Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Clark Beck Obsessive compulsive inventory Test

Clark Beck Obsessive compulsive inscription TestClack Beck Obsessive compulsive inventory rivulet captive to find out comparisonship among ones temperament complaint and how it affects ones social relation. This research has two main(prenominal) purposes. First, this try testament observe the relation mingled with record disorder and interpersonal troubles by using information gather from ones ego report and separate of people who relate to person who has character disorder. Second, this research will closely look at relationship between genius disorders traits and interpersonal troubles measure across source. Through out this study, we will open to expand our knowledge most personality disorder and gain reliable information roughly how personality disorder impacts ones interpersonal relationship.Clark Beck Obsessive compulsive inventory TestMental disorders which include personality disorder ar the one of main cause of disability in the USA. About one in iv ad ults ages 18 and over, suffering some kind of affable disorder include personality disorder. (Andrew) This means about 57 million people suffering mental disorder in USA. (Andrew). People who suffering Personality Disorder is always behaved or involve in considerable personal and social disruption. In new(prenominal) word, Personality Disorder person behave abnorm every last(predicate)y in social life. In order to understand the how personality disorder impact ones interpersonal relationship, we require to get information from people around him or her. Clack Beck Obsessive compulsive inventory examination will find out relationship between ones personality disorder and ones interpersonal impairment. From this observation, we will able to gain reliable information about how personality disorder impacts ones interpersonal relationship.This research has two main purposes. First, this study will observe the relation between personality disorder and interpersonal troubles by using in formation gather from ones self report and group of people who interact with personality disorder person. (Allan) Second, this research will closely look at relationship between personality disorders traits and interpersonal troubles measure across source. (Allan) In different word, we will comp be the personality disorder traits gathering by ones self-report with the interpersonal problems reported by peers and vice versa. (Allan) By comparing personality disorder traits and peers report, we will able to see how ones personality disorder is perceived differently by one-self and early(a)s. (Allan)The population of this study is undergraduate disciples at a declamatory public university. University students ages are between from 18 to 22. 75 percent of student who participates were Caucasian, 9 percent were Asian, 7 percent of African American, and 8 percent of other ethnicities includes Hispanic, Native American. (Allan) Students who participates this study were all for the fi rst time year students who had been living together about five month in same dormitory. Students rates all other peers who lived together by answer questionnaire form which ask, please rate how well you know each person in four point scale from o (Not at all) to 3 (very well). (Allan)The self report and peer report of personality disorder questionnaires consists of 106 items. The self-report and peer report version of questionnaire items are matched only the wording of questionnaires are changed. (Allan). Each student will nominate every other students of the group. For each questionnaire, individual will recommended students who are best matched with given characteristic in each question. Also, for each questionnaire, each students rating peers, by indicating sometimes, often, or always places such characteristic. (Allan) After students realized peer report then all students will completed a self report which is same as peer report, only wording is different. Students marked by u sing four point scale from 0 (never) to 3 (always).The psychometric properties of the obsessive compulsive test have shown that this test is fairly reliable, and valid. The internal reliability of peer score on PIPD items was 0.74 for 393 University students, within determine ranging from 0.90 to 0.19. (Allan) Test-retest reliability of this test was 0.71. Interrater reliability is from 0.57 to 0.75. (Allan) Factor analysis of the peer report and the self report shows relatively high correspondence, coefficients ranged from 0.87 to 0.97. (Allan)The obsessive compulsive inventory test has proved as a valid assessment test. This test has a moderate validity for its construction, and content it contains. Its Factor analysis is relatively high which present that this test successfully measure what it is intend to measure. Variation of self report and peer report, maximum possible mutant across sources ranged from only 4 percent to 13 percent. (Allan) This shows that even though self report and peer report measures similar contents but only little variance shared between self report and peer report of personality disorder. We might able to predict that there is significant gap between how one perceived about oneself and peers think of him or her. In other word, person who suffering personality disorder have low recognition of what his or her peers think of him or her. (Allan) The correlation for concurrent validity is 0.25 to 0.30 with criterion measures. These result demonstrate that people who suffering personality disorder are poor at identifying how they perceived by others. (Allan). ratified variation pairs explained a moderate amount of cumulative variance, 36 percent of self report and 38 percent of peer report. (Allan) Overall, this study result shows that self reported by personality disorder person and interpersonal problems are highly colligate and explain a moderate amount of the overall variance of one another. (Allan)Clark Beck obsessive compuls ive inventory could be benefit in clinical, counseling or research setting. The obsessive compulsive inventory test has been a useful tool to help person who suffering personality disorder to acknowledge that there is exist gap between what one think about oneself and how others think about him or her. (Daniel) This test results could be use as a clinical setting to help improve ones self awareness of his or her personality disorder and how it affect ones interpersonal relation. Because this personality disorder person has low ability to predict ones interpersonal relation, one used to become anti social person or narcissism. (James) By using Clark Becks compulsive inventory in clinical setting, therapist able to explain and diagnose ones personality disorder and help him or her realize current interpersonal problem.The Clack Beck obsessive compulsive inventory has also benefit to use in counseling. Many personality disorder people do not realize ones disability until they loose eve ryone around them. Many personality disorder people believe their poor interpersonal relationship were not their problem, it is everyones problem, except oneself. (David) They usually think they are normal and all others are abnormal. So, they avoid to get diagnose of therapist or pertain for their personality problem. In order to prevent worsen their problematic relationship, counselor able to use results of obsessive compulsive inventory test to help personality disorder person to acknowledge their personality disorder. (David) It is important to get a therapy or counseling in early. aboriginal prevention of personality disorder will helps to cure ones problem quickly and prevent to become antisocial personality or narcisstic person. (James)Clark Beck Obsessive compulsive inventory test has its strengths. Main purpose of this study is to find out relation between personality disorder and interpersonal relation. (Allan) This study successfully meets its study purpose. This study proves that personality disorder is significantly related to interpersonal impairment. Those who have any kind of personality disorder will struggle with interpersonal relationship. Also, Clark Beck obsessive compulsive inventory test is written all the way and well organized. Researchers are rewording and use simple words for questionnaires, instead of using complicated psychology or technical term, so anyone could easily draw the questions and understand the what researcher intent to meaning.Even though, Clark Beck obsessive compulsive inventory test is well construct and study successfully achieves its research purpose, there are still few weaknesses or limitation which could improve this study in the future. First, this research has only been conducted with university student of the ages 18 and 22 years old. For this reason, results cannot be conclude to people of other age groups. Therefore, if researcher varies the range of age groups then this study will give more reliable and valid results. Second, the sample of student only survey in USA which are in Central America. So, it could not represent student of eastern culture, Africa or other continents which might show different study results since different counties have different culture, or definition of abnormal personality. Therefore, in the future study, it could be improved if sample was gathered all around the world.In summary, Clark Beck Obsessive compulsive inventory test is a test which could applied for any age groups. The main purpose of this test is to diagnoses ones personality disorder and how it affects ones interpersonal relation. (Allan) Mental disorders which include personality disorder are the one of leading cause of disability in the USA. About one in four adults ages 18 and over, suffering some kind of mental disorder include personality disorder. (Andrew) People who suffering Personality Disorder is always behaved or involve in considerable personal and social disruption. In oth er word, Personality Disorder person behave abnormally in social life. Therefore, Early prevention or interruption is critical for anyone who has personality disorder otherwise, one could become antisocial or narcisstic personality person. Overall, this study is well constructed and measure what it intent to measure and benefit any one who investigate about personality disorder.I can do everything through him who gives me strength (Philippians 413).ReferencesAllan, C., Eric, T., Thomas, O. (2004). Self and accomplice Perspectives on Pathologicalpersonality Traits and Interpersonal Problems. Psychology Assessment, 17, 123-131. Mental Measurement Yearbook.Andrew, D., Janet, B. (2007). Personality change and personality disorder Some initialthought on the application of McAdams triarchic model to the treatment of personality disorder. Psychology, Crime Law, 13, 19-26.Daniel, O., Jakob, S. (2007). Psychometric properties of the obsessive compulsiveInventory revised among Icelandic col lege students. Scandinavian journal of Psychology, 48, 127-133.David, M. Pino, A., Rafael, T. Xavier, C. (2004). Personality characteristics inobsessive-compulsive disorder and individuals with subclinical obsessive compulsive problems. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 43, 387-398.James, O. (2006). Psychopathy and Antisocial personality disorder conundrum.Australian New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 40, 519-528.Hi Andy My name is Jon and I reviewed your paper today. I wanted to give you some direction apart from the comments above. What I have done with the comments above is selected the first instance of a few grammatical errors which showed up frequently in your paper. In each case, I would like for you to apply the same concept that I have given you to other places in your paper where the same error occurs. I know that this will be a large amount of particular(a) work however, I believe that once you master these things, you will have greatly improved your ability to wr ite and communicate in English. I promise this will help you in these areas. Remember, if you ever have any doubts about your physical composition, the online writing center has many writing aids that help. You can find the writing aids page here http//www.liberty.edu/index.cfm?PID=12268

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