Friday, May 31, 2019

hatchet Essay -- essays research papers

The story The Hatchet is about a boy, Brian Robeson and how he gets stranded in Yankee Canada when the pilot of the plane he is on has a heart bam. He is unexpended without food, water, and shelter. This is the story about how he survived. His dad lived up near the tundra in Canada. Brian was on his way to see him because his mother had cheated on his father and divorced him, so his father moved away. Brians mother didnt make love that Brian knew she had leave his father for another man and the secret was killing him. His mother gave him a hatchet before he left to see his father. He then left and got onto the small bush plane. The pilot was going along merrily when he had a heart attack and died right in front of Brian. Brian didnt know what to do so he sort of steered the plane and kept going. The plane had been turned a bit while the Pilot was having a heart attack so Brian had no idea where he was going. The radio wouldnt work and he was looking for a lake to land in so he would ease up a slightly bigger chance of survival.Once he woke up he realized he was on a beach and insects were tearing him up. He had landed in a lake and drug himself up. He was still very tired and hurt from the crash so he just fell endorse asleep again. Once he woke up we went to the lake and got a drink, he was hungry. All he had to survive was a 20-dollar bill, the clothes on his back, and the hatchet his mother had give him before he left. He found a shelter and some berries. One night while he w...

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Bitterness, Weariness and Impotence in Hardys Tess of the dUbervilles

Bitterness, Weariness and Impotence in doubting Thomas Hardys Tess of the dUbervillesIn his novel Tess of the dUbervilles, as well as much of his poetry, Thomas Hardy expresses his dissatisfaction, weariness, and an overwhelming sense of injustice at the cruelty of our universal fate- disappointment and disillusionment. Hardy argues that the hopes and desires of Men are cruelly thwarted by a potent combination of all-powerful Nature, fate, unforeseen accidents and disasters, and tragic flaws (Mickelson 32). Although Tess, the heroine of the novel, is fully realized with physical, emotional, and mental attributes, grasping desperately to be her consume master, she is nevertheless overpowered, becoming a victim of circumstance, nature, and social hypocrisy. Likewise, Hardys dark realities bleed into and saturate his poems. First, Hardy personifies Nature as a main character in the novel. Instead of allowing the influence of Nature to show only in weather and seasonal changes, a llowing the reader to sense the plot, Hardy creates a Nature who is not the regular(prenominal) capricious but distant goddess. Instead, she is terrifyingly responsible for influencing and overpowering man. Hardys Nature is not only essential for the subsistence of the entire farming countryside, but the waxing and waning cycles - in the weather, time of day, and season, - which seem to influence the actions of the characters. Every disastrous occurrence seems preordained by the mood of Nature. Before Prince, the Durbeyfield horse, is killed, Tess brother wonders at The strange shapes assumed by the unlike dark objects against the sky of this tree that looked like a raging tiger springing from a lair of that which resembled a giants head (p. 24... ...rocess and the Case of Tess and Jude. New Perspectives on Thomas Hardy. Ed. Charles P. C. Pettit New York St. Martins, 1994. 16-40. Chapman, Raymond. Good Faith, You do Talk Some Features of Hardys Dialogue. New Perspect ives on Thomas Hardy. Ed. Charles P. C. Pettit. New York St. Martins, 1994. 117-36. Hall, Donald. Afterward. Tess of the dUrbervilles. By Thomas Hardy. New York Signet, 1980. 417-27. Hardy, Thomas. Tess of the dUrbervilles. 1891. New York Signet Classic, 1980. Jacobus, Mary. Tess the Making of a excellent Woman. Thomas Hardys Tess of the DUrbervilles. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York Chelsea House Publications, 1987. 45-60. Mickelson, Anne Z. Thomas Hardys Women and Men The Defeat of Nature. Metuchen Scarecrow, 1976. Weissman, Judith. Half Savage and Hardy and Free. Middletown Wesleyan UP, 1987.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Artificial Intellegence: Identification And Description Of The Issue :: essays research papers

Artificial Intellegence Identification And Description Of The IssueOver the years people obtain been wanting zombis to become more Intelligent. Inthe past 50 years since computers have been around, the computer world has grown want you wouldnt believe. Robots have now been given jobs that were 15 yearsago no considered to be a robots job. Robots are now part of the huge Americangovernment Agency the FBI. They are used to disarm bombs and remove dangerousproducts from a site without putting human life in danger. You probably dontthink that when you are in a carwash that a robotic machine is cleaning your car.The truth is that they are. The robot is uses senses to tell the main computerwhat temperature the peeing should be and what style of wash the car is gettinge.g. Supreme or Normal wash. Computer robots are cosmos made, that learn fromtheir mistakes. Computers are now creating their own programs. In the pastthere used to be some problems, now they are pretty much adept proof. TheTelevision and Film business has to keep up with the demands from the criticssitting back at home, they try and think of new ideas and ways in which toentertain the audiences. They have found that robotics interests people. Withthat have made many movies about robotics (e.g. Terminator, Star Wars,Jurassic Park ). Movie characters like the terminator would walk, talk and doactions by its self-importance mimicking a human through the use of Artificial Intelligence.Movies and Television robots dont have Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) but aremade to look like they do. This gives us the viewers a reality of robotics withAI.Understanding Of The IT Background Of The IssueArtificial Intelligence means " Behavior performed by a machine that would remove some degree of intelligence if carried out by a human ". The Carwashmachine has some intelligence which enables it to tell the precise temperatureof the water it is spraying onto your car. If the water is to hot it coulddamage the paint do or even make the rubber seals on the car looser. Thedefinition above shows that AI is present in everyday life surrounding humanswhere ever they go. Alan Turing Invented a way in which to test AI. This testis called the Turing Test. A computer asks a human diverse questions. Thoseconducting the test have to decide whether the human or the computer is askingthe questions.Analysis Of The Impact Of The IssueWith the increasing amount of robots with AI in the work place and in everyday

Agressive Personality Essay -- Psychology

Essay question 1Cognition is the mental work at of gaining knowledge through thinking, judging and solving problems. Cognition functions to provide human beings with the ability to use language, make perceptions, use the imagination and make decisions. These thought processes bit a significant role in personality development. Both biologic and environmental factors have been linked to cognition. Biological factors include our genetic makeup and genic factors. Genetic makeup steady downs the physical characteristics of eye color, hair color. Hereditary factors are those traits that are transferred from parents and blood relations. These inherited traits determine temperament of human beings. Both the biological traits of genetics and inheritance play a major role in how human beings perceive themselves and how others interact with them. This cognitive perception of self and others is believed to help determine ones personality. Environmental factors include how a human being is raised and how outside influences such as school, church, relationships and society shape their cognitive processes. An causa of the relationship between cognition and personality would be of a child born of two antithetic races. Physical characteristics are likely to be different with mixed races causing the child to perceive themselves as abnormal, thus leading to antisocial or introverted personality traits.Essay question 2 The obstreperous personality is defined as an individuals whose overall style of interacting involves considerable, persistent, maladaptive aggression ( Evolutionary, biological and environmental factors are contributing components of the aggressive personality. humans beings ... ...sachusetts Allyn And Bacon.Cloninger, S. C. (2008). Theories of Personality Understanding Persons.. Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall. (Original work published 1996) Psychology, Therapy & Mental Health Resources. Retrieved December 6, 2011, from http//, H. S., & Schustack, M. W. (2006). Personality classic theories and advanced(a) research. Needham Heights Allyn And Bacon. (Original work published 1999)Simon, PhD, D. G. (2008, November 7). Understanding the Aggressive Personalities Psychology, Therapy & Mental Health Resources. Retrieved December 6, 2011, from http//

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

My Journey With Reading and Writing :: Education Teaching

My Journey With narration and WritingThere have non been many obstacles that have gotten in my counselling for me to be a successful reader. I am able to confidently read Hope in the Unseen because it keeps my interest. I like the story. I determine for Cedric. I imagine and picture the story in my mind. When a large amount of reading is assigned, sometimes my brain gets exhausted and I have to happen upon a break. Literally my brain gets tired. The reason why I have trouble getting all of my assignments in for Writing and Being is because the book does not hold my interest. I find it boring at times. I really like Higher Learning because the stories are like short stories, and they are sporting in a weird way. I have gained some insight from certain readings. Who Shall I Be really struck me in a sizable way. It talks ab show up the reality of positive and negative consequences resulting from some sort of change. Changes can be dangerous at times. Not physically, but psycholo gically. I jeopardize it could be physical in some situations. I feel I have become a more mature reader since high school. Reading experience leads to reading success. Thats my opinion. I used to not be able to focus when I read, but you just have to stick it out and read and read and read. I feel I am a focused reader now, I try hard. I have also gained mental reading confidence. You break that down. The greatest difficulty that I came across doing the first essay was retracing the past, retracing the sadness. Having to bring back sad memories that made my life terrible at the time. Doing the essay, I learned that I have gone through a lot of crap. I was sinking in quicksand and now I stand on the quicksand like it is rock solid. I am proud of myself. I was able to turn my life around and be the person that I am today. I might have the potential to be a good writer someday. People compliment on my writing skills every now and then when I write something long. That makes me feel l ike a real student. I say that because an old History teacher of mine used to tell kids to be students when they were not doing their work. My biggest concern these days, is whether I will be able to survive in college.

My Journey With Reading and Writing :: Education Teaching

My Journey With Reading and WritingThere have not been many obstacles that have gotten in my way for me to be a successful examineer. I am able to confidently read Hope in the Unseen because it keeps my interest. I wish well the story. I feel for Cedric. I imagine and picture the story in my mind. When a large amount of rendering is assigned, sometimes my brain gets exhausted and I have to take a break. Literally my brain gets tired. The reason why I have trouble getting all of my assignments in for Writing and Being is because the book does not keep back my interest. I find it boring at times. I really like Higher Learning because the stories are like short stories, and they are adventurous in a weird way. I have gained some insight from certain readings. Who Shall I Be really struck me in a good way. It negotiation about the reality of positive and negative consequences resulting from some sort of change. Changes can be dangerous at times. Not physically, but mentally. I guess it could be physical in some situations. I feel I have become a more mature reader since high school. Reading go out leads to reading success. Thats my opinion. I used to not be able to focus when I read, but you just have to stick it out and read and read and read. I feel I am a focused reader now, I try hard. I have also gained mental reading confidence. You break that down. The greatest difficulty that I came across doing the first essay was retracing the past, retracing the sadness. Having to bring back sad memories that made my life terrible at the time. Doing the essay, I learned that I have gone through a lot of crap. I was sinking in quicksand and now I stand on the quicksand like it is rock solid. I am proud of myself. I was able to turn my life around and be the person that I am today. I cogency have the potential to be a good keepr someday. People compliment on my writing skills every now and then when I write something long. That makes me feel like a real student. I s ay that because an old History teacher of mine used to tell kids to be students when they were not doing their work. My biggest cite these days, is whether I will be able to survive in college.

Monday, May 27, 2019

The Dead Towns Of Kola

Gently stepping upon the gravel of the old roads, the old wind roared from the sea, manner of speaking punishing gusts of fine sand and gravel from the beaches far away. Grass lands surround what was a thriving townspeople full of life, now dead with not a soul around, the land reclaimed by nature, and scared by the permanent skeletons of ancient buildings without a purpose.The old base is still there, with high walls and concrete bunkers express mirth menacingly in the face of nature, its large guns frozen in rust, still facing out to sea, waiting to defend against those who never arrived in the ever relentless, angry wind.A shadow moves rapidly in the distance, a small hare speeding finished the grass, poking its nose up and sniffing the air, checking the table salty breeze for dangers. shock by a small bird over head, it darts off running against the furious winds, past the old buildings, along the deserted streets. The signs of the old shops shimmer down onto the street th eir windows ravaged by cracks and diseased by time, standing in linear patterns like a gallery of despair, long tender branches muted against them in the ever relentless, raging wind.Gently floating down, a fleck of paint lands on the table inside the abandoned farm house, this large organise once home to the generations of family who lived here, now occupied by the generations of animals left behind. Another gust blows in violently and viciously shaking the antique structure, forcing dust from the beams in the roof, a single shingle stolen from the roof by the ever relentless, raging wind.Walking towards the naval bases of the beach, the sights amaze, the bodies of ships scattered upon the sands, steadily dying in the dismantling salt waves. The boats of the industry left to rot amongst the rocks and the ever relentless, raging wind.Viciously rattling the chains on the gates the wind stops for a while, just liberal time for the loud crash of a fishing crane to fall from its boat and fill the air with its resonating boom, this is quickly replaced with the sounds of the ever relentless, raging wind.The not bad(p) white sands on the beach contrast with the blood red grass of the dunes, their usual green blades poisoned by the red rust of the dying ships in the bay. A small pair of pointed ears pops up protruding from the poisoned plants. The hare has come back this time grazing upon the rust red plants away from the tiny town and the ever relentless, raging wind.Standing tall with the harsh grey fortress, a single flag still flies amongst the torn shreds of others, its blood red influence standing battered from its 20 years of isolation, guarding over its fortress with its single red star, its hammer, its sickle, honouring the united nation that forgot it, still bearing its insignia. Further into the base through the fallen chain gates lies a grounded submarine, half sunken into the asphalt ground, a memorial to those lost in a war forgotten, reclaimed by n atures penetrating grass, and trees blowing with the ancient flag, in the ever relentless raging wind.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Treatment of Love in Shakespeare’s Othello

What can we see about the treatment of love in literature from analyse Shakespeare and Browning? In Shakespearian Othello and Borrowings The Laboratory, it is implied that love was the cause of a desire for revenge on and the death of another character. In Othello, Othello-despite loving her-desires revenge on Desman, believing she has been unfaithful, and irrationally decides to shoot down her l will withdraw/To furnish me with some swift means of death/For the fair devil (Ill. Ii. 73-4), whilst in Borrowings poem The Laboratory, the monologist desires revenge on their lover by poisoning the woman with whom the lover was unfaithful-And Pauline should have Just thirty minutes to live (VI. 3). All of these texts have dramatic conclusions as a result of each of the characters desires. The conclusion of Othello, however, shows that the strength of the love between Othello and Desman was enough to cause Othello to feel so much remorse that e killed himself after kill her O fool, foo l, fool (V. Ii. 319).This Implies that, despite killing Desman, his love for her was enough to make him want to be with her forever-in the end. This contrasts with the invalidating impression that love inflicts death and instead, portrays that love is in truth powerful. Just like in Othello, In The Laboratory, the motive for death is love. The monologist decides to poison a woman with whom their lover has been unfaithful. This also seems to be quite an Irrational action, but, different in Othello, the central character feels no remorse for doing what they are doing, implying they have a different kind of love possibly a weaker one.Overall, by comparing the texts of Shakespeare and Browning, we can see that, In literature, love is very often portrayed as being negative a motive for revenge and the cause of many a(prenominal) deaths. In Othello and The Laboratory, both characters believe that the only way to sort out the problem of their lover being unfaithful, Is to murder hem, b ut they do not acquire consulting the other person, Implying they do not understand the strength of love.By comparing these texts, we can see that, In literature, love Is portrayed as being a negative sensation, often overpowering the logical mind, however, linking back to the above point about Othello remorse for his lovers death, It can often be shown as a strong emotion that, In some cases, can result In positives, such as, the realization of the bond between lovers, but In others, can cause Irrational actions.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Full Text Search in Ruby

sufficient text face is a technique for searching a archive or database stored in the computer. A full text search engine examines all the words, in e really stored document, to find a match of the keyword searched by the handlingr. many another(prenominal) web sites and activity programs provide full-text search capabilities. There are quite a few choices when it comes to adding a full text search in a Ruby on Rails application. A choice can be made on the basis of the language the search engine is written in or the scalability pickaxes suited for the application.Acts As Indexed being a pure Ruby implementation makes for a tool that is totally portable, and suitable for almost any application requiring full text search capabilities. Search queries support many standard boolean operators, namely exclusion of a term through the use of - and the unified of phrases through the use of quotation marks. It is useful in case of a simple site and need to implement a basic search very quickly. Ferret is a full text search engine library written for ruby implemented in a rails application by the Acts As Ferret plugin.It is inspired by the Apache Lucene Java project. The first step to implementing a search is to get an index built and then the index is searched for the documents having the keyword. one(a) of the more useful features especially in a web scenario is highlighting the matched words. This is made trivial by Indexs highlight method. Its to a fault possible to use Ferret as a more general purpose data store Xapian is written in C++ with bindings to allow use from Perl, Python, PHP, Java, Tcl, C and Ruby.An important feature of Xapian is the Ranked probabilistic search important words get more weight than unimportant words so more relevant results appear at the top. It also supports Synonyms as an automatic form of query expansion and can even suggest spelling corrections for user supplied queries. Full range of structured boolean search operators (st ock NOT market, etc). Sphinx, written in C++, is the most logical successor to Ultrasphinx, since both(prenominal) utilize Sphinx as the search server.Sphinx works by reading information out of the database to build the search index. Communication with the Sphinx server occurs by sharing C objects over sockets. A variety of text processing features enable fine-tuning Sphinx for application requirements, and a number of relevance functions ensures you can tweak search quality as well. macule is a Ruby library for expressive, powerful interaction with the Solr search engine. Sunspot uses Solr, a Java search server built on the Lucene search library.It provides robust, flexible full-text search with no boolean queries and no string programming. Solr servers can be clustered and since they manage the index, Sunspot can automatically update the indexes when the mystify objects change. Theres no need to run a cron job to reindex the data or setup delta indexing like with Sphinx. Thus w e see that Full text search has come a long way since the early days of Ferret. The incompatibility of Ultrasphinx, once the most preferred, with Rails 3. resulted in the emergence of Sphinx and Sunspot as favourites. Solr is a compelling alternative to Sphinx, since the most scalable Web apps (Facebook, Twitter) use Java behind the UI layer. Xapian can be considered as the best option whenever ranked probabilistic search is required. Acts_As_Indexed, written entirely in Ruby, works out great and is very easy to implement with automatic indexing. (ie No cron jobs indispensable to keep the index up to date).

Friday, May 24, 2019

Landslide Limo

Compensation and Benefits strategy The key to success in the long run for your limousine company is to be at or above the national average for small business when it comes to benefits and compensation. Through research we have found that on average 54% of companies with less than one C employees offer medical coverage for full time employees. This is the first key to acquiring topnotch interpretd workers and keeping them with the company for an extended period of time. median(a) salary for an experienced chauffeur/limousine driver ranges from he low end of $22,000 to a high of around $38,000 in the Austin area.If your company tolerate offer a better medical benefits package I think it may give some leeway in the starting salary Of in the altogether drivers, along with those with more experience. Three main components to consider when deciding on compensation for your employees are the position, experience level, and node satisfaction. As far as earnings are concerned the main law that your company has to be aware of is the Fair Labor Standards Act. This sets the federal minimum wage and the overtime requirements for your employees. Your company has to leave at the lowest and hourly rate of $7. 5 and time and a half for any hours worked over 40 hours during one workweek. (U. S. Dept. Of Labor, 2009) Employees with little to no experience can start off at $22,000 to $23,500. Starting those with all the required credentials (CDC, training, driving experience) higher because they will need no training or certification and are basically ready to begin work once hired. Your company should also consider yearly salary increases to employees who have excelled in customer service ND fulfilling their job duties.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Benziger Family Winery Essay

In the case of the Benziger Family Winery, is creation faced with the decision of whether or not Chris Benziger should endue in an ISO 14000 certification. The answer is yes, he should pursue the certification in an campaign to strengthen his knowledge that his familiarity already has more or less being environmentally friendly. This forget strengthen his position on the market as a leader in wine industry. In pursuing the certification, he lead also explicate other growers on the importance of a strong environmental management system. This willing shake them want to take those same steps to help resurrect their business to be more like him.By getting the ISO this will further support his environmental policy that he strongly applies to the daily routines for assist the company conserve resources and prevent pollution. He is already certified by the Sonoma County Green Business Program (SCGBP) and is in full environmental compliance. As purpose of this compliance, the wi nery has saved over 2 million gallons of water per year through recycling all wastewater. They reduced solid wastes as well as energy cost due to the construction of a wine cave built in the hillside which maintained temperature cool enough to prevent them from using electricity to cool.The Gap Analysis is the formal study behind what the business is currently doing and where they want to be in the future. This means the need for continuous improvement is necessary in promoting the best possible outcomes for the company goals. The gap analysis identifies the gaps from what the company is doing now to what they would be doing should they utilize additional resources to help improve the companys outputs. By documenting what they have done in the past, this will show what other requirements ar necessary to be put in place in an attempt to maximize the companys capabilities.This may involve benchmarking as well. In this case the winery currently has annual revenues of about 15 millio n. They are endeavor to launch a new brand, Tribute that would be selling in the $50-$60 range at about 4000 cases per year. They would also like their exports to increase from about 10% of sales to 20%. For Benziger, this analysis can be done at an operational level since all of his employees are well-trained on the companys environmentally friendly efforts and are shared with guests of the winery to promote the business.This is an opportunity for Benziger to bring his reputation to a high point and work towards his goal for being a world-class leader in the wine industry. Since the U.S. market is very competitive this would make him stand out since very few U.S. wineries have their ISO 14000 certification. He could enter more markets that its consumers are sensitive to environmental products and continue expanding his business to other countries.It is stated that becoming certified with the ISO 14000 is expensive. This is an investment that will pay for itself in the future. Ther e will be revenue increases by becoming more attractive to consumers who support the environmentally safe production process. The ISO 14000 is an attempt to develop a widely accepted, uniform approach to certify that Benzigers EMS is the best focal point to run a business for long term savings and making a positive contribution to the environment.In exhibit 40.4 it shows the EMS Gap Analysis and explains what policies and procedures the Benziger may or may not have in place. It explains that he does have an environmental policy in place and that he has conducted an analysis of the impact that it has on the environment. When it comes to legal requirements, they do not have a procedure in place. This is the obligation of the Ranch manager and it has not been done yet. He has covered all of his objectives and has established a well-written program to achieve those objectives. He has very good coordinate within the winery and has delegated responsibilities to each of the family membe rs as well as their other employees. However no roles have been defined and documented yet.It is also noted that in that respect is need for additional training on EMS aspects. The Ranch manager seems to need assistance with organization of training and documentation as well. Although they are on the the right way track he needs to ensure that they are taking all the necessary steps to continue the company professionally and in an organized fashion. formerly the ranch manager has assigned specific roles and tasks to certain team members it will not be all on him to keep the EMS running properly it will become a part of the way they do business.The last part of the Exhibit 40.4 shows some things that they need to improve on. There is no documentation for anything the company does. He needs to be able to show records of his work to be environmentally sensitive. Several of the drafts have been started but none have been completed. It also states that in that location needs to be a regular review ensuring that the EMS is suitable and effective.Exhibit 40.5 is the Benziger Family Winery Environmental Policy. In comparison to Exhibit 40.4, the policy states the steps they are willing to take to make sure the winery is an environmentally safe and sustainable business. However, when each of the bullets are broken down into a series of questions as they are in Exhibit 40.4, they are not satisfying all of their own expectations. It seems as though they have a few small improvements to make that seem as though are they are not too time consuming. Once each of these steps has been achieved, they are well on their way to being more successful and more organized. If the proper steps are taken to correct the small issues on-hand, the next step for the Benziger Winery is to pursue the ISO 14000 certification. This will set the bar for how other wineries should be run and help the company become one of the top U.S. wine distributors.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Reflection Paper on Organization Behavior

kiwiberry2900 3/9/2013 MGMT 541 Self-reflection paper Motivation Motivation represents psychological processes that cause arousal, direction, and persistence of voluntary actions that are design directed. at that place are substantial positive relations between job characteristics, atonement, and motivation. Job characteristics of Variety and Task Significance were found to be particularly important to employee satisfaction and motivation.These are examples that most everyone will encounter in real life Job design and job enrichment My work obtain when I was in shanghai was with the Taxation Bureau. Initially I was assigned general work in the department such as doing tax registration for the new companies and I wasnt motivated. The job was simple, just checking and cataloging all of the documents that the company representatives provided, and giving them the application forms. I also answered related questions and followed up after the companies with the tax license were sanct ioned.At this job rank, the scientific discipline varieties were very limited. The routine work was just following the rules and did not need any professional judgment. After a month or so, I tangle bored. Besides the skill variety, the job also lacked autonomy. Sometimes I just went out for some reason, probably there were several company representatives were waiting for me, patch other time there is nobody show up in a whole day. As a young woman, I cant further myself in the job, anyone can do it. I had no progress, no satisfaction about the job and no intrinsic motivation.Although the tasks were significant to the whole bureau, it is labored to see our bigger function of the organization. In the end, after I pleased the human resources department several times, I was allowed to join another department. A stage set of young race did not like to be fixed on a general position which would not allow them to accumulate the professional experience and explore the deep side of t he field, and that often makes a problem in the hierarchical organization. Equity theory The Shanghai Taxation Bureau in which I had worked for to a spectacularer extent than 10 years is a hierarchical organization including a lot of levels.It is the administrative and management body that carries out the states revenue activities within the administrative jurisdiction of Shanghai municipality. Its main functions and responsibilities include implementing state taxation laws, regulations and codes, researching and formulating tax development plans and annual work plans for local taxation. The administrative position involves supervising every months tax declaration and collection and making sure the money will be transferred into the state treasury tally to the related laws, regulations and codes.There are 26 branches attached to the taxation bureau, and over 10000 employees working in the shanghai taxation bureau. Big organizations necessitate more par between people, or between branches. People from every section seek to get equal benefits out of their input. There are a lot of couples in Shanghai taxation bureau. So if some branches gave the bonus to their employees, everyone in the whole system knew it. And afterwards other departments will mimic the policy to motivate theirs. That reflected the blondness theory.From the equity theory, an individuals motivation level is correlated to his cognition of equity, fairness and justice practiced by the management. The higher an individuals perception of fairness is, the greater their motivation level and vice versa. In the above context, I remembered that the branch loss leader who first gave the bonus will emphasize the redundant task they develop completed, in order to stimulate his employees who take up experienced high level hardship or difficulties. But other branches will cozy up their own achievements in the assignment, ultimately got the same bonus to protect or comfort their own morale in the w orkplace.In the year-end evaluation, every branch or individual will assess their own projects and achievements in the whole year and the human resource management would make overall balances and give different levels of reward. magic spell some job positions comparatively have more opportunities to make achievements, others have less. Under that kind of situation, the management carried out the policy of job position rotation, therefore, almost every qualified employee with education history of financial and accounting would have the opportunities to rotate their positions. This policy is motivational, Extrinsic motivation and intrinsic otivation At my department people were driven by extrinsic motivation. We compared the bonus income, the benefit to others and calculated the upcoming income or vacation. We also expected to be promoted and got high level benefits. As if that is the eye of our daily tasks. Sometimes we did some project according to superiors will rather than the r eal information to avoid offending the leader. We even did not consider whether the result was meaningful or not. Although the department management wanted to motivate the employees and gave the gift cards to everyone before the festivals, we were not satisfied.We wanted to get more benefits comparing with employees at other branches. From the theoretic framework, these are hygiene factors which would not make people satisfied. Sometimes we got into research projects and worked with the other teammates. These were independent projects. The person in charge the project totally explained the purpose of the project and we matt-up we got involved and engaged. We were em occasioned to use our own way to collect data, analyze it, and draw the conclusion. We felt very satisfied in these projects.We cooperated with each other, attracted by the task, and we can focus solely on the project without complicated inter own(prenominal) relationships inside of this kind of fly-by-night group. Furt her more, it was different from our routine job, which gave us the opportunity to widen our view, enrich the job content, therefore satisfying all the teammates. This arrangement is like intrinsic motivation. integral motivation refers to motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself, and exists within the individual rather than relying on external pressures or a desire for reward.Leadership From my experience, people want to motivate each other. He should build up himself first, has a long-term vision about the organizations, sets a goal for himself, matches the big environment and has the necessary ability or expertise in some area. Then he should also be authorized to be a leader. He may use his social skill and other ability and management resources to motivate people, and bring them together to a higher level. In my personal experience, I met good leaders as well as bad leaders.When I was a volunteer in a noncommercial organization at Chicago, I was elected as a member of the board of trustees. In this setting, the president is our board leader and he displayed a typical bad leader profile. First of all, he is not a role model. He should have a positive attitude, and be supportive to every volunteer, but unfortunately he always escaped working hard and treated other volunteers like slaves. Secondly, he did not consider the opinions of other board members, he liked to be self-centered and lack of empathy. This character embodied in his schedule and his arrangement.He had no expert power, his personality is awful and he even played tricks in the nonprofit organization, which made everybody astonished. Now he had lost in the election for the board members. Admittedly, the situation above is very unique. Generally most authorized leaders have some attractive traits such as self-awareness, self-confidence, social skills and persuasive abilities. At the same time, they fully understand the organization goals. But different leaders h ave their own personal features. My friend Fan is a director of the audit department.I had been in his department for 3 years, and we became friends in the end. Fan is a veteran, he had comminuted professional knowledge in auditing, but he knew management well. His job is to motivate all the auditing group leaders and auditors. He utilise his legitimate power at first to assign tasks to every group. After the tasks were finished, he gave all the evaluation report to every group with the help of his assistant. At the same time, he used his reward and referent power. He always kept the department on the way of organizational goal, showed his positive attitude, gave everybody most extent of autonomy.He also used his personal relationship to strive for the best interest of our department. That is why he got everyones respect. In his department, morale is very high. Nobody wanted to leave. Ahthough Fan is a good leader in most aspects except his professional knowledge, he cant exert hi s expert power in his leadership. A great leader is a natural leader, who can exert his idealized influence power to his followers, and help to set common goals for the whole organization, incorporate, motivate followers, have them a clear picture of the future, make them active beyond the call of the duty.Bibliography Kreitner, Robert, and Angelo Kinicki. Organizational Behavior. Boston, MA Irwin/McGraw- Hill, 1998. Print. Equity Theory of Motivation. Equity Theory of Motivation. N. p. , n. d. Web. 09 Mar. 2013. Welcome to Shanghai Municipal Office of State Administration of Taxation. Shanghai Municipal Office of State Administration of Taxation. N. p. , n. d. Web. 09 Mar. 2013. W. Chan Kim. Fair Process Managing in the Knowledge Economy. (n. d. ) n. pag. Web.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Banquo and Macbeth Essay

Banquos Ghost appearing at the spreading is a graphic manifestation of the guilt that Macbeth feels. Since, Lady Macbeth needs to make excuses for Macbeths interaction with the specter of Banquo means that the ghost is only visible in Macbeths eyes. During Macbeths coronation banquet, Lady Macbeth pulls Macbeth asides and asks him the campaign behind his inappropriate behavior. Macbeth becomes angry because Lady Macbeth robustly accuses him of lying. When Lady Macbeth calls Macbeth a liar he replies, If I stand here, I was him(3.4.89). Trying to convince Lady Macbeth of what he saw, Macbeth has to prove to himself that he witnessed Banquo interrupt the feast. Baquos ghost is a figment of Macbeths guilt. Macbeth tries to convince himself that he sees a ghost and is not going away mad. After realizing he is truly the only one seeing Banquos ghost Macbeth comes to the conclusion that This seeing Banquos ghost is more strange / Than such a murder is(3.4.98-99).Fear cuts deeper than a sword. Similar to his earlier epiphany, Macbeth accepts the detail that Banquo is dead on Macbeths account. When Macbeth returns to the table he proposes a toast that, I drink to th general joy o th whole table / And to our dear friend Banquo, whom we miss(3.4.108-109). Now, in a stage of acceptance, Macbeth is able to tame the million thoughts fighting in his head. Macbeth is in a call forth of denial. To insure himself that he is not going insane, Macbeth tells Banquos Ghost that Thy bones are marrowless thy blood is stone-cold / Thou hast no speculation in those eyes / Which thou dost glare with(3.4.114-116). Similar to when Macbeth tells his wife he saw a ghost, Macbeth tries to remain sane. We are not exposed to our real personality until something really fantastic happens. Once something bad happens all of the useless things fall away until we are left with who we really are. figure CitedShakespeare, William. Macbeth. Ed. Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine. Folger ed. New York City Simon & Schuster, 1992. Print.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Froogle V. Mary Ccp 410.10

Relevant Facts Our Client, Froogle (Froogle) has retained our firm to file suit againt bloody shame, a half-size manufacturer and retailer of downhill snow skis. Froogle and Mary signed an agreement in January of 2012. On or ab step up March 15, 2012 Froogle disc everywhereed that Mary had collapseed several of the terms of their agreement. We filed suit in Superior hail for the County of Monterey in Salinas, calcium on behalf of Froogle on May 31,2012.Mary, a resident of Vermont, responded by filing a motion for non-conveniens claiming that because her business and residence be in Vermont, California has no legal power all oer her. Mary violated the terms of her agreement and should be brought to answer for her feats in a California act of law, as Froogles main place of business is Salinas, California. Issue Presented The issue is whether or not Froogle has jurisdiction over Mary who is an out of state resident and business owner.Applicable Law Under the California mark of well-bred Procedure A court of this state may exercise jurisdiction on any bottom not in accordant with the Constitution of this state or of the United States. CCP 410. 10 Also known as Californias Long Arm Statue the law provides that the use is usually constitutional where the suspect has certain(prenominal) minimum contacts with the forum state and there has been reasonable notice of the action against him or her. (Cite)Additionally, to a lower place the judgement Any person may maintain an action or effect in a court of this state against a foreign corporation or nonresident person where the action or proceeding arises out of or relates to any tailor, agreement, or undertaking for which a choice of California law has been do in whole or in part by the parties thereto and which (a) is a contract, agreement, or undertaking, possible or separatewise, relating to a transaction involving in the aggregate not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000), and (b) contains a pro vision or provisions under which the foreign corporation or nonresident agrees to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of this state. In 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Gator. com Corp. , Plaintiff-appellant, v. L. L. Bean, Inc. , Defendant, appelee, L. L. Bean had an internet catalog and mail order site or a virtual caudex. Court held that LL Beans marketing and retail activities and virtual store created a consistent and substantial pattern of business relations in California, sufficient to confer personal jurisdiction over the Maine-based company Gator. In Pavlovich v.Superior Court, the court addressed the issue of internet and jurisdiction holding that the Internet, as a mode of communication and a system of information delivery is new, but the rules governing the protection of attribute rights, and how that protection may be enforced under the new technology, need not be. 2001 Cal. App. LEXIS 623 (Cal. Ct. App. August 7, 2001) However, in Zippo Mfg. Co. v. Zippo Dot Com, Inc. , the court determined that A passive website that does little more than make information operational is not generally lay downs for the exercise of personal jurisdiction. It then goes on to say that The middle ground is occupied by the interactive websites where a user can exchange information with the host computer.(Zippo trial cases) 957 F. Supp. 1119 (W. D. Pa. 1997). The middle ground definition cited above is key in Froogles case because Froogle was not only a passive website. Users were able to click on the Froogle store and appear for items. The store then quoted set and directed the user to the defendants website or alternatively they could purchase through Froogle, using their reference book card or other financing available and Froogle would forward the order to the defendant to fulfill the order. In Frank Snowney v. Harrahs the plaintiff reserved a room by telephone from his California residence. He was told that the room would cost $50/night plus tax.Whe n he received the bill he paid a $3 energy surcharge. Plaintiff filed a class action against Harrahs alleging they charged him and other guests more than the publicize price. The defendants filed a motion to quash for lack of personal jurisdiction, arguing that they were incorporated and based out of Nevada, they conducted no business in California and had no bank accounts in California. The plaintiff submitted that the defendants 1-advertised extensively to California residents through billboards in California, newspapers and radio & television 2) maintained an interactive website that accepted reservations from California residents. The Court conclude that defendants had sufficient contacts in California to justify jurisdiction in the state. 116 Cal. App. 4th 996, (2004). Application to Our Case Froogle is a California corporation with home offices in Salinas, California. Froogles contract was signed by the defendant and the defendant was well aware of Froogles location. Froogl es software was developed in California and their servers are all located in various parts of California Froogle is clearly a California product. As the defendant used online transactions through Froogles site to set up their account and perform other implementation functions it can be easily argued that this was a California based transaction.Further to this, the defendant benefitted from Froogles high-pitched profile in California, expanding their customer base throughout the state and thus increasing their sales. The California Code protects Froogles right to jurisdiction in California under the Long Arm statute. Although there are rare circumstances where this can be overturned, the statute provides the ability for a California corporation that has entered under a contract or similar document with a non-resident partner to gain jurisdiction over that entity should breach of that contract occur. The Snowney case more than implies that if one enters into an agreement with a Cali fornia entity, and a breach or other violation of the agreement occurs, the parties will more than likely be bringing their action to a California court.The reservation can certainly be interpreted to be a contract as it binds both parties to an obligation and by acceptance of the terms of a reservation, the parties have entered into an agreement or contract. Froogle has the right as a California corporation to file their action in the state of California. The defendant knew it was entering into a contract with a California corporation based out of Salinas, CA. The defendant chose the website collectible to its power in the retail internet market. It also took advantage of the plaintiffs website store which brought leads to the defendants store from prospective customers. The defendants business benefitted greatly from its presence in the plaintiffs search engine and webstore. The defendant has no right to jurisdiction in this case and this proceeding should continue in California.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Pollution in Vietnam

HANOIAs Vietnams economy has boomed in late decades, so too have pollution levels in its major cities, with experts concerned that air pollution could mannerism a major public health concern. Environmental pollution in Vietnam is a real problem, utter Tuong Lai, former dean of Vietnams Social Science Institute. Its not just foreign visitors who have complained about our disperse pollutionpeople in our country ar also very dissatisfied with it, he said.A drive conducted by employment consultants ORC Worldwide put economic boomtowns Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi on a list of the 20 bastinado cities in the world in which to live and work, for environmental reasons. line of reasoning pollution was cited as a key factor for both Ho Chi Minh City, which was the ninth worst place to live, and Hanoi, which was rank 11th worst. A 2008 environmental report by the World Bank ranked the two cities as the worst in Vietnam for pollution, while an environmental study by 400 transnational sc ientists in the same year said Hanoi and Saigon were the worst-ranked cities for dust pollution in the whole of Asia.Expert sample And experts at a Southeast Asia air pollution seminar hosted by the Industrial Institute of Asia warned that air pollution in Vietnam had reached dangerous levels. In 2007, Vietnam started to publish results of its own surveys, with an Environmental Protection Bureau report formally recognizing in 2007 that dust pollution was a serious problem in Vietnam. Vietnamese residents of the worst-ranked cities were well conscious of the heath effects, and of the effect on tourism revenues. The atmosphere in this country is now seriously polluted, up to now the government has not found any solutions, one Hanoi resident said. The air pollution in Saigon and Hanoi has annoyed not only the people in the country, but also the Vietnamese who grapple back to Vietnam as visitors, he said. It has disappointed so many foreign tourists, too. Thousands of deaths Health authorities swear that thousands of cases of death or illness have been confirmed as having been caused by atmospheric pollution with carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, benzene, and fine particulates (dust).In 2007 the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that an average of 16,000 deaths a year in Vietnam are now caused by air pollution, with thousands of people now confirmed to be suffering from pulmonary disease. Environmental studies blame fuel emissions from public transportation and industrial pollution from factories. Pressure is now growing on Hanoi from international as well as domestic environment specialists to step up controls on industrial pollution and clarify the responsibilities of the various government agencies involved in environmental protection.Calls are emerging in domestic media for the government to enforce a switch to cleaner fuels, and to punish or penalize anyone causing environment pollution. Pollution greatly affects the health of our people, Tuong Lai said. Therefore the government must call multiple efforts to make a healthy living environment for the people who crowd such sizeable cities as Saigon Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, he added.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Iliad as a war literature Essay

home runs epic poem, The Iliad, is probably one of the best stories that tell us active war. In this poem, we see humans fighting with humans, gods fighting with humans, and even gods fighting with gods. Even though it was make some time around the 7th century BC, we can associate with our new-fashioned warfare. In Homers Iliad, we see how the gods manipulated the people in fighting their own wars, retri plainlyive like how political leading of different countries manipulate their army to fight another country.We can also see that modern wars, just like the Trojan war in the Iliad, can be caused by small matters which were just winded up to huge proportions by those who manipulate these wars. The book can be seen as Homers perspective of war. It is somewhat an anti-war literature because it showed how wars normally end. Both sides lost great lives, including some of their respected heroes. In the Greeks side, they lost Achilles best friend, Patroclus (23. 1-7). On the Trojans side, they lost their prince, Hector (24. 21-23).Achilles eventually died some time after, when he was hypothesis by genus Paris, Hectors brother in the heel of his foot which was his weakness. It showed that no one truly reigns victorious, even after winning the war. This is because both sides suffer great losses, not only in properties, but also the lives of those who are involved in the war, both armies and civilians. Some attitudes towards war that Homer depicted in Iliad were the possible motives of engaging in wars. The most evident motive in the Trojan War was to mobilise the wife of Menelaus, the brother of the Greek King Agamemnon.They decided to launch an all out war, deploying a conk of more than a thousand ships in order to retrieve Helen (of Troy) who was abducted by a Trojan prince, Paris (3. 29-31). Another attitude towards war shown in this epic poem was the disturbance by higher powers. With the intervention of the Olympian gods and goddesses, the war to regai n Helen of Troy was blown up to greater proportions. It became a personal war for these gods and goddesses, especially when they chose to take sides between the Trojans and the Greeks.The gods and goddesses who took the side of the Greeks include Hera, Athena, Poseidon, and Hermes (4. 37-49). On the other hand, the gods who took the side of the Trojans include Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis, and Leto (1. 10-15). They sanction up the soldiers whenever they fight and are usually the ones who decide on how the fight would end. Only Zeus remained in the middle, wherein he forbade the intervention of these gods in the war. Homer was able to depict a war which is similar to our modern day warfare.His depiction of gods was like the political leaders of various nations who would encourage their people to engage in wars against other nations. These are the leaders who are not physically in battle, but are the ones who actually dictate how the wars would go. Also, the wars that they often start would usually mean great losses for both warring sides. The reasons for these wars were actually much the very(prenominal) like that of Homers the Iliad. These are usually small things which could be solve by negotiations, but the pride of the leaders is usually the ones that fuel the war.Leaders like Menelaus and Agamemnon are the same as the political leaders that we have today, who prefers violent negotiations rather than peaceful means to solve conflicts. This usually leaves the country with great problems, like loses of lives and property and a bad economy.Works Cited Homer. The Iliad. 2006. Spark Notes. October 15 2007. . Sienkewicz, Tom. The Gods in the Iliad. 2002. October 15 2007. .

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Nature of Good Teaching

There continues to be ongoing debate about the qualities of a exhaustively corporal informing instructor. For a long time it was considered that keeping the students busy, happy, good was an end in itself. This wildness affords little attention to what the students actually learn in bodily tuition classes. visible Education in our course forthwith has changed as has the way we live our lives, entertain ourselves and technology.Before we look at what is considered today to be qualities of good somatogenetic nurture teaching, we need to look at where the nonion of busy, happy, good has come from. Richard Tinning, David Kirk and buns Evens outline the progression of what has been deemed to be quality physical education in Australian schools over the decades. Their register looks at the methods being used by physical education instructors and what actually happens in the lesson instead of characteristics displayed by teachers.The notion busy, happy, good was suggested to be a measure of quality teaching by Judith Placek in 1983. (Placek, 1983). previous to Placeks search one of the most commonly used tools to research the effectiveness of a teacher was the Academic Learning Time (ALT). An adaption of this was used for the research of effective physical education teaching research ALT-PE (Tinning, Kirk &Evans p. 139). This method of research was focussed on monitoring a students engagement and boffo completion of the task.The research conducted by Judith Placek found that for most teachers and student teachers the dominant concerns in teaching physical education are to keep the children busy, happy and good (Tinning, Kirk &Evans, 1993). Success, in many cases, is not Sharon or bobsled learning to jump shot correctly. Success is related to the immediate, observable happenings in the gym. Are the students participating (busy), enjoying themselves (happy), and doing what the teacher directs (good)? (Placek, 1983, p. 54)When this was written in 1993 one of the main concerns with young people was the amount of time spent notice TV as the main source of their entertainment. Tinning, Kirk and Evans point out that for children to engage in their education they valued to be entertained or they would disengage. Since the rapid growth of technology our lifestyles take a crap changed and become to a greater extent demanding. The community of riseing countries has become less active leading toward significant health issues that impact the whole community.The institution wellness Organisation released a Global Strategy on Diet, strong-arm Activity and Health in response to the concerns of the changing lifestyles of developed countries in the last 25 years. (WHO, 2012) Because of these changes in dietary and lifestyle patterns, chronic NCDs including obesity, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease (CVD), hypertension and stroke, and some types of cancer are becoming increasingly significant causes of check and premature death i n both developing and newly developed countries, placing additional burdens on already overtaxed national health budgets (WHO 2012).In 2007-08, one quarter of Australian children (or around 600,000 children aged 5-17 years) were overweight or obese, up four percentage points from 1995. Studies subscribe shown that once children become obese they are more bidly to rest obese into adulthood and have an increased risk of developing diseases associated with obesity (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2010). The issue today for physical education teachers is still one of engagement and the need for students to have fun however these only do not fully satisfy the curriculum standards by which we operate.The prissy Essential Learning Standards (VELS) Health and Physical Education guidelines states (schools) provides students with fuckledge, skills and behaviours to enable them to achieve a degree of autonomy in developing and maintaining their physical, mental, well-disposed and emoti onal health (VELS, 2012). A student can be fully engaged, having fun and behaving well plot of land not being aware of learning anything. So if keeping students busy, happy and good is not bounteous then what does make a good physical education teacher?The Alliance for a healthier generation suggests that PE focuses more on the acquisition of lifetime skills and knowledge and exposes students to a wide variety of physical activities that can be engaged in for a lifetime (Alliance for a healthier Generation 2012). The Victorian Essential Learning Standards states It wins the potential difference for lifelong participation in physical activity through the outgrowth of motor skills and movement competence, health-related physical fitness and sport education. (VELS 2012) It is obvious that as physical education teachers we have the opportunity to impact students for the rest of their lives either in a positive or a disconfirming way. Unfortunately today there are children that ha ve negative experiences in Physical Education. These experiences have the potential to negatively impact a student for the rest of their lives preventing them from enjoying regular participation in a local anesthetic sporting and health community.VELS Health and Physical Education focuses on the importance of lifelong participation in physical activity through the development of motor skills and movement competence, health-related physical fitness and sport education. (VELS, 2012) What the curriculum has set out to do is provide a positive foundation where students can be immersed in a motivating culture, that is a force that energises, sustains and directs behaviour toward a goal (Egan, Kauchak, 2007, p. 298).Some of the problems facing todays physical education classes are outlined by Kathryn Meldrum and Jacqui Peters that include an overcrowded curriculum, teacher who dont like physical education wont teach it, PE is not an academic area, teachers dont have enough confidence to teach it, the schools facilities and equipment are scurvy (Meldrum & Peters, 2012, p. 12). The lack of motivation is clear and passed onto students resulting in poor participation, low motivation and a negative impact that can affect a rise in chronic health issues.The Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians addresses the role played by schools to promote the intellectual, physical, social, emotional, moral, spiritual and aesthetic development of young Australians (Meldrum & Peters, 2012, p. 13). To address the issue of busy, happy, good quality physical education programs need to be embraced by the whole school community. One of the aims of physical education is to enable students to develop positive attitudes towards physical activity and lifelong habits of participation.The initial physical activity experiences which the child has at school will impact significantly on attitudes and practices in later life. Hence we need to ensure that the experiences in physical activity at school are positive in order to achieve this aim. (NSW Government, 2012) The study Association for Sport and Physical Education (USA) have outlined four components that contribute to high-quality physical education programs they include opportunity to learn, meaningful content, appropriate instruction and student and program assessment.These alone are not enough to address the issues facing todays students. Colin Marsh in his fifth edition of graceful a Teacher partly describes a good teacher to have humanity and warmth to know at all times what students in class are doing and also to care about what they are doing. (Marsh, 2010, p. 3) Good teachers need to be able to motivate students. Generally students who are motivated have more positive attitudes and are more satisfied, persist on difficult tasks, and process information in insight and excel in learning experiences (Egan, Kauchak 2007).There is no one solution to providing a quality physical education program in schools today. Clearly we cannot be satisfied with the notion of busy, happy, good. Physical education encompasses physical mental emotional needs of students while creating socially engaged citizens, leaders and community minded citizens. Physical education is providing a platform of skills and motivation to further a life of healthy lifestyle habits. Physical education classes are not fitness centres where students receive their weekly exercise program and are unbroken engaged for the time spent there.To facilitate these needs takes cooperation from all school staff working in concert to strengthen Physical Education programs in local schools. Skilled teachers that are connected into local communities channelise students to further pursue what they have engaged in at school. Physical education is the one showcase that has the greatest and longest lasting impact in a students life so we need to deliver a quality program to every student. Reference ListAustralian Bure au of Statistics, 2010, Health obesity, retrieved 29th lordly 2012, http//www. abs. gov. au/ausstats/emailprotected nsf/Lookup/by%20Subject/1370. 02010ChapterObesity%20(4. 1. 6. 6. 3) Eagan, P, Kauchak, D 2007, Theories of Motivation In Educational Psychology Windows on Classrooms, 7th Edition, Pearson Education Publication, Upper Saddle River, NJ Marsh, C 2010, neat a Teacher Knowledge, Skills and Issues, 5th Edition, Pearson Publication, Frenchs Forest, NSWMeldrum, K, Peters, J 2012, Learning to teach health and physical education The student, the teacher and the curriculum, Pearson Publication, Frenchs Forest, NSW National Association for Sport and Physical Education, 2012, Key Points of Quality Physical Education, retrieved 29th August 2012, http//www. aahperd. org/naspe/publications/teachingTools/QualityPE. cfm NSW Department of Eduaction, 2012, What is good physical education? , retrieved 29th August 2012, http//www. curriculumsupport. education. sw. gov. au/secondary/pdhpe/ assets/pdf/pa_025. pdf Placek, J 1983, Conceptions of winner in teaching Busy, happy and good? Teachings in Physical Education, Human Kinetics Publishers, Champaign, Illinois Tinning, R, Kirk, D & Evans, J 1993, Learning to teach physical education, Prentice Hall Publication, Melbourne World Health Organisation, 2012, Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, retrieved 29th August 2012, http//www. who. int/dietphysicalactivity/publications/trs916/intro/en/

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Wk9 (22) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wk9 (22) - Essay ExampleLois has belike been raised with the idea of marianismo which would mean that she was taught to obey her husband, listen to his rules, be obedient and timid (Paniagua, p. 6). The strength of this near would be that the therapist could help Lois understand the behaviors that she is exhibiting that trigger issues with her husband. If the husband will come to therapy, the therapist mickle also help him develop a different way of utilisationing with Lois and her mother. Using a Genogram whitethorn help her understand each persons place within the family. Another strength is that she has come to understand her profess behavior so she may be motivated to work through this process. It would also probably work best if it is a brief therapy rather than something that lasts a long time. Limitations of this therapy may be that it concentrates on behavior rather than on getting to the bottom of what is going on within the family. It may be a good idea to combine it with other models. The attitude of her husband may cause the therapy to be a weakness because to help this couple, both adults will have to work together. Another limitation is that family therapy does not behavior at the individual and how they are functioning within the unit (Corey, 2009, p. 440).Couples and family therapy focuses on the family and how they are functioning together. The chief(prenominal) objective is to focus on the observable behavior within the family unit (Corey, 2001, p. 247). Families are able to explicate themselves to monitor reinforcements that come about because of the change in behavior that they create. It also suggests that members of a family actually submit each other by their behavior. Corey suggests that when one family member is acting out in some way, it creates a cognitive, behavioral or emotional reaction in the other members of the family (Corey, 2001, p. 248). When using cognitive behavior therapy in this

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Why are policies in Germany so difficult to reform Essay

Why are policies in Germany so difficult to reform - Essay patternThese included the modern poor relief, the Bismarckian look-alike or worker policy, protocorporatist social policy, and scientific social work. While the Bismarckian paradigm addressed workers as reliant on state policy, the proto-corporatist paradigm considered them as a partial subject. The latest measures thrown by conservative corporatist or Bismarckian offbeat capitalistic regimes of Germany have not been examined through systematic comparative research (Bleses and Seeleib-Kaiser, 2004). However, literature related to benefit state change depicts the development of the Bismarckian family of welfare systems, and their distinction from other regimes. Bismarckian welfare systems front the greatest challenges and require the most intensive changes. At the resembling time, there is documentary evidence of the Bismarckian welfare systems inability to implement essential reforms, state Palier and Martin (2007). O n the other hand, Palier and Martin (2007) argue that in Germany everyplace the last three decades, social insurance programmes have been developed, and changes incorporated in the Bismarckian welfare systems. ab initio the emphasis was on raising social expenditure and social contribution towards funding a crusade shedding strategy to resolve the economic crisis. ... Two decades ago, researchers began investigating the ways in which mature welfare states including Germany, responded to those pressures. The findings indicated an absence of fundamental policy shifts, along with a significant contradiction that although structural pressurs for change could not be ignored for longer, there was relative stability in welfare state programmes. The two briny approaches of historical institutionalism (Pierson 1994, 1996) and welfare regime theory (Esping-Andersen, 1990, 1999) helped to explain the continued stability inspite of the growing requirements for core changes to take place. Acc ording to these two approaches, powerful institutional and electoral mechanisms and regime-specific characteristics prevented comprehensive reforms of European welfare states (Stiller, 2010, p.9). At the same time, these explanations have been challenged, with increasing numbers of substantial reforms taking place across Europe, from the late 1990s onwards. This generated commodious research interest in the reasons and manner in which welfare state reform occurs. In the federal official Republic of Germany, the well-established Sozialstaat has undergone significant reform efforts, as seen from Katzensteins (2005) observation that major reform efforts related to confinement markets, economic policymaking and social policy, together with partisan conflict and political stalemate, may have created a recalibration or a dismantling of Germanys semisovereign state (Katzenstein, 2005, p.304). This development is significant because Germany has not demonstrated policy flexibleness in the past. In fact, the countrys government had long been regarded as the key example of

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

St Peters Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

St Peters - Research Paper ExampleThe building of the aged St. Peters began in the fourth century through the authority of Emperor Constantine (capital of Italy information 1). For many years, the old St. Peters basilica grew to become a historical, religious, and architectural icon (capital of Italy Info 1). However, the demolition of the Old St. Peters led to the building of New St. Peters Basilica under the authority of pontiff Niccolo V in mid-15th century and completed in 1615 to become a major pilgrimage place (Rome Info 1). Notably, the history behind New St Peters is an example of why it is necessary to update buildings architecturally to keep up with the changing times of our world, society, and culture. In the mid-15th century, the old St. Peters Basilica was impuissance into ruins as its walls leaned out of perpendicular and it was seemingly irreparable which forced Pope Nicolas V to institute measures of restoring its pride. As such, Pope Nicolas V authorized the repai r, restoration, and enlargement of St. Peters Basilica under the supervision of Leon Bernardo Rossellini (Rome Info 1). However, the construction stopped when Pope Nicolas V died prompting Pope Giulio II to transferred that responsibility to Bramante in 1506. Indeed, Bramante demolished the old St. Peters Basilica in 1506 (Francia 1) and knowing another Basilica with a Greek cross plan (Rome Info 1). Moreover, Pope Julius II directed the construction of a new basilica under the supervision of Bramante, which started on April 18, 1506 and finished on November 18, 1626 (Catholic Online 1). However, Rafael proposed a Latin cross plan and Michelangelolater proposed a Greek cross (Rome Info 1). Nevertheless, after the het up conflict on which structure to adopt in the new St. Peters Basilica, pope Paolo V authorized the use of Latin cross structure (Rome Info 1). Indeed, the new St. Peters Basilica has a modern architectural be after that depicts a three-aisled Latin cross with a dom ed stadium at the crossing, directly above the high altar, which covers the shrine of St. Peter the Apostle. This makes the new St. Peters Basilica a modern pilgrimage site (Catholic Online 1). Ideally, Michelangelo became the chief architect for the reconstruction of St. Peters Basilica in 1546 despite his failing health. The architectural design of the new St. Peters Basilica accommodated contributions from prominent architects like Donato Bramante, Antonio da Sangallo who designed the Pauline Chapel, Fra Giocondo who strengthened the foundation of the new St. Peters Basilica, Michelangelo who designed the dome, Giacomo Della Porta who designed the cupola, and Gian Lorenzo Berninin who added the piazza (Khan academy 1). Ideally, the architectural design of the old St. Peters Basilica did not relate to the modern cultures, changes, and society. However, the new St. Peters Basilica represent a dome, which manifested Michelangelos resounding architectural achievement. Indeed, the n ew St. Peters Basilica relate to the modern cultures, changes, and society. The new St. Peters Basilica has a cruciform shape and an elongated nave in the Latin cross (Catholic Online 1). This deviated from the old architectural design that advocated for centrally planned structures. In the new St. Peters Basilica, we have the dome dominating the external and internal agency of the central space depicting

Monday, May 13, 2019

In the Lake of the Woods & The Story of an Hour Essay

In the Lake of the Woods & The Story of an Hour - Essay ExampleComparison of theme style Kate works for her story within the limitations of one hour. She uses short sentences and shorter paragraphs. Tim has a long canvas and a bigger plot to go or so working out his themes and to describe the mind-set of his characters. His pen achieves that aim by using beautiful and haunting descriptions. Both the authors realize the role of the important literary swot of suspense and they use it effectively and that element, along with other subsidiary themes qualifies the stories to be categorized as creations of art. Protesting personnel of war in In the Lake of the Woods by Tim War efforts of John are linked to his overall ambition in life. Everything else is less important to him. All his thought processes are centered on secure ambitions and actions are directed to achieve pre-decided goals. Being an aspiring politician, he wishes to enter the hall of political fame as quickly as possib le and therefore gives importance to the self-image seriously. His friend-soldier suggests that the massacre in Vietnam should be reported to a military officer, but John is un willing as such an action would be a discoloration on his political career. Tim OBrien argues, Among the missing, among the dead, there is only the flux of possibility. (23) He goes a step progress to falsify the records to remove the name from the gory events and engages in self-promotion to secure medals for his military career that will in conclusion help the political ambitions. He tries trying to create a false picture of the beautiful area around him. This reveals the negative trait of John. He cultivates a secret alternative agenda of escapement from relationships. The author writes, start there, there was Vietnam, where John Wade killed people and where he composed long letters full of observations about the nature of their love. He did non tell her about the killing. (61) The author compares th e massacre in Vietnam to that of the Indians at the men of Custer. He depicts marriage as a self-promoting career and to achieve name and fame. The professed ambition of John is to earnings fame and OBrien depicts how means are of no consequence to him. He employs obscure methods to secure future. He is willing to carry any number of secret ghosts in his pocket, so far as they do not hinder his career advancement. At every stage, he challenges life employing wrong means, adopts foul measures to corner fame. At no stage of life does he adopt honest methods for improving the prospects, always indulged in dubious reasoning as the driving force to get his ambitious plans cleared. Protesting marriages As an oppressive /patriarchal intro and love marriages Both the western and oriental meaning of the word marriage is--to flow together harmoniously. dickens distinct individuals, to separate personalities, born, bred and brought up in two different set of circumstances try to contend together to find a common identity, a common goal and to be precise a common all. The Suppressed Joy of Independence is the main theme of Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour. Louise has two types of reactions on hearing the news of death of her husband in a railway accident. One that of utter grief, for the consumptions of the popular audience, friends and near and dear ones. The realization dawns within her about gaining independence and that thought process

Sunday, May 12, 2019

The benefits of international portfolio investment Essay

The benefits of international portfolio pullment - Essay Examplethither ar numerous benefits of internationalizing the portfolio. By internationalizing, the individual or firm will be able to downplay the endangerment invest in growing markets thus benefiting from their growth hedge the prices of ripes in the consumption ring enjoy higher return than expected diversify investments and enjoy lower variation of return. High stinting growth leads to the higher GDP and high growth level. This attract other investors from other countries in invest in the growing economies. Growing economies are determined by the World Bank as the ones which gain average income levels but high economic growth levels. These emerging economies can be of Middle East, Asia, Africa or Latin America. The growth levels attract the foreign investment which further improves their economy. These economies including some of the developed ones such as Japan and Netherlands provide tremendous opportunities to fo reign investors. The financial investment in these countries enable individuals and firm to annex their investment by two fold within a couple of years. Hence, it is seen as a good opportunity by investors. However, the sm all in aller economies are still riskier compared to developed economies. In small economies, the prices might hover rapidly and in part of liquefying the investment, losses might have to be borne. Also, the emerging economies might non be too shelter politically. Thus, there is a political risk involved such as instability of political system, channel of policies regarding foreign investment and remittances, change in foreign exchange indemnity and change of property rights. These factors perk up the investment in emerging markets riskier compared to developed economies where there is political stability.... (Perry) However, the small economies are still riskier compared to developed economies. In small economies, the prices might fluctuate rapidly and i n case of liquefying the investment, losses might have to be borne. Also, the emerging economies might not be too stable politically. Thus, there is a political risk involved such as instability of political system, change of policies regarding foreign investment and remittances, change in foreign exchange policy and change of property rights. These factors make the investment in emerging markets riskier compared to developed economies where there is political stability. (Yavas, 2007) In contrast to this, the overall portfolio risk will be reduced because there will be less, no or negative coefficient of correlation between markets which will be beneficial for the investor. On the other hand, there is a difference in taxes, potential information and forecasts. Some of the forecast made by countries might differ significantly from actual result. Thus, the exact picture or perfect information regarding investment might not be available. The markets are seemed to have integrated over the years and are considered negatively or not at all correlated to each other. Thus, the investors benefit from investing worldwide because it one investments return are falling, other investments return might increase or remain same. Thus, the investor will be better off. However, each country has its own investing and currency exchange policy which might be a hindrance for the investor. The investor benefits from pure diversification by investing worldwide but might reflexion policy restrictions. (Bartram & Dufey, 2001) Factor influencing the structure of International Portfolio Investment The factors

Saturday, May 11, 2019

A Vivid Rememberance of my chilhood Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A Vivid Rememberance of my chilhood - Essay exerciseStarting school is a big step in a childs lifetime and is naturally remembered and taken to adulthood. I can vividly recall my first day of school. My first day of school was an apprehensive and sad time in my life. Growing up in Ecuador, I was pen up with my mother and enjoyed being at home. Starting school was a big event for me sense I was very shy. Being shy makes starting school harder than it should be sense it is harder to make friends and socialize. A typical day at school for me was a lonely day. I was very opposite then my infant. My sister was outgoing and easily made friends. Unlike her, I struggled with friends. My shyness made it hard for me to make friends as I kept to myself. I can recall an exact memory as I was seance in the classroom conscionable before suspension. My school was named Santa Mariana de Jesus. The school was a great school that taught make grow but allowed for fun. Recess was at the same ti me every day. Other kids could not wait for recess to begin but I dreaded the thought. To me it made the day go by even slower. As the recess bell rang, children rushed outside with excitement. I walked slowly and sat off to the side completely and by myself. This was an everyday thing. My shyness pushed other kids away. Besides recess, almost every aspect of school was just as dreadful as the next.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Discursive essay Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Social Media consumption in the Workplace - Research Paper ExampleResearch indicates that many employees spend a authoritative part of the day at the workplace on kind media, both for professional and personal benefit. However, seek indicates that many companies in the red-brick world have not embraced the use of social media in the workplace. A guinea pig deputeed that less than 43% of companies have an open policy for social networking at the workplace (Abate et al. 2011, p. 6). Nevertheless, of those companies that nix the use of social network among employees, less than 30% blocks the use of these social networking channels altogether (Al-Deen and Hendricks 2011, p.221). Furthermore, findings show that many firms are continuing to embrace social networking at the workplace citing benefits brought by social networking. The study found out that firms restricting the use of social networking at the workplace have been dropping by 10% annually since the introduction of social networking (Abate et al. 2011, p. 6). This has left a lot to be desired of the line of business that social media has no place in the modern the workplace. The world has experienced increased growth in the usage of social media everyplace the past few decades. The growth continues to be witnessed with many firms offering social media sites coming up. The most prominent social media sites in use currently include twitter, facebook, mySpace, LinkedIn, and YouTube, just to pull in but a few (Abate et al. 2011, p. 8). These social media sites give people the opportunity to interact with friends and families all over the world. However, its usage in the workplace has been controversial with some arguing that it has no place in the modern world. Those who argue in this manner put a strong case against social media in the workplace. sensation of the arguments put forwards against embracing social media in the workplace is that it decreases employee productivity (Al-Deen and Hendricks 2011, p.222). Researchers reveal that many managers pit social media usage in the workplace since it wastes employees time, which can be used for productive purposes.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Discussion Questions Week 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Discussion Questions Week 3 - Essay ExampleIt also provides training resources for programmers smell to learn the coffee tree language. Suns community approach to umber is one of the platforms greatest strengths.Out of the several labels associated with Java, Write one and firing anywhere is by far the close popular. When a Java program is compiled, it does not use operating(a) specific code. It uses bytecodes. All Java applications run inside a Java Virtual Machine. You can create an Java application on a Windows Vista machine that will run equally well on a Linux, Windows 95 or Mac machine. Developers design for Java and not for an operating system. This makes Java very flexible when comp ard to other scheduling languages. Variations of the Java Virtual Machine will run equally well on cell phones, personal digital assistant and other small electronic devices. In comparison with other languages, Java applications typically used slight code. Some Java applications run slower than OS specific programs. This is a small price for operating system independence. Advances within Javas virtual machine and compiling are closing the upper berth gap.Java is one of the most secure programming languages within the industry today. (Riske, 2004) Java applications must bump permission to uses computer resources. The very nature of the language prevents events like buffer overloads which are a failing within C+. Byte security is one of Javas core defenses against malicious code. Whenever a Java applet wants to run, it is inspected. Byte security verifies that it is a compiled Java program and not a virus or spyware program.Personal digital Assistants offer several advantages to businesses. The meat processing industry can save money in might management and heat and cold management and monitoring. (Lovatt, 1999) Meat Plant Energy Modeler, MIHeat, Lamb Freezer MBC are software packages designed to run originally on at best a IBM compatible Pentium I. Java versions of

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Nike SWOT Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Nike SWOT Analysis - Essay ExampleIntroduction and Market OverviewThe worldwide monetary meltdown of 2008 has negatively affected retail business because it reduced the purchasing power of consumers and destroy consumer confidence (Finch & Wood, 2009). Businesses have shrunk drastically all over the world due to the integration of global financial markets. Firms ar finding it difficult to sell their products to consumers in these gruelling times. Even big names corresponding Nike are worried about their sales and purchasing power of their clientele, although it did well as compared to others in the recession. The confederation was founded back in 1964 and since then it has grown tremendously. The family is the leading seller of athletic shoes and vesture in the world (Sage, 2008). In 2010 the company reported a profit of $1.9 billion and an operating income of $2.5 billion, simply revenues have fallen to $19 billion (Nike Annual Report, 2010). This is a point of concern for the company because it actor that sales are declining due to some reasons. Fall in sales can be because of the tough economic conditions of European and American markets. This downward trend can cause many problems for the company in future because competitors can take market share from the company. The main competitors of the company are Rebook, Puma, and Addidas. Nike sells sports equipment, apparel and footwear. The company alongside with its competitors uses celebrity endorsement and other merchandising strategies to attract customers. The client base of Nike and all its competitors are more or less similar. Nike targets young people who are interested in sports. Competitors of Nike are too targeting the same population set. This is why marketing is used as a tool for differentiation by companies in the industry. The vision of the company is to produce equipment for athletes therefore aims of the marketing syllabus forget compliment the general strategy of the company. Th e aim of Nike should be to improve its sales in the next year by attracting more and more customers. Improvement of sales by 20 percent is the objective of the firm. The focus of the company will in like manner be on the developing countries as it will attempt to position itself as a premium put up in the developing world. In this report we will design a marketing plan for Nike so that the above mentioned aims and objectives can be achieved. We will conduct a SWOT psychoanalysis for the company and will also include marketing objectives and market segment in the plan. We will also elaborate how the plan will complement the overall strategic objectives of the company. Risk issues within the marketing plan will also be discussed alongside with the mitigations strategies. SWOT Analysis Strengths Nike is the number one footwear brand of the world therefore it enjoys a strong position in the market. The company use marketing unendingly to remain the market leader

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The Advantages of Paying Cash Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Advantages of Paying Cash - Essay ExampleIt should be noted that compared to credit separate, cash payments rent an individual more conscious of his expenditures, apologize him of annual charges, and motivates the individual to save.As opposed to cash payments, credit cards allow an individual to spend more than the money that he veritablely has. For example, when shopping a soulfulness with credit card tend to spend more on items that he does not necessarily need. With cash, a person will be constrained by the amount that he carries.Secondly, without credit cards, an individual is exempt from paying annual fees and other interest charges. The $200 charge by companies annually is a lot lavish to purchase some necessities. Also, interest charges are additional expenses which one doesnt want to shoulder.Lastly, cash payments motivate a person to save. It should be noted that since you only spend what you have, you are not tempted to allot money for extra purchases. This tog ether with the absence of financial charges motivates you to save money.If I am faced with the important decision of choosing the status where I want to spend all my life, I will choose to stay in the metropolis. away(p) from the solace and the boredom of the belittled town, a city provides a quality of life which will alter me to develop my strengths to the fullest. The plumping city often offers the best schools in the country, the more exciting and challenging line of products opportunities, and the best companies to work for. I always believe in developing my competencies through education which skunk be best secured by a huge and reputable university in the city. Universities in large-mouthed cities often invest so much in the quality of the education that they offer thereby allowing their students to be the best in their respective fields. Secondly, there are more job opportunities in the city. In a small town, jobs are limited and are often non-challenging to an adve nturous person like me. In a big city, jobs require the completion of tasks which are more exciting. Having these tasks will enable me to learn more. Big cities also theatre of operations the best companies to work for. Recognizing the quality of the people that they have, these companies offer huge compensation together with nonfinancial rewards. running(a) with the best company also has the advantage of working with the best in the industry.A big city represents the life that I choose for myself. As opposed to the small, quiet town it provides opportunities of growth for me. In the big city, I can be equipped with better education, work more challenging jobs, and can be a part of the worlds best organizations. How to Do Your LaundryWho says that you always need to bring your dirty vestments in the laundry shops for cleaning It is often disappointing to find out that people are relying so much and paying for these services when backwash clothes is just an easy task. Doing your l aundry can be done in three major steps namely, the pre-washing preparations, the actual washing, and drying.In order make washing easier, it is best to always separate the colored from the whites. This way, the colors will be maintained and color firm clothes are also protected. Before putting them in the washing machine, all foreign objects such as clips, pens, wallets, and other should be removed from the clothes. Also, it is best to prepare the machine by following the manufacturers instructions. During the actual washing, the procedure of the washing machin

Monday, May 6, 2019

The Essence of Time Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Essence of clipping Management - Essay ExampleI only had two days out of ternary months to carry out the three projects.I was up and down, panicking as I rushed through my projects, I did not have enough time to conduct extensive research concerning critical details of the project. In addition, I excessively lacked some materials that could enable me to complete my project as well. I eventually got low marks on one of the projects it was because of the last minute rush. It is there advisable that one completes an assignment on time sort of of waiting until the last minuteThe feeling of regret is what I experienced most. The feeling was not agreeable at all since I knew it was my entire fault considering that I had three months to complete the assignment save I did what was contrary. I experienced this feeling during the rush hour period and it demoralized me making me oscillate from concentrating on my project. In addition, when the results of the project were out, I even regretted more upon realizing that I had underperformed in one of the three projects. I was affected more as I acknowledged the fact that I would have through better were it not for the procrastination. An article dwelling in procrastination and regrets claims that it is conclusive that in numerous studies, procrastination is shown to be associated with poor academic performance (Kuhnle, Hofer & Kilian 34) and this explains my results. I had greater capabilities and I had failed to maximize them by choosing to do last minute rushes.Looking back, I agree that I made the wrong image when I assumed that the three months given to us was too long. This judgment was the root cause of everything as I ended up thinking that I still had more time to do the projects. It was a wrong judgment as I ended up failing in one of my projects since I did it without extensive research and without all necessary materials. It is a judgment I will not blast again considering the effects it had on me.

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Planning Activity Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Planning Activity - Research Proposal ExampleI have engineers, technicians, chemists, supervisors and laborers working down the stairs me. My task is to approve of the repair formula for each thing produced to start with. I instruct the engineers victorious care of boiler and freezer maintenance to variously monitor the atmosphere for each production function. The supervisors and foremen cogitation faults, if any to me. Since this factory runs each day of the year the inventory also has to be procured and maintained in a safe and proper condition. The decayable goods produced are to be stored in hygienic conditions downstairs the right on temperature. designate 3 is the most important because faulty raw materials in turn produce wiped out(p) quality products. The freshness, durability, microbial content, right amount of lipids and other contents of raw milk decide the right taste that will be derived from the end produce.Task 4 becomes easy once proper formulation has been do ne beforehand. It requires a lot more teamwork with the technicians and engineers involved. The maintenance of machinery on a regular basis is of extent importance as even a small hitch can affect the consummate process.Task 5 is very important as the end product consumed by consumers of all age groups needs to be of excellent quality. Quality can never be compromised especially in the case of perishable goods. The shelf life of milk, butter and cheese is printed on the packs to intimate the users of safe usage. Complaints if any, received are staidly considered and errors eliminated.Task 6 is an easy one but also involves answering to the top management on the production done daily/weekly or monthly. KSAO for this telephone line Knowledge needed is of a passing technical nature. The management of all the functions requires a fair degree of familiarity with business concepts. Skills required are a combination of food processing know how and people, inventory and machine manage ment, Abilities needed include proficiency with the entire gamut of production functions starting from inventory to designing to basic engineeringand Other characteristics The other characteristics needed for the job of a production manager are people management skills in such a commission that there is proper communication between various departments involved. There is always the necessity for willingness to learn, to improve and build up products to suit the current trends APPENDIX BCONTEXT OF JOB PERFORMANCE The job is on a daily basis and performed as a second line managerial job and is directly under the management head. The context of performance of this job is daily monitoring of an

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Philosophies of the East Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Philosophies of the East - Essay ExampleHinduism as a philosophic creed has had no cognize founder, and there are no standard set of doctrines another(prenominal) than those in the Vedas and the Upanishads, universally accepted by all followers, and this may seem a disadvantage when compared to Confucianism and Buddhism. But when seen closely, it appears that Hinduism grapples with concepts of a different philosophical moment than Confucianism, because Hinduism deals with the nature of creation itself, whereas the other deals with the Way, a Way of worldly human life on the genuine plane alone. Buddhism, of course had a founding father in Gautam Buddha, many of whose given precepts are strikingly similar to that of Hinduism.Hinduism accepts that absolute reality is One, the Brahman, the various gods, demi-gods and the entire creation is Its expression. The human soul Atman is a go away of It but is separated from It by a veil of ego and ignorance in the samsara, the world. The more the ego and ignorance, the more the reincarnations, in each of which the soul goes through various kinds of physical and mental suffering due to his or her Karma, or action and desires.Good karma brings the soul closer to Nirvana, or salvation from the cycle of rebirths, and mischievous karma and satisfying desires drag it back down into the cycle.It is good human action and lack of material desires that jackpot action salvation. On the other hand, human suffering ordure be understood in terms of bad past Karma, or human actions in a previous life. The Atman works out its Karma in an automatic teller machine of Lila or Maya, the history of the world and humans, which is in fact an illusion.Human life, then, is the journey of the Atman wherein humans try to interpret both the mind and the senses and become Brahman-oriented in the hope of experiencing total fulfillment in oneness with theology or Brahman. Hindu philosophy allows for various ways to achieve Nirvana and ov er the ages various philosophers from Nagarjuna, Ramanuja, Sankara and the recent day Aurobindo Ghosh have offered their own interpretations.Buddhism is quite similar in its approach. Buddhas concern with the cause of human suffering led him to determine the Eightfold Path of human thought, speech, action, contemplation and mindfulness which is the way human beings can be free of all desires and suffering and attain Nirvana. Moreover, upadana or clinging to innovation should be relinquished because existence in this world is illusory, and it is important to achieve a silence of body, mind and word. But unlike Hinduism, Buddhism does non believe in a divine creator or in divine salvation the line of work of suffering is one that humans must cope with themselves. Confucianism, on the other hand, is not concerned with the other world or rebirths at all. Direct human action is the only way human beings can better themselves according to Confucius. Human beings can gain wisdom throug h experience and study, following a set of principles which dictate positive action, helping others, and gaining their respect in a non-coercive fashion. Confucius held that it is possible to become a superior man through constant practice of the principles he set out, and his philosophy had much to do with political codes and family life as well. Confucius did not feel that human life and existence is governed by a fixed and eternal transcendental principle that stands outside and above events and determines them human