Tuesday, May 28, 2019

My Journey With Reading and Writing :: Education Teaching

My Journey With narration and WritingThere have non been many obstacles that have gotten in my counselling for me to be a successful reader. I am able to confidently read Hope in the Unseen because it keeps my interest. I like the story. I determine for Cedric. I imagine and picture the story in my mind. When a large amount of reading is assigned, sometimes my brain gets exhausted and I have to happen upon a break. Literally my brain gets tired. The reason why I have trouble getting all of my assignments in for Writing and Being is because the book does not hold my interest. I find it boring at times. I really like Higher Learning because the stories are like short stories, and they are sporting in a weird way. I have gained some insight from certain readings. Who Shall I Be really struck me in a sizable way. It talks ab show up the reality of positive and negative consequences resulting from some sort of change. Changes can be dangerous at times. Not physically, but psycholo gically. I jeopardize it could be physical in some situations. I feel I have become a more mature reader since high school. Reading experience leads to reading success. Thats my opinion. I used to not be able to focus when I read, but you just have to stick it out and read and read and read. I feel I am a focused reader now, I try hard. I have also gained mental reading confidence. You break that down. The greatest difficulty that I came across doing the first essay was retracing the past, retracing the sadness. Having to bring back sad memories that made my life terrible at the time. Doing the essay, I learned that I have gone through a lot of crap. I was sinking in quicksand and now I stand on the quicksand like it is rock solid. I am proud of myself. I was able to turn my life around and be the person that I am today. I might have the potential to be a good writer someday. People compliment on my writing skills every now and then when I write something long. That makes me feel l ike a real student. I say that because an old History teacher of mine used to tell kids to be students when they were not doing their work. My biggest concern these days, is whether I will be able to survive in college.

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