Monday, May 13, 2019

In the Lake of the Woods & The Story of an Hour Essay

In the Lake of the Woods & The Story of an Hour - Essay ExampleComparison of theme style Kate works for her story within the limitations of one hour. She uses short sentences and shorter paragraphs. Tim has a long canvas and a bigger plot to go or so working out his themes and to describe the mind-set of his characters. His pen achieves that aim by using beautiful and haunting descriptions. Both the authors realize the role of the important literary swot of suspense and they use it effectively and that element, along with other subsidiary themes qualifies the stories to be categorized as creations of art. Protesting personnel of war in In the Lake of the Woods by Tim War efforts of John are linked to his overall ambition in life. Everything else is less important to him. All his thought processes are centered on secure ambitions and actions are directed to achieve pre-decided goals. Being an aspiring politician, he wishes to enter the hall of political fame as quickly as possib le and therefore gives importance to the self-image seriously. His friend-soldier suggests that the massacre in Vietnam should be reported to a military officer, but John is un willing as such an action would be a discoloration on his political career. Tim OBrien argues, Among the missing, among the dead, there is only the flux of possibility. (23) He goes a step progress to falsify the records to remove the name from the gory events and engages in self-promotion to secure medals for his military career that will in conclusion help the political ambitions. He tries trying to create a false picture of the beautiful area around him. This reveals the negative trait of John. He cultivates a secret alternative agenda of escapement from relationships. The author writes, start there, there was Vietnam, where John Wade killed people and where he composed long letters full of observations about the nature of their love. He did non tell her about the killing. (61) The author compares th e massacre in Vietnam to that of the Indians at the men of Custer. He depicts marriage as a self-promoting career and to achieve name and fame. The professed ambition of John is to earnings fame and OBrien depicts how means are of no consequence to him. He employs obscure methods to secure future. He is willing to carry any number of secret ghosts in his pocket, so far as they do not hinder his career advancement. At every stage, he challenges life employing wrong means, adopts foul measures to corner fame. At no stage of life does he adopt honest methods for improving the prospects, always indulged in dubious reasoning as the driving force to get his ambitious plans cleared. Protesting marriages As an oppressive /patriarchal intro and love marriages Both the western and oriental meaning of the word marriage is--to flow together harmoniously. dickens distinct individuals, to separate personalities, born, bred and brought up in two different set of circumstances try to contend together to find a common identity, a common goal and to be precise a common all. The Suppressed Joy of Independence is the main theme of Kate Chopins The Story of an Hour. Louise has two types of reactions on hearing the news of death of her husband in a railway accident. One that of utter grief, for the consumptions of the popular audience, friends and near and dear ones. The realization dawns within her about gaining independence and that thought process

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