteristics of the next age. In short, educators must come out of the co mfort zone, release some control and join the wave of seemingly chaotic global empowerment. Daniel knock describes the next age of society which might give us some clues. He defines an age by the type of worker that is most commonly found among the population. During the Agricultural Age, the common person was some sort of farmer. During the Industrial Age, it was the factory worker.And during the Information Age, which he describes as beginning in the 1960s, it was the Knowledge Worker. But the end of each age is preceded by an out-sourcing and off-shoring of the common worker prompting the rise of the next age. So what does Daniel Pink suggest is next? The Conceptual Age. This economy maintains the necessity of strong left-brain skills (reading, writing, math and science) while adding the right brain skills (aesthetics, intuition, value and play). Daniel Pink would advise us to continue our left-brain pursuits, but introduce the richness of meaning and value. It is no longer suff icient to create a well engineered product now the product must be appealing as well (2005).Referenceshttp//